Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Bush destroyed 18 million US jobs. Obama has already restored or created 10.3 million jobs.

Obama is rocking the "Working Age Employment Ratio"
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Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

Forget about republican and Democrat for a second, when looking at something as complex as the economy it's foolish to believe that one indicator tells the whole story. Now politically, it was stupid for the Republicans to put all their eggs in one basket with the unemployment numbers, but that doesn't change the fact that we are worse off since Obozo took office.

Unemployment has dropped over 4% under Obama. How is that not better?

The one criticism that Democrats had for the low unemployment under Bush was the types of jobs and they were low paying. We are finding us under the same situation here but much worse. So, why is this good news under Obama and band news under Bush?

WORSE? lol

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

The first thing you would expect to see from a Part-Time America is that the number of part-time jobs added would rival the number of full-time jobs added. But in the last year, new full-time jobs outnumbered part-time jobs by 1.8 million to 8,000. For every new part-time job, we're creating 225 full-time positions.


Okay, but one year is just one year! Let's keep looking.

The second thing we should expect to see from Part-Time America is a growing number of part-time jobs since Obama came into office and started passing laws. Here's a graph showing the number of people working part-time for economic reasons since March 2010, the month Obamacare was passed


Huh, nothing there. In fact, the number part-time workers has fallen in the last four years.

Okay, well, raw numbers can be deceiving. After all, the labor force has declined since 2010. So let's graph these part-time workers as a share of the labor force. Surely that will show a rising line...


... dang it.

Maybe I'm being unfair. Three years of data just isn't much context. So let's draw back the lens and look at part-time workers as a share of the labor force since, say, 1980...


Okay, now here's something: Part-time work, as a share of the economy, is historically high. But these graphs don't make the point that Obama, or long-term global economic trends, are driving the rise in non-voluntary part-time work. Instead, the rise of part-time work seem to be 100 percent the creation of economic downturns. That's why it seems to be holding hands with unemployment, riding the roller coaster up during recessions, and down during recoveries.

But what about part-time employment for non-economic reasons? The story here is short and sweet: There is no story here. The share of Americans working part-time for personal reasons—they're in school; they're raising kids; they're ill—is flat and trending down, according to the San Francisco Fed.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic


You liberal nazis and your damned graphs. Face it - the country has had enough of this incompetent slob. The Congress will be republican after November and, most likely, the White House will be also in 16.

Give it up. You're done.
There is one reason that the employment number went up for September, Dennis Miller pointed it out today on his show,....there is an important election next way that number wasn't going below 6.... Just like they massaged the number right before obama's last election....

Lobs/progs/democrats/socialists....will do anything to win and get power...the republican leadership still acts bewildered when they see it happen...that is why they keep losing....the new generation...they won't be bewildered...they are going to be determined and they will take it to the will be too late...
What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

Forget about republican and Democrat for a second, when looking at something as complex as the economy it's foolish to believe that one indicator tells the whole story. Now politically, it was stupid for the Republicans to put all their eggs in one basket with the unemployment numbers, but that doesn't change the fact that we are worse off since Obozo took office.

Unemployment has dropped over 4% under Obama. How is that not better?

The one criticism that Democrats had for the low unemployment under Bush was the types of jobs and they were low paying. We are finding us under the same situation here but much worse. So, why is this good news under Obama and band news under Bush?

WORSE? lol

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

The first thing you would expect to see from a Part-Time America is that the number of part-time jobs added would rival the number of full-time jobs added. But in the last year, new full-time jobs outnumbered part-time jobs by 1.8 million to 8,000. For every new part-time job, we're creating 225 full-time positions.


Okay, but one year is just one year! Let's keep looking.

The second thing we should expect to see from Part-Time America is a growing number of part-time jobs since Obama came into office and started passing laws. Here's a graph showing the number of people working part-time for economic reasons since March 2010, the month Obamacare was passed


Huh, nothing there. In fact, the number part-time workers has fallen in the last four years.

Okay, well, raw numbers can be deceiving. After all, the labor force has declined since 2010. So let's graph these part-time workers as a share of the labor force. Surely that will show a rising line...


... dang it.

Maybe I'm being unfair. Three years of data just isn't much context. So let's draw back the lens and look at part-time workers as a share of the labor force since, say, 1980...


Okay, now here's something: Part-time work, as a share of the economy, is historically high. But these graphs don't make the point that Obama, or long-term global economic trends, are driving the rise in non-voluntary part-time work. Instead, the rise of part-time work seem to be 100 percent the creation of economic downturns. That's why it seems to be holding hands with unemployment, riding the roller coaster up during recessions, and down during recoveries.

But what about part-time employment for non-economic reasons? The story here is short and sweet: There is no story here. The share of Americans working part-time for personal reasons—they're in school; they're raising kids; they're ill—is flat and trending down, according to the San Francisco Fed.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic


You liberal nazis and your damned graphs. Face it - the country has had enough of this incompetent slob. The Congress will be republican after November and, most likely, the White House will be also in 16.

Give it up. You're done.

Got it, you are confused by data and graphs that counter your right wing crap.

Prez Romney will be happy to hear he will have a GOP Congress next year, will they have 60 votes to get things passed in the Senate? lol

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history in the US?
There is one reason that the employment number went up for September, Dennis Miller pointed it out today on his show,....there is an important election next way that number wasn't going below 6.... Just like they massaged the number right before obama's last election....

Lobs/progs/democrats/socialists....will do anything to win and get power...the republican leadership still acts bewildered when they see it happen...that is why they keep losing....the new generation...they won't be bewildered...they are going to be determined and they will take it to the will be too late...

I assume YOU have a link showing Obama 'massaged' the numbers before the last election, after all the GOPers in the House would be on top of it, right? lol
There is one reason that the employment number went up for September, Dennis Miller pointed it out today on his show,....there is an important election next way that number wasn't going below 6.... Just like they massaged the number right before obama's last election....

Lobs/progs/democrats/socialists....will do anything to win and get power...the republican leadership still acts bewildered when they see it happen...that is why they keep losing....the new generation...they won't be bewildered...they are going to be determined and they will take it to the will be too late...

I assume YOU have a link showing Obama 'massaged' the numbers before the last election, after all the GOPers in the House would be on top of it, right? lol

And I assume that YOU can prove that he didn't? Works both ways...
Labor participation rate at a 36 year low woot!

You don't sound happy about the good news Rocko

You are not one of those rooting for the economy to fail are you?

How does me stating a fact equal rooting for the economy to fail? We all know you're not rooting for the economy, you're rooting for Obama.

I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month
Better yet, stop being a rightwing partisan hack worried that the good numbers will reflect positively on the president.
There is one reason that the employment number went up for September, Dennis Miller pointed it out today on his show,....there is an important election next way that number wasn't going below 6.... Just like they massaged the number right before obama's last election....

Lobs/progs/democrats/socialists....will do anything to win and get power...the republican leadership still acts bewildered when they see it happen...that is why they keep losing....the new generation...they won't be bewildered...they are going to be determined and they will take it to the will be too late...

I assume YOU have a link showing Obama 'massaged' the numbers before the last election, after all the GOPers in the House would be on top of it, right? lol

And I assume that YOU can prove that he didn't? Works both ways...

Sorry YOU made the assertion, it falls on YOU to prove it, of course YOU live in right wing world of delusion and bullshit, you NEVER need to be honest or use reason and logic there. IF the numbers were fudged, the GOP House would've had DOZENS of hearings. They had exactly ZERO. Why is that? Oh right it's the famous throw out as much shit as you can conservative crap, then have amnesia when asked to back it up, lol
More Americans are stuck in part-time work - The Washington Post

It is easy to construct false arguments when you cherry pick the time frames. There were 4.5 million part time workers in 2007, there are 7.5 million today.

