Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!
Let's not forget that there is no number good enough that the RWnuts would not try to put a negative spin on it, as long as a Democrat is president.

Either that or they claim the number is fake

Not one of these people would be putting negative spin on these exact same numbers if Romney had been elected.
But here's the thing, all of YOU would be! If Mitt was doing the wars, the spying, the killing of Americans, deficits, debt, division, torture, Guantanamo, expanding the patriot act and homeland security, bailing out the rich you would all be having a meltdown over these shitty numbers.... I know because you did under Bush, and to this day you guys can't show where Obama is different than Bush through repeals of those evil Bush era policies you claimed destroyed the US economy and world economy~~~

These boards are not here for debate, I mean you're not even slightly honest so how is it possible to debate anything. These boards are here for most people to bitch on. You're not making any points, you're here bitching because you know the economy under Obama sucks so bad no one will listen. Posting here makes you feel like someone is agreeing with you, that you somehow have an argument when you clearly don't.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

The baby boomers represent less than a quarter of the drop.
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Here is something for you to chew on. Part-time job percentage of the workforce is at all time high since 2009! It18.7% now compared to 13.5% in 1968.

Combine part-time jobs with the low labor participation rate, the economy is nothing to brage about!

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

Forget about republican and Democrat for a second, when looking at something as complex as the economy it's foolish to believe that one indicator tells the whole story. Now politically, it was stupid for the Republicans to put all their eggs in one basket with the unemployment numbers, but that doesn't change the fact that we are worse off since Obozo took office.

Unemployment has dropped over 4% under Obama. How is that not better?

Because it's much lower than promised and it's even lower than predicted without any intervention. So is it better than 5 years ago? Yes. Is it better because of the Obama Administration? Not according to their own predictions.


What the fuck good are predictions six years later?

They are good at comparing results with promises. Many Obama supporters will give credit to the improving economy to the President's policies. But if we're worse off than the Administration's top Economic Advisors predicted without those policies it shows the truth.

We'd be better off if there was no government involvement after 2009.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

Nice try smokey! Retirees make up a percent of the labor force drop outs, but the segment that is driving down the labor participation is the so-called discouraged long-term unemployed workers. Another growing segment is the disabled population.
I like how RW shuts his bot yap once it gets pointed out that the 25 trillion is mostly in the hands of the 1%.... Kinda takes the wind out of that sail. Not that RW won't continue it at some later date in some other thread... Because RW is owned by welfare and thus a Government Obama-bot to the end.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

Nice try smokey! Retirees make up a percent of the labor force drop outs, but the segment that is driving down the labor participation is the so-called discouraged long-term unemployed workers. Another growing segment is the disabled population.
Dude, he doesn't care. According to RW Obama ninja style killed OBL himself.
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


How many of those were retirements. Your number means nothing until we are to subtract those numbers from the 315,000.

If the Republican plan works, they'll all die of ebola anyway.

What a nonsensical argument! First, it's the Democrats that aren't stopping flights from Eloba countries for fear of being called racists. It's the Democrats that fight against securing the border. It's the government spreading sick illegal children across the country!

Get a clue!
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

Nice try smokey! Retirees make up a percent of the labor force drop outs, but the segment that is driving down the labor participation is the so-called discouraged long-term unemployed workers. Another growing segment is the disabled population.
ummm there's no measurement of any "discouraged long-term unemployed workers".
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

And 70 million more in the economy with all time retirement highs have nothing to do with non-working rate?
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

The baby boomers represent less than a quarter of the drop.

Merely an opinion from you. Link?
Here is something for you to chew on. Part-time job percentage of the workforce is at all time high since 2009! It18.7% now compared to 13.5% in 1968.

Combine part-time jobs with the low labor participation rate, the economy is nothing to brage about!

Great graph! Why do you think the part time rate has increased almost 50% in terms of numbers and percentages?
Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

The baby boomers represent less than a quarter of the drop.

Merely an opinion from you. Link?

"Demographic changes explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimate that demographics explain half of the drop in labor force participation, but the estimate ignores the effect of rising education rates. The baby boomers are aging and thus more likely to retire, dropping out of the labor force, while the population has become more educated and thus more likely to work. These demographic changes together explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation."

Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


How many of those were retirements. Your number means nothing until we are to subtract those numbers from the 315,000.

If the Republican plan works, they'll all die of ebola anyway.

What a nonsensical argument! First, it's the Democrats that aren't stopping flights from Eloba countries for fear of being called racists. It's the Democrats that fight against securing the border. It's the government spreading sick illegal children across the country!

Get a clue!

Silly opinions with no support whatsover. Both parties oppose securing the boarder, one who wants future voters the other who wants cheap labor. What sick children: you got verifiable stats?
Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

The baby boomers represent less than a quarter of the drop.

Merely an opinion from you. Link?

"Demographic changes explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimate that demographics explain half of the drop in labor force participation, but the estimate ignores the effect of rising education rates. The baby boomers are aging and thus more likely to retire, dropping out of the labor force, while the population has become more educated and thus more likely to work. These demographic changes together explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation."

Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery

Thank you. I would like to know where the "less than" figure comes from. I will read and research further. Thanks.
Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery
Lowest labor participation rate since 1978 (Obama say Thank Jimmy Numb-Nutz Carter), if only everyone would so-call leave the job market we would have 0% unemployment rate!

Try again...Labor participation rate has been dropping for 15 years and will continue to drop for another 10 as baby boomers retire

Is Obama responsible for the baby boom now?

The baby boomers represent less than a quarter of the drop.

Merely an opinion from you. Link?

"Demographic changes explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimate that demographics explain half of the drop in labor force participation, but the estimate ignores the effect of rising education rates. The baby boomers are aging and thus more likely to retire, dropping out of the labor force, while the population has become more educated and thus more likely to work. These demographic changes together explain less than one-quarter of the drop in labor force participation."

Not Looking for Work Labor Force Participation and Recovery

Thank you. I would like to know where the "less than" figure comes from. I will read and research further. Thanks.

It makes sense. Baby boomers only account for a quarter of the population, many of whom plan on working beyond their 60's.

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