Another example of why you shouldnt pay attention to fauci

Right before the election, he said a vaccine won't stop infection.
Right after election, he said the end is near.
NOW the dipshit is saying this:

White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC on Sunday it's "still not" acceptable for Americans to eat indoors, even after they've received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Quick anecdote. I am in Mexico right now. I am going to be down here for a month for work. I joined a gym about a 15 minute walk from the condo I am staying in. Went there today for my first workout. It was packed, no social distancing, and I was only one of three people wearing a mask ( I actually wear a gator because I can't breathe through those normal surgical masks when I'm lifting). One of the other two guys was black with dreadlocks, so I'm guessing he was American and the third also looked American by how he was dressed, so basically only the Americans were wearing face coverings and none of the Mexicans nor the few Europeans I saw seemed to give a shit.
Mask Box.jpg
Right before the election, he said a vaccine won't stop infection.
Right after election, he said the end is near.
NOW the dipshit is saying this:

White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC on Sunday it's "still not" acceptable for Americans to eat indoors, even after they've received the COVID-19 vaccine.

I don't know where this clown went to medical school, but he should demand his money back. On e day he says one thing, the next day, something different. He seems to be the leading proponent of Leftists control of the people using this "pandemic" as his primary weapon.
Did you see the medical reports where the flu cases have dropped to near zero? It’s almost as if they could make you stay at home and be government reliant if they just called the flu something else.
The flu needs close contact and hates social distancing.

You can see that right?

Agreed, I think there are many reasons for this. One people haven't been out and about like normal, so there hasn't been the close contact to spread it. Two, I don't think a lot of medical professionals are also testing for flu nearly as much either, so it looks like there are less cases because it's underreported. Case and point, right before Christmas I came down with what I assume was the flu. I went and got a COVID test to be sure and I asked for a flu test while I was there because my brother had the flu the week before. He actually tested positive for Influenza B. When I went they had no flu tests and I tested negative for COVID, so I'm assuming I caught his flu, but don't know for sure.
Right before the election, he said a vaccine won't stop infection.
Right after election, he said the end is near.
NOW the dipshit is saying this:

White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC on Sunday it's "still not" acceptable for Americans to eat indoors, even after they've received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Quick anecdote. I am in Mexico right now. I am going to be down here for a month for work. I joined a gym about a 15 minute walk from the condo I am staying in. Went there today for my first workout. It was packed, no social distancing, and I was only one of three people wearing a mask ( I actually wear a gator because I can't breathe through those normal surgical masks when I'm lifting). One of the other two guys was black with dreadlocks, so I'm guessing he was American and the third also looked American by how he was dressed, so basically only the Americans were wearing face coverings and none of the Mexicans nor the few Europeans I saw seemed to give a shit.
Sigh...good posts all day today, Taz...but then you bust out this.

Don't lie to me and tell me quick anecdote and then read me a bedtime story
I don't trust runts.... especially ones that were raised by 2 mommys and 8 sisters...

Right before the election, he said a vaccine won't stop infection.
Correct. The efficacy rates that you hear refer to preventing severe illness.
Right after election, he said the end is near.
Yes, he said the end of 2021, we might be able to return to normalcy. I know that doesn't fit the thread narrative and is probably correct, which is why you omitted it.

White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC on Sunday it's "still not" acceptable for Americans to eat indoors, even after they've received the COVID-19 vaccine.
Also correct, as community transmission levels are still too high, and vaccinated people can still transmit covid.

So thank you for providing 3 things Fauci said that are correct. Thread = fail
Pathetic hack :lol:
who has been right about this pandemic? do tell? the only thing to base any predictions on was the spanish flu of 1918...
The flu isn’t considered a pandemic event every year.

well why not. the numbers that are being pushed for this pan/scamdemic would have warranted it.
Each year deaths for the flu average 32,000.

COVID-19 has killed 572,000+ in just over a year.
32,000? LOL! Your Googling really needs work. "Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year. " - This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year, According to the CDC |
In the OP, I spoke of inconsistencies. That was a matter of a few weeks. Complete 180.
Yeah, because we learned a lot those first few weeks, especially as it became apparent we were not going to be able to stop COVID sweeping through the entire nation and as we learned that asymptomatic spread was extremely important.

That was something that the CDC/NIH missed and could have changed the entire course of the pandemic. But at the time they just didn’t know.

Although I don’t have hard dates when they first started recommending universal masking.

Assuming that you’re referring to mask wearing, I could be wrong.

You’re mistaken about Fauci claiming that the vaccine couldn’t prevent infections. His statement actually was that the studies didn’t show if it could or not and it would be great if it did, but their primary goal was to prevent illness.
If we would've just lived our lives as normal. We would be over this by now. Just like Trump said in the beginning.
who has been right about this pandemic? do tell? the only thing to base any predictions on was the spanish flu of 1918...
Trump was in the beginning, live your life as normal. The states that have opened up, their covid numbers are down. While liberal states are still locked down. Their covid are up.
who has been right about this pandemic? do tell? the only thing to base any predictions on was the spanish flu of 1918...
No one. Yet, we are basing societal rules and standards on people with a consistent record of failure...
Wow...31 million covid Cases you say??

There were 45 million CASES of seasonal flu in the 2017-2018 flu season and yet we did nothing. Fauci didn't open his piehole once.
Did you see the medical reports where the flu cases have dropped to near zero? It’s almost as if they could make you stay at home and be government reliant if they just called the flu something else.
The flu needs close contact and hates social distancing.

You can see that right?
You mean like covid does? You know the virus they said we could stop by staying indoors and social distancing.....

You people are so damn gullible
i am so sick of this debate...i have been tossed out for not wearing a mask...and then criticized for wearing a mask...damned if you do...damned if you dont
You mean like covid does? You know the virus they said we could stop by staying indoors and social distancing.....

You people are so damn gullible

If people had been thinking they'd have realized after just a couple of times of Fauci saying, 'this two weeks is gonna be a killer', and then it NEV. VER. happened that people would start getting just a leeeetle suspicious. wouldn't you?? but...ooooooh nooooo...they continued to stay in their homes and then put on that STUPID mask.
The medical field is now politicized. BEFORE 2050 they will all be government employees and they shorten your life if the state says do it. You would be a fool to trust your doctor 100%. You need to take more control of your own health. Right now, You don't work for the doctor. He works for YOU. But they sure don't act like that do they. They act more like our politicians.

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