Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

I wonder what it's like?

You hear something positive for America......such as a dip in the unemployment rate.....and instead of pausing for a moment to enjoy the good news.....your very first thought is to find something negative to say.

This same shit has been going on for several years now. With every positive step that is taken regarding our economy....or anything having to do with the governing of this nation......a whole slew of USMB nutters are there to piss all over it, claim it isn't true or bitch about something that can be seen as bad news.

That has got be be a tough way to live.

LMAO. It's not positive news. It's manipulation of stats. The opposite of good news is happening. The rate drops because people are dropping out of the labor force. Some because people getting older but most because there are no good full-time jobs. And THAT's because of Obummer's policies.

What's so hard to grasp about that bad news???????????

Thank you for the comment about older people, but you have to quantify that in terms of retirement before your opinion at that end becomes fact. Please do that.
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


What we now need is monthly national elections.

Seems each time we are a month out from these elections the unemployment rate falls substantially

Monthly elections would drop the rate to zero in no time!
I wonder what it's like?

You hear something positive for America......such as a dip in the unemployment rate.....and instead of pausing for a moment to enjoy the good news.....your very first thought is to find something negative to say.

This same shit has been going on for several years now. With every positive step that is taken regarding our economy....or anything having to do with the governing of this nation......a whole slew of USMB nutters are there to piss all over it, claim it isn't true or bitch about something that can be seen as bad news.

That has got be be a tough way to live.

LMAO. It's not positive news. It's manipulation of stats. The opposite of good news is happening. The rate drops because people are dropping out of the labor force. Some because people getting older but most because there are no good full-time jobs. And THAT's because of Obummer's policies.

What's so hard to grasp about that bad news???????????

232,000 more Americans employed than last month is not bad news.
Let's not forget that there is no number good enough that the RWnuts would not try to put a negative spin on it, as long as a Democrat is president.

Either that or they claim the number is fake
I got blood work done last week....part of my annual physical ( now copay free thanks to the ACA ). All items within range.
Oh, LL, princess....where are all those polls showing how great the economy is. NONE, polls show in the high 30s believe this idiot President! That's disastrous, honey buns.

Polls? Economists don't rely on polls, do they?
I wonder what it's like?

You hear something positive for America......such as a dip in the unemployment rate.....and instead of pausing for a moment to enjoy the good news.....your very first thought is to find something negative to say.

This same shit has been going on for several years now. With every positive step that is taken regarding our economy....or anything having to do with the governing of this nation......a whole slew of USMB nutters are there to piss all over it, claim it isn't true or bitch about something that can be seen as bad news.

That has got be be a tough way to live.
I wonder what it's like, you hear something positive but know it's partial information meant to mislead the public from a simple to understand reality..... and instead of pausing for a moment to reflect on being lied to.... your very first thought is to remain ignorant so you can find something negative to say against those that correctly criticize Obama's economy.

The same shit has been going on for years now. With every hypocritical 180 that Obama has made from campaign promises..... or anything to do with not being like Bush..... a whole new level of mindless done like acceptance takes over you, claiming everything is perfect as if that somehow makes the bad news magically disappear.

This month it is reported that less people are working than the previous month... This is reality, this is bad news. is 280k a good number in growth? Sure, is 318k in job losses a bad number, yes... Is the UE rate of 5.9 (or whatever it said) accurate? No... not even close. So what do you focus on? 5.9!!!! Mindless Obama-bot you are *waves hands around*
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


Discouraged workers DECLINED from 775,000 to 698,000.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood never tires of lying!

That is a misinterpretation of the data. That figure is a subset of those who are considered "Marginally Attached To The Labor Force".

The decline of 315,000 in the Labor Force doesn't include them. That decline is for people who are no longer included in the Labor Force - some due to being so discouraged that they have given up.

Shadowstats calculates unemployment according to the old methodology which included such discouraged people. The real un and underemployment rate is 23%.

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

That means nothing....

Like, truly, it means nothing....

Not even getting into the fact that you lie consistently and give fractions of truths as a way to misinform people. If the economy were booming as hard as you claim, and you are claiming it's booming... people wouldn't distrust and outright hate Obama on the overwhelming majorities that they do, worldwide.

$26 trillion is nothing now?

Conservatives are hard to please
It means nothing, just like your job.

It means nothing RW because you oddly give no context. Just a random 25 trillion dollar number floating in space. How is it possible that everyone in the US is doing better when more people are not working, more people are under the poverty line? Oh, because you mean the uber rich that Obama and the FEDr dumped trillions on are doing even better than they did under Bush means the rest of America is feeling this 25 trillion? You realize that's only like 78$ a person anyways right?

Only Obama could get 25 trillion more in the economy and manage to run higher deficits and add more to the debt than Bush. What an economic legend... Seriously, Obama sets the bar for retardation in the area of economics.
Let's not forget that there is no number good enough that the RWnuts would not try to put a negative spin on it, as long as a Democrat is president.
They love all his new wars and war spending!!! Just like you guys seem to! M'r Noble winner!!!! WHooOOoOO!
I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

That means nothing....

Like, truly, it means nothing....

Not even getting into the fact that you lie consistently and give fractions of truths as a way to misinform people. If the economy were booming as hard as you claim, and you are claiming it's booming... people wouldn't distrust and outright hate Obama on the overwhelming majorities that they do, worldwide.

Your conclusion is an opinion without substance. Much of the far right hate Obama, yes, but that does not lead to "overwhelming majorities" in the world, and certainly not in America where he beat McCain in a tough race and simply trounced Romney. My opinion: not because the majority loved Obama but because it despised the far right.
What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

That means nothing....

Like, truly, it means nothing....

Not even getting into the fact that you lie consistently and give fractions of truths as a way to misinform people. If the economy were booming as hard as you claim, and you are claiming it's booming... people wouldn't distrust and outright hate Obama on the overwhelming majorities that they do, worldwide.

$26 trillion is nothing now?

Conservatives are hard to please
It means nothing, just like your job.

It means nothing RW because you oddly give no context. Just a random 25 trillion dollar number floating in space. How is it possible that everyone in the US is doing better when more people are not working, more people are under the poverty line? Oh, because you mean the uber rich that Obama and the FEDr dumped trillions on are doing even better than they did under Bush means the rest of America is feeling this 25 trillion? You realize that's only like 78$ a person anyways right?

Only Obama could get 25 trillion more in the economy and manage to run higher deficits and add more to the debt than Bush. What an economic legend... Seriously, Obama sets the bar for retardation in the area of economics.

Most of the benefits of growth have gone to the Evul One Percent that Obama demonizes in public while collecting their donation at fundraising dinners in private.
Only loyal Obamabots believe these numbers. 5.9% Unemployment? Absolutely ludicrous. The reality is, we're enduring record levels of poverty.
Oh, LL, princess....where are all those polls showing how great the economy is. NONE, polls show in the high 30s believe this idiot President! That's disastrous, honey buns.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Gallup9/29 - 10/11500 A4254-12
Rasmussen Reports9/30 - 10/21500 LV4851-3
FOX News9/28 - 9/30845 LV3953-14
Associated Press/GfK9/25 - 9/29958 LV4258-16
McClatchy/Marist9/24 - 9/29884 RV4651-5
CNN/Opinion Research9/25 - 9/281055 A4452-8
above 40% and rising

Obama's handling of ISIS ISIL and Ebola in this month will impact the Senate elections, for good or bad.
Oh, LL, princess....where are all those polls showing how great the economy is. NONE, polls show in the high 30s believe this idiot President! That's disastrous, honey buns.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Gallup9/29 - 10/11500 A4254-12
Rasmussen Reports9/30 - 10/21500 LV4851-3
FOX News9/28 - 9/30845 LV3953-14
Associated Press/GfK9/25 - 9/29958 LV4258-16
McClatchