Another Filthy Book Removed from School Library

I can see why. I can also see why they are blatantly wrong to do so.

Should we actively pretend that gay people do not exist? That gay people did not exist in history?
Stop pretending that people are gay who were certainly never gay. This is as bad as pretending people were black.
Most early civilization considered the height of art to be naked people and of their leaders being displayed in marble nude. That is a fact. You people hate art and civilization.
She was gay.

That phrase in the book was lifted DIRECTLY FROM HER DIARIES.

So, I ask the question again.
She was 12 years old. She died at 15 in a concentration camp. Do you think she had nothing more on her mind than breasts. I read Anne Frank's diary. A child consumed by terror hearing about people she knew, friends, taken away. Constant fear. This must be a lez supporting addition.
Most early civilization considered the height of art to be naked people and of their leaders being displayed in marble nude. That is a fact. You people hate art and civilization.
Most early civilizations married girls off soon after her first period. She was expected to produce a child a year.
The puritens can't stand anything that even the tiniest bit unclean. How fucking fucked you people are.

Some folks not just the "tiniest bit unclean", they've graduated to full-blown nasty. The real Puritans would have thrown them in a pond.
You mean like ART and stuff…
I mean exposing children to sexual deviancies and stuff...
I stated that clearly.

Do you often struggle with the meaning of basic English words or do you need a remedial course on reading comprehension & an IQ booster?
Both my daughter and son are planning on relocating to avoid the public school system where they live before their children get to school age.
Proud of them for doing so.
Three cheers for the people protecting our children.

---It contains illustrations of Frank walking among female nude statues that were "sexually explicit,"---

Here is the picture that has offended the Florida snowflakes...This country is so embarrassing sometimes.


Maybe on of our forum snowflakes can explain what is sexually explicit about the statutes.

That isn’t what bothers them. Most kids won’t read Anne Frank. But if it is a graphic novel they might learn the Jews are just like them, and that is awful for the bigotry they want to insure their kids have planted deep inside.
That isn’t what bothers them. Most kids won’t read Anne Frank. But if it is a graphic novel they might learn the Jews are just like them, and that is awful for the bigotry they want to insure their kids have planted deep inside.
What the graphic novel purports to portray is that Anne Frank was a lesbian. It's part of the new religion rewriting history to insert homosexuality wherever they can.
The art is irrelevant. The problem is that the book directly portrays Frank as lesbian. Which is wrong if and only if the sexuality of the individual remains unknown. It is flatly necessary when coving her diaries when the statement is lifted directly from the diary itself.

The difference being, of course, one is an instance of rewriting history, which is not the case here, and the other is covering actual history which is exactly what the book was attempting to do.

It just proves the case the left makes that the right is bigoted when they protest that their kids may be exposed to the fact that gay or lesbian people actually existed in history.
The book itself does not purport to be history. It is a version of history according to the author. It is a reimagining of the Frank story. What's very wrong is when reimagining history pretends to be history. Some people actually believe it.
She was 12 years old. She died at 15 in a concentration camp. Do you think she had nothing more on her mind than breasts. I read Anne Frank's diary. A child consumed by terror hearing about people she knew, friends, taken away. Constant fear. This must be a lez supporting addition.
Do you think this was the only page in the book?

Again, these are words from the diary. Why do you think a book about her diaries must not include this part of her diaries?
The book itself does not purport to be history. It is a version of history according to the author. It is a reimagining of the Frank story. What's very wrong is when reimagining history pretends to be history. Some people actually believe it.
And yet the captions on that page are not reimagined.

They are par of the diary.

So now the part that is so offensive is the part that is actually factual....

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