These examples are legion on this thread.

2007? Oh BEFORE Dubya's ponzi scheme popped. When did Obama take over?

Here's What Obama's 'Part-Time America' Really Looks Like

The president's critics love this talking point. But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.

Here s What Obama s Part-Time America Really Looks Like - The Atlantic


The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

The Spectacular Myth of Obama s Part-Time America mdash in 5 Graphs - The Atlantic


FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The truth...

If President Obama Told The Truth About The Economy - Forbes

In fact, while total employment is finally above its pre-recession high by 233,000 jobs, that is because of the increase in part-time jobs which are up by 2.9 million. So while I am bragging about the job gains, I may have failed to mention how many of them are part-time. I definitely didn’t tell you that the shift to part-time work has a lot to do with companies avoiding Obamacare requirements. So you may not have enough money to support your family, but I will give you subsidized health insurance.

My policies are achieving their goals. Dependency is way up and labor force participation is way down. In fact, dependency is the fastest growing sector of the economy.We have increased the number of people on SNAP (what used to be called food stamps) by 16 million, the number on Social Security disability by 1.5 million (a 20 percent increase), and increased the number of people on Medicaid by 9 million even before the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare (we are still trying to count up those new government dependents; the new total should be about 12 million more people on Medicaid).

The more people who are dependent on the government, the better. Obamacare is building on that model. Now millions more people rely at least partially on the government to pay for their health care. Are those people every going to vote for a smaller (Republican) government? I don’t think so. We used to just be able to scare seniors into voting for us by telling them that Republicans wanted to cut their Social Security, but now we have over 160 million peoplegetting some kind of government check. That is over half the country (about 52 percent) and means there is a potential majority of voters we can bribe into voting our way by promising them bigger benefits.
Very nice.

What we need now is more consistency in the good news, and for the Fed to not over-react to this figure.

But very nice.
More consistency???

How about Obama's longest uninterrupted stretch of private sector job growth in U.S. history?

Hows that for consistency?

Bush destroyed 18 million US jobs. Obama has already restored or created 10.3 million jobs.

No, more consistency in economic figures.

There's more data than just what you read in headlines.

Things are looking better, but inconsistent data remains.

Standard partisan chatter notwithstanding.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.
Too bad the labor participation rate is the lowest it has been in almost 4 decades otherwise that UE number might actually mean something.
Those are summer jobs being counted by federal government and put out to support Democrats in trouble. When your benefits run out after 6 months you ate no longer counted as unemployed. It's a bullshit statistic. Surprised right winger can type with his face buried in Obama's ass.
I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

:bsflag: Link?
Sucks being you
Those are summer jobs being counted by federal government and put out to support Democrats in trouble. When your benefits run out after 6 months you ate no longer counted as unemployed. It's a bullshit statistic. Surprised right winger can type with his face buried in Obama's ass.
You must be making that up or repeating rightwing talking points
There is one reason that the employment number went up for September, Dennis Miller pointed it out today on his show,....there is an important election next way that number wasn't going below 6.... Just like they massaged the number right before obama's last election....

Lobs/progs/democrats/socialists....will do anything to win and get power...the republican leadership still acts bewildered when they see it happen...that is why they keep losing....the new generation...they won't be bewildered...they are going to be determined and they will take it to the will be too late...
Obama made the gas prices go down too

No I'm speaking the truth. This change occurred under Reagan. Read David Stockman "The Magic Asterisk" and educate yourself. Every POTUS since then has manipulated federal statistic on economy to their advantage.
Sad that the Right thinks they can only win elections if the US fails. It's a farce that they claim to be patriotic
It was 4.6 the last time republicans had majority power, which they from 1994 to 2006. Not that rightwinger knew or cared.

How many full time jobs? How many in the private sector?

Yes, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

Rightwinger is just a fucking ignorant hack

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