Another example of why you shouldnt pay attention to fauci

If there was a contraceptive vaccine but after taking it you could still get pregnant and you still had to wear a condom...would you take it??

yeah. THAT really is Stupid.
It’s a crummy analogy. The vaccine is proven to reduce illness, it is not as well established that it prevents contracting and spreading COVID, but the data is mounting to support that.
If we would've just lived our lives as normal. We would be over this by now. Just like Trump said in the beginning.
Trump isn’t a leader. He talks a lot, doesn’t actually do much.
In the Prog agendas of calling Trump a liar. They do not look at themselves and their lies. Trump was a man of peace. We now know that Progs are war mongers. The Bush family war factory is over and we are back to the Prog war machine.
It’s a crummy analogy. The vaccine is proven to reduce illness, it is not as well established that it prevents contracting and spreading COVID, but the data is mounting to support that.

okay. you keep tying yourselves into pretzel knots and see how that goes for ya.
In the Prog agendas of calling Trump a liar. They do not look at themselves and their lies. Trump was a man of peace. We now know that Progs are war mongers. The Bush family war factory is over and we are back to the Prog war machine.
Trump is a weak man.

He’s not a man of peace. He’s a coward. There’s a difference.
The lockdown was supposed to reduce illness...then social distancing...then social distancing and the mask, now vaccine, mask, social distancing and some lockdowns.
Dude. Open your eyes, would you?
It’s a crummy analogy. The vaccine is proven to reduce illness, it is not as well established that it prevents contracting and spreading COVID, but the data is mounting to support that.

okay. you keep tying yourselves into pretzel knots and see how that goes for ya.
For the analogy to work, a person would have to both be able to be pregnant and get someone else pregnant, it doesn’t work.

Get the vaccine because it dramatically reduces the likelihood of getting very sick.
Get the vaccine because it dramatically reduces the likelihood of getting very sick.

You get it...then you don't have to worry about me. I"ve already had it twice. Believe me. It is survivable. LOLOL

I dont have to take my meds for your meds to be effective....or have you changed that? LOL
Take every opinion with a grain of salt, pay more attention when there is a consensus of opinion from a majority of people who have expert experience in that field.
Take every opinion with a grain of salt, pay more attention when there is a consensus of opinion from a majority of people who have expert experience in that field.

and then pay attention to who is being shut up and shut out.
He was exactly right about what to do about covid, but he screwed up and let Fauci take over.

Either he was right and failed to be a leader.

Or he was wrong (my opinion) and too stupid to be a leader.

Thanks for nothing Donny.
you weren't paying attention.
I paid attention more than most.

Dude was always talking about what he was going to be doing “very soon” and it never happened. Dude was always talking about “we’ll see what happens” and nothing happened.

All talk. Little action.
I paid attention more than most.

Dude was always talking about what he was going to be doing “very soon” and it never happened. Dude was always talking about “we’ll see what happens” and nothing happened.

maybe you failed to notice that he kept his promises in spite of having to fight the demo'rats, the repunklicans and the Ene-media.

Are you a conservative??
maybe you failed to notice that he kept his promises in spite of having to fight the demo'rats, the repunklicans and the Ene-media.
Some of them. Not most. He promised a new health bill. Never happened. Kept saying he was going to release it soon. For four years, he said he was coming out with a health bill. We are still waiting. Not to mention his perpetual infrastructure week with no infrastructure bill.

Don’t get me started on a nuclear deal with North Korea and Iran. Zero results.

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