Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Those are summer jobs being counted by federal government and put out to support Democrats in trouble. When your benefits run out after 6 months you ate no longer counted as unemployed. It's a bullshit statistic. Surprised right winger can type with his face buried in Obama's ass.
Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with how the unemployment rate is calculated. You obviously pulled that post out of your ass.
Wrong. When benefits run out the person is not filing for new benefits, hence they are dropped from classification as "unemployed." Been a known fact for years.
From CNS News:

A record 92,584,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in September, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 62.7 percent, a level it has not seen in 36 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday.

Six times in the last twelve months, the participation rate has been as low as 62.8 percent; but September’s 62.7 percent is the lowest since February of 1978.

The participation rate is the percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population who participated in the labor force by either having a job or actively seeking one. Those not in the labor force are those who not only did not have a job, but they did not actively seek one in the last four weeks.

- See more at: Great News Unemployment at 5.9 Bad News Record number not in work force wages flat Poor Richard s News
How Are Obama 8217 s Regulations Taking Billions Out of the Pockets of Americans - AskHeritage

Over just the last year, the Obama Administration has added 32 regulations that together impose more than $10 billion in annual costs and $6.6 billion in one-time implementation costs. Those regulations include mandates covering a broad range of activities and products, ranging from refrigerators and freezers to clothes driers to air conditioners, limits on automotive emissions, employer requirements for posting federal labor rules, product labeling, health plan eligibility under Obamacare, and higher minimum wages for foreign workers. The most expensive regulation came from the Environmental Protection Agency, which added five major rules at a cost of more than $4 billion annually.
Also remember that working at Burger King is classified as a "manufacturing job" because according to Dept. of Labor your ate manufacturing a Whopper.
people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

any of you libercrats have an answer for this "little" statistic ?
Yeah, they do...Obama created over 200,000 jobs last month....who cares,if more Americans aren't actually working....they can just get welfare....

I do believe that is their answer...
We aren't pissing on good news, because the truth is there isn't any actual good news...just liberals peeing on our leg and telling us it's raining...
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Those are summer jobs being counted by federal government and put out to support Democrats in trouble. When your benefits run out after 6 months you ate no longer counted as unemployed. It's a bullshit statistic. Surprised right winger can type with his face buried in Obama's ass.
Unemployment benefits have nothing to do with how the unemployment rate is calculated. You obviously pulled that post out of your ass.
Wrong. When benefits run out the person is not filing for new benefits, hence they are dropped from classification as "unemployed." Been a known fact for years.
It is a known "fact" to conservatives only. Meanwhile you continue to show your ignorance on the subject. The unemployment rate is calculated using the BLS monthly household survey.
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One after another.......USMB nutters file in to piss on the good news.

Amazing isn't it? And of course these dip shits on here have no idea that there is a cash economy in this society.
People who work "under that table" or "off the books".

No these asshole Republicans just think all those poor and middle class people that lost their jobs or couldn't find decent pay just gave up and died.

Instead they went out and offered their work to cash paying customers, gave them a good deal and went on with their lives. With cash in their pocket.

Doesn't do the Treasury any good. But it keeps people living the dream. Or at least surviving.
people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

any of you libercrats have an answer for this "little" statistic ?

Well, I can speak for myself. I left the labor force last year...

...with two nice pensions.

Now you can explain to us how that somehow reflects badly on President Obama...
Those are summer jobs being counted by federal government and put out to support Democrats in trouble. When your benefits run out after 6 months you ate no longer counted as unemployed. It's a bullshit statistic. Surprised right winger can type with his face buried in Obama's ass.

The unemployment rate counting summer jobs, IOW unadjusted, is 5.7%.
So. No one knows how many fulltime that fake number represents?

Did a liberal attempt to explain why if the economy is doing so well why the foodstamp recipients increased?

So how does the unemployment rate decrease and foodstamp list increase at the same time?

Liberals folks.
people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

any of you libercrats have an answer for this "little" statistic ?
The answer has been given to you thousands of times. Your religious ODS bias ideology has you so fucked in the head brainwashed that you can't comprehend reality.

The FACT is that 10,000 Baby Boomers have been retiring every day since 2008. The old cranky worn out broken down fuckers with retirement accounts & social security won't work anymore.

Obama is completely kicking ass employing the working age population!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It was 4.6 the last time republicans had majority power, which they from 1994 to 2006. Not that rightwinger knew or cared.

How many full time jobs? How many in the private sector?

Yes, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

Rightwinger is just a fucking ignorant hack
As long as the Senate has filibuster power and president has veto power, it takes a 2/3 majority in BOTH houses to override a presidential veto, so the Dems controlled NOTHING as long as Bush was president.

A perfect example is after the Dems won both houses they passed an increase in the minimum wage in the house. Bush was against it and threatened a veto if he didn't get more tax cuts for business. The GOP in the Senate filibustered the bill and the cloture vote failed with 43 Republicans voting against it. So once Bush got his tax cuts added to the bill it passed in the Senate. Bush and the GOP still controlled everything related to the economy and everything else with their filibuster and veto power. Bush and the GOP own the Bush Depression lock, stock and barrel!!!
The number of unemployed fell in September by 329,000 to 9.3 million. Most of them found jobs. But nearly 100,000 stopped looking for work.

The number of discouraged workers DECLINED by 77,000 from 775,000 to 698,000.

Here is my link.

Where is yours?
Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex not seasonally adjusted

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

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