Another Foreign Policy Success!

“It hasn’t been confirmed, but I’ve seen the raw data that suggests there may have been,

Yeah.....say again Rabbi.....

Sure. The leftists here claimed Obama brilliantly negotiated Putin where he wanted him on Syria. The conservatives here pointed out putin had rolled Obama and Syria wasn't giving up its weapons. Now we see the conservatives were correct. Assad had no intention of fulfilling his part of the agreement. The whole thing was to help Assad and Obama jumped for it to cover his "red line" promise he knew he couldn't fulfill.
You have to wonder why our foreign policy is in such disarray. Is it that Team Obama came in with an inadequate naive view of the world, or are they really just that stupid and incompetent.
“It hasn’t been confirmed, but I’ve seen the raw data that suggests there may have been,

Yeah.....say again Rabbi.....

Sure. The leftists here claimed Obama brilliantly negotiated Putin where he wanted him on Syria. The conservatives here pointed out putin had rolled Obama and Syria wasn't giving up its weapons. Now we see the conservatives were correct. Assad had no intention of fulfilling his part of the agreement. The whole thing was to help Assad and Obama jumped for it to cover his "red line" promise he knew he couldn't fulfill.

That's old news dewd. Let's move along. It's a phony scandal. At this point, what difference does it make? The matter is under investigation and they can't talk about it. Prove it.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

You have to wonder why our foreign policy is in such disarray. Is it that Team Obama came in with an inadequate naive view of the world, or are they really just that stupid and incompetent.

Wrong, wrong and wrong....

I'm serious when I say this......

They do NOT like America. They are absolutely convinced that America is the reason that conflict exists in this world. That we are the cause of it all and that our Military are bullies.

I'm serious as dogs fucking.... dimocrap scum do NOT like America, Americans and especially the American Military
“It hasn’t been confirmed, but I’ve seen the raw data that suggests there may have been,

Yeah.....say again Rabbi.....

Sure. The leftists here claimed Obama brilliantly negotiated Putin where he wanted him on Syria. The conservatives here pointed out putin had rolled Obama and Syria wasn't giving up its weapons. Now we see the conservatives were correct. Assad had no intention of fulfilling his part of the agreement. The whole thing was to help Assad and Obama jumped for it to cover his "red line" promise he knew he couldn't fulfill.

US had no reason to be involved in Syria to begin with. When are you GI Joes gonna sign up for duty?

The US is committed to stablility in the region. We are committed to fighting WMD, which includes chem weapons. We are committed to democracy.
When are you going to grow the fuck up?
As an American, I am a little bit afraid of Putin. He is very smart and completely ruthless.

But, our team, the team that opposes him---they terrify me.

Obama's experience with foreign policy came from the streets of South Chicago, where he was a community organizer.

His two Secretarys of State are clowns. That reset button bullshit was a joke and did nothing but inform the Russians that they were dealing with rank amateurs. Hillary Clinton would have been a Public Defender n some New England Township if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. Kerry looks just like Herman Munster, and worse, seems to have about the same mental acuity.

Joe Biden is a fool. Susan Rice is a liar and a fool. James Clapper goes her one better. He is a perjurer.

So, now Herman Munster admits that it looks like Syria not only still has Weapons of Mass Destruction, but is still using them on his people.

That is no surprise at all those those not blinded by party bias, i.e. the Socialists and Loons who support the Socialists and Loons who are currently running this country into the ground.

Two and a half years to go. Putin will have collapsed NATO in that time.
Hmmm, syrua has wmds? No way....i wonder jow they got them.....hmmmmmm

and they used them, naaah, they wouldnt do that, theyre just misunderstood and peacefuk people just like hussein
The Obama Team keeps racking up the successes in foreign policy. Following on the successful "reset" with Russia, the success of nuclear negotiations with Iran, and the success of the Middle East peace process talks, Team Obama successfully negotiated the disarmament of chemical weapons from Syria.
Good work, Barack.
John Kerry on Syria: Chlorine Gas Used, According to Report - TIME
Perhaps Barak will hold up a twitter sign..


“It hasn’t been confirmed, but I’ve seen the raw data that suggests there may have been,

Yeah.....say again Rabbi.....

Sure. The leftists here claimed Obama brilliantly negotiated Putin where he wanted him on Syria. The conservatives here pointed out putin had rolled Obama and Syria wasn't giving up its weapons. Now we see the conservatives were correct. Assad had no intention of fulfilling his part of the agreement. The whole thing was to help Assad and Obama jumped for it to cover his "red line" promise he knew he couldn't fulfill.

US had no reason to be involved in Syria to begin with. When are you GI Joes gonna sign up for duty?

If we had no reason to be involved in Syria, then why was obama spouting off more lies? He always knew he had no intention of getting involved in Syria beyond supporting al quaeda. So why put his foot out there where Putin could step on it?
We invaded Iraq for less.

Why aren't we invading Syria? Why aren't the Fox News bimbos and mimbos pounding their desks for an invasion?
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We invaded Iraq for less.

Why aren't we invading Syria?

Obama's foreign policy team is so fucking bad that they kept us from invading a country that didn't attack us. Damn, what's wrong with these people? All those opportunities wasted to invade. Damn damn damn.

Call the BUSH Team in, they'll get the damn job done right the first time. Maybe. If they don't have us invade Croatia first.
You have to wonder why our foreign policy is in such disarray. Is it that Team Obama came in with an inadequate naive view of the world, or are they really just that stupid and incompetent.

Wrong, wrong and wrong....

I'm serious when I say this......

They do NOT like America. They are absolutely convinced that America is the reason that conflict exists in this world. That we are the cause of it all and that our Military are bullies.

I'm serious as dogs fucking.... dimocrap scum do NOT like America, Americans and especially the American Military
Seriously, Obama isn't killing enough kids for you?

"When US First Lady Michelle Obama appeared in a picture supporting the 276 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria, she was praised for taking a stand against Boko Haram.

"But others quickly subverted her message and turned it into an anti-drone campaign.

"Michelle Obama appeared in the viral image last week, holding up a sign that said '#Bring Back Our Girls.' The hashtag quickly spread online, hitting home with an online audience that had read about the tragic kidnapping of the schoolgirls by a radical Islamist group.

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We invaded Iraq for less.

Why aren't we invading Syria? Why aren't the Fox News bimbos and mimbos pounding their desks for an invasion?

Did we have a peace treaty with Syria that the Syrians were violating? Was Syria under sanctions that they were working to undermine by bribing European and UN officials? Did the UN vote to sanction Syria and threaten military action if they failed to comply?
Yeah, you're full of shit. As usual.
We invaded Iraq for less.

Why aren't we invading Syria?

Obama's foreign policy team is so fucking bad that they kept us from invading a country that didn't attack us. Damn, what's wrong with these people? All those opportunities wasted to invade. Damn damn damn.

Call the BUSH Team in, they'll get the damn job done right the first time. Maybe. If they don't have us invade Croatia first.

I heard TeamObama saved us from World War III.

Nice work Zeke. It was almost coheremt. Are you down to one quart or two before lunch?

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