Another Example of Why I Don't Trust Peer Review or CAGW In General


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
from the latest issue of Science-

The Unusual Nature of Recent Snowpack Declines in the North American Cordillera
abstract--In western North America, snowpack has declined in recent decades, and further losses are projected through the 21st century. Here, we evaluate the uniqueness of recent declines using snowpack reconstructions from 66 tree-ring chronologies in key runoff-generating areas of the Colorado, Columbia, and Missouri River drainages. Over the past millennium, late-20th-century snowpack reductions are almost unprecedented in magnitude across the northern Rocky Mountains, and in their north-south synchrony across the cordillera. Both the snowpack declines and their synchrony result from unparalleled springtime warming due to positive reinforcement of the anthropogenic warming by decadal variability. The increasing role of warming on large-scale snowpack variability and trends foreshadows fundamental impacts on streamflow and water supplies across the western United States.

isnt that odd. I thought tree rings were thermometers not rain guages. actually I wouldnt be surprised if they responded more strongly to water than temperature. but why am I pissed? because their own data do not show (almost) unprecedented changes. like so many AGW and CAGW papers, it seems as if they concocted a story and then just hunted around for some data that would sorta support it.

snow water equivilents for Apr1. I realize papers have to cut off data at some point but the recent snowpacks are going to send that graph rocketing skyward, and it wasnt exactly a smoking gun for 'unprecedented change' before that.


the tree ring rain gauge aint no smokin' gun neither.

why do pro-AGW papers get easy acceptance into prestigious journals even with weak evidence while papers that disagree with the IPCC mantra go through the meat grinder for months or years only to finally get rejected? Lindzen and Choi Part II | Climate Etc.
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There is no science to back man made global warming, it is political and it is about money. There is no money if Global warming is NOT man made. Pretty simple concept.
There is no science to back man made global warming, it is political and it is about money. There is no money if Global warming is NOT man made. Pretty simple concept.

spot on Retired..........the k00ks think this shit is all about being well intentioned in the interest of the earth!!:lol::lol:

Anyway.........every IPCC guy who retires goes out and makes a statement that the data is bogus!!!
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.

Yeah...........yada........yada...........but we're winning dumbasses!!!:fu:

And yet for all your "real science"'re...........not..........


This is the relevant image from the paper. You can see that late 20th century reductions are almost unprecedented in the record, as the paper says.

This is the relevant image from the paper. You can see that late 20th century reductions are almost unprecedented in the record, as the paper says.


Yes, and during the Holocene Maximum the snow levels would have been even less. Imagine that the worlds climate was 3 degree's C warmer and there was no CO2 driving the temp increase. It lasted for around 3,000 years. I wonder what could have caused that.
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.

What was your reaction to this post showing the Royal Meteorological Society's study proving that weather has not gotten more extreme?
Yes, and during the Holocene Maximum the snow levels would have been even less. Imagine that the worlds climate was 3 degree's C warmer

Where did you get 3C warmer from?
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.

What was your reaction to this post showing the Royal Meteorological Society's study proving that weather has not gotten more extreme?
The study does not disprove global warming or man's contribution to it. It simply presents evidence that the unusually serve weather we have been having is not that unusual.
Yes, and during the Holocene Maximum the snow levels would have been even less. Imagine that the worlds climate was 3 degree's C warmer

Where did you get 3C warmer from?

Here is some peer reviewed material for you to review. there is a whole lot more if you decide to look.

Early Holocene Climate Variability and the Timing and Extent of the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM): Comparisons From the Northern and Southern Hemispheres II - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology [PP]

Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.

What was your reaction to this post showing the Royal Meteorological Society's study proving that weather has not gotten more extreme?
The study does not disprove global warming or man's contribution to it. It simply presents evidence that the unusually serve weather we have been having is not that unusual.

One of the fundamental "tenets" of the AGW religion is that global warming will result in more powerful storms and in greater frequency. The Royal Society report refutes those claims. One other tenet was that with increased heat there would be no snow. Even in winter. One climate warming alarmist made the hilarious claim that "snow in winter will be a rare and wonderful event...our children won't know what snow is". Then when Mother Nature decided she had had enough of these idiots and slammed the UK with three record winters in a row the mantra changed to "well the increased warming is creating more water vapor and that is causing the snow". Entirely ignoring the fact that to get snow it has to first be cold.

Basically whatever the "weather event" of the moment happens to be it is global warmings fault. No matter if it is hot or cold, wet or dry. Day or night. It is all AGW's fault. In other words it is a non falsifiable hypothesis.

Here's the problem.....a hypothesis that is non fasifiable is by its very nature false.

Falsifiability - Karl Popper's Basic Scientific Principle

Falsifiability - Definition |
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.
I suspect you won't see any because they don't exist. There are plenty of blogs and papers by professors of this that and the other, but I don't think you'll see real work of the caliber we have seen from NASA, NOOA, and AAS.
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.

What was your reaction to this post showing the Royal Meteorological Society's study proving that weather has not gotten more extreme?
The study does not disprove global warming or man's contribution to it. It simply presents evidence that the unusually serve weather we have been having is not that unusual.
Where did I say it disproved AGW?

Oh, yeah. Nowhere.

It does, however, disprove the claim of AGW supporters that man is making the weather worse.

That's simply not happening.
Here we go again, the cretins posting on the internet how dumb all the scientists are. And totally failing to see the irony in their statements.

Well boys, when are one of you going to post the site of a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University. Even in Outer Slobovia.

Oh I know, all them dumb ass scientists are in on a Commie Fascist Nazi plot to make us all drive golf carts and eat tofu.

Lordy, do you fellows come off as dumb asses.
I suspect you won't see any because they don't exist. There are plenty of blogs and papers by professors of this that and the other, but I don't think you'll see real work of the caliber we have seen from NASA, NOOA, and AAS.
And you're wrong. The Royal Meteorological Society's study I posted disproves the claims of AGW scientists that the weather is getting more extreme.
Yes, and during the Holocene Maximum the snow levels would have been even less. Imagine that the worlds climate was 3 degree's C warmer

Where did you get 3C warmer from?

Here is some peer reviewed material for you to review. there is a whole lot more if you decide to look.

Early Holocene Climate Variability and the Timing and Extent of the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM): Comparisons From the Northern and Southern Hemispheres II - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology [PP]


That's arctic temperature, not global temperature.

East arctic(Eastern Canada), greenland, iceland, western Europe. Just like the roman warm period and the mid evil. Even so, I believe that the holocene thermal maximum was likely quite warm globally compared to any other period in the past 120 thousand years. In fact it may of been warmer then today.
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Umm, where do they get that snowpack is down in Western states? I LIVE in Colorado, and as of two weeks ago snowpack was 300% ABOVE the normal average. We have ski slopes that reopened and are planning to stay open until the 4th of July weekend, for gods sake. Things actually started warming up last week and now we're worrying about flooding.
Why would Republicans care what scientists would say. Didn't someone say, "eliminate the EPA" during the Republican debate last night?
Why would Republicans care what scientists would say. Didn't someone say, "eliminate the EPA" during the Republican debate last night?
Hey, did you hear Book of Mormon won big at the Tony Awards?

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