Another Fine Mess Obama's Gotten Us Into

What you ignore is that this is the worst recovery in our history

Why don't you show which other "recoveries" were better, since you seem to 'know' that this one is the worst.

Look at the chart posted for an indication. You are welcome!

Your chart combines private and public sector workers. If you look at my chart, you will see the public sector has been shrinking since the day Obama took office. That is unheard of in a recovery and is one of the reasons the recovery is slow.

The private sector has more jobs today than the day Obama took office and they are seeing higher profits than at any point in history.

They. Are. Fine.
Is too.

Would you at least admit we always have recoveries after downturns?

Then we can further examine the relative degree of suck of the Obama 'recovery' vs. prior recoveries.

Yes. That's part of the business cycle.

And..insofar as profit goes..the private sector has rebounded rather nicely..

But we don't really measure recovery 'insofar as profit goes,' do we?



How do you want to measure it?


Well the congress is blocking public sector employment..unlike what happened with Presidents since Reagan.

So if they were acting as a normal congress acted..UE would be around Reagan levels at about the same time in Reagan's presidency.

But..congress is helping government to contract. As in get smaller.

You should be ecstatic about this.
Under Obama's supposed recovery, the number of working age Americans not in the labor force rose by 7.14 million. As John Lott and Grover Norquist recently observed, "There is no comparable post-World War II 'recovery' where this type of exodus has occurred."

While in the second year of Reagan's recovery the economy boomed with real economic growth of 6.8%, the highest in 50 years, last year the American economy limped along with real economic growth a paltry 1.7%. The first quarter of this year will be similar.

Today, over 4 years since the recession started, there are still almost 24 million Americans unemployed or underemployed. That includes 5.6 million who are long-term unemployed for 27 weeks, or more than 6 months, the highest since the Great Depression.'


The American Spectator : The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression
Pileup at the White House
By Dana Milbank, Published: June 11

It has been a Junius Horribilis for President Obama.

Job growth has stalled, the Democrats have been humiliated in Wisconsin, the attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation, talks with Pakistan have broken down, Bill Clinton is contradicting Obama, Mitt Romney is outraising him, Democrats and Republicans alike are complaining about a “cascade” of national-security leaks from his administration, and he is now on record as saying that the “private sector is doing fine.”

Could it get any worse?

Well no.

But even in his worst week..Obama is still beating the Bishop in polling.

That really should tell you something about the relative "strength" of your candidate.
Such simplistic approaches - from both sides - in a desperate attempt to 'blame' or 'excuse' Obama. None of you are actually right. Anyone wanna give an unpartisan, honest response a shot or is this yet another thread where partisans prefer to bitch and lie rather than look at the reality of our situation?
Do you right wing puppets ever stop and think? Obviously no. The counter arguments above contradict the premise of the nonsensical OP. Turn off the receiver in your heads and wake up.
Such simplistic approaches - from both sides - in a desperate attempt to 'blame' or 'excuse' Obama. None of you are actually right. Anyone wanna give an unpartisan, honest response a shot or is this yet another thread where partisans prefer to bitch and lie rather than look at the reality of our situation?

The Queen of faux-partisanship is here everyone. Let's all hold our breath while we wait for her brilliant insight.
Such simplistic approaches - from both sides - in a desperate attempt to 'blame' or 'excuse' Obama. None of you are actually right. Anyone wanna give an unpartisan, honest response a shot or is this yet another thread where partisans prefer to bitch and lie rather than look at the reality of our situation?

Excuse Obama? I'm not. There are things he could do and could have done that would have made the economy stronger today. I have never denied that. But I also see a public sector that has been shrinking since day one, and he can't control that. So why attack him for something he can't control? And why lie about it?

And if the private sector has more jobs today and is making more profits today, why deny that?
Such simplistic approaches - from both sides - in a desperate attempt to 'blame' or 'excuse' Obama. None of you are actually right. Anyone wanna give an unpartisan, honest response a shot or is this yet another thread where partisans prefer to bitch and lie rather than look at the reality of our situation?

Excuse Obama? I'm not. There are things he could do and could have done that would have made the economy stronger today. I have never denied that. But I also see a public sector that has been shrinking since day one, and he can't control that. So why attack him for something he can't control? And why lie about it?

And if the private sector has more jobs today and is making more profits today, why deny that?

You're a tad sensitive, aren't you? Did I address you specifically? No. I call both sides 'bullshit' on this one. Because that's the truth. You partisans do far too much fucking damage with your refusal to accept basic truths over your partisan crap.

Have I 'attacked' Obama in this thread? No. Yet again, you're being an overly emotional hack rather than a logical human being. Damn, I don't know how you keep up such a continual amount of crap. Honestly, it's beyond my comprehension.

The private sector has 'more jobs' today? More jobs than when? Fucking moron.
Under Obama's supposed recovery, the number of working age Americans not in the labor force rose by 7.14 million.

And according to figures, almost 1.4M of them should be employed in the public sector, but the GOP won't allow it.

We can't afford it. In a recession, private sector jobs disappear (those are the ones that add money to the federal government).... less private sector, less federal taxes, less money to spend on the public sector. This is not rocket science... it is basic economics. When you have less coming in, you have to spend less... otherwise you end up with a massive debt. Oh wait. Yea, we got that!

Really, if 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean idiots who defend one side or the other without any reference to honest facts)... if you people would stop being such partisan hacks, maybe the country could recover.
Such simplistic approaches - from both sides - in a desperate attempt to 'blame' or 'excuse' Obama. None of you are actually right. Anyone wanna give an unpartisan, honest response a shot or is this yet another thread where partisans prefer to bitch and lie rather than look at the reality of our situation?

Excuse Obama? I'm not. There are things he could do and could have done that would have made the economy stronger today. I have never denied that. But I also see a public sector that has been shrinking since day one, and he can't control that. So why attack him for something he can't control? And why lie about it?

And if the private sector has more jobs today and is making more profits today, why deny that?

You're a tad sensitive, aren't you? Did I address you specifically? No. I call both sides 'bullshit' on this one. Because that's the truth. You partisans do far too much fucking damage with your refusal to accept basic truths over your partisan crap.

Have I 'attacked' Obama in this thread? No. Yet again, you're being an overly emotional hack rather than a logical human being. Damn, I don't know how you keep up such a continual amount of crap. Honestly, it's beyond my comprehension.

The private sector has 'more jobs' today? More jobs than when? Fucking moron.

heh heh I never mentioned you. Don't take things so personally. And also, a bit of friendly advice. If you want to join in honest conversations with people don't call them morons.

Private sector is higher today than the day Obama took office.

Under Obama's supposed recovery, the number of working age Americans not in the labor force rose by 7.14 million.

And according to figures, almost 1.4M of them should be employed in the public sector, but the GOP won't allow it.

We can't afford it. In a recession, private sector jobs disappear (those are the ones that add money to the federal government).... less private sector, less federal taxes, less money to spend on the public sector. This is not rocket science... it is basic economics. When you have less coming in, you have to spend less... otherwise you end up with a massive debt. Oh wait. Yea, we got that!

Really, if 'you people' (and by 'you people' I mean idiots who defend one side or the other without any reference to honest facts)... if you people would stop being such partisan hacks, maybe the country could recover.

The stunning amount of hypocrisy that spews from every ounce of who you are and pretend to be is breath taking.

Ok, since you're the Clever Girl, maybe you can explain this to me. Republicans/Conservatives have been stressing the need for more private jobs and less people working for the government. Right? "Government jobs don't count, it's private jobs that matter." Isn't that right? So if that's the case, looking at the chart you provided, it would seem that private sector employment has been increasing steadily for 2 years now and the size of the federal government workforce has been decreasing for a year. Isn't this a good thing? What am I missing?

Steady job increases for 27 months, over 4 million new jobs and countless existing jobs saved and steady economic growth, all thanks to President Obama AND in spite of the Repubs fighting against job creation and economic growth.

Its easy to cherry pick one phrase out of his speech and judge only that.

They do that because the R's have not produced so much as ONE job. That's why they plan to vote for Mittens - he left Mass with the highest debt of any state and ranked 47th in job creation. To the rw's, that makes him a success.
Another Fine Out of Context attack by the GOP faux outrage echo chamber. Mitt must think his supporters are the most ignorant sort of people......

Here are excerpts of Obama's remarks:

"Keep in mind that the private sector has been hiring at a solid pace over the last 27 months. But one of the biggest weaknesses has been state and local governments, which have laid off 450,000 Americans. These are teachers and cops and firefighters. Congress should pass a bill putting them back to work right now, giving help to the states so that those layoffs are not occurring.

"In addition, since the housing bubble burst, we've got more than a million construction workers out of work. There's nothing fiscally responsible about waiting to fix your roof until it caves in. We've got a lot of deferred maintenance in this country. We could be putting a lot of people back to work rebuilding our roads, our bridges, some of ours schools.

"There's work to be done. There are workers to do it. Let's put them back to work right now. The housing market is stabilizing and beginning to come back in many parts of the country, but there are still millions of responsible homeowners who've done everything right, but still struggle to make ends meet. So, as I talked about just a few weeks ago, let's pass a bill that gives them a chance to save an average of $3,000 a year by refinancing their mortgage and taking advantage of these historically low rates. That's something we can do right now that would make a difference.

"Instead of just talking a good game about job creators, Congress should give the small-business owners that actually create most of the new jobs in America a tax break for hiring more workers.

"These are ideas that, again, have gotten strong validation from independent, nonpartisan economists. It would make a difference in our economy. And there's no excuse for not passing these ideas. We know they can work."


"We've got a couple of sectors in our economy that are still weak. Overall, the private sector has been doing a good job creating jobs. We've seen record profits in the corporate sector. The big challenge we have in our economy right now is state and local government hiring has been going in the wrong direction. You've seen teacher layoffs, police officers, cops, firefighters are being laid off. And the other sector that is still weak has been the construction industry.

"Those two areas, we've directly addressed with our jobs plan. The problem is that it requires Congress to take action, and we're going to keep pushing them to see if they can move in that direction.


Question: "What about the Republicans saying that you're blaming the Europeans for the failure of your own policies?"

"The truth of the matter is that, as I said we've created 4.3 million jobs over the last two -- 27 months; over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine.

"Where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government, oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government and who don't have the same kind of flexibility as the federal government in dealing with fewer revenues coming in.

"And so, you know, if -- if Republicans want to be helpful, if they really want to move forward and put people back to work, what they should be thinking about is how do we help state and local governments and how do we help the construction industry.

"Because the recipes that they're promoting are basically the kinds of policies that would add weakness to -- to the economy, would result in further layoffs, would not provide relief in the housing market, and would result, I think most economists estimate, in lower growth and fewer jobs, not more."
We can't afford it.

Funny. Because every Republican President of the past 30 years was able to borrow and afford it.

Why can't a Democratic President be allowed to do that?

Actually we CAN afford it but what is far more important to the Rs is that our country go down. If they can force us into true bankruptcy, like they tried to do last year and will certainly attempt again before the election, they won't lose their own money and they can blame the president.

Believe me, rw's are too invested in their hatred to ever GET IT.

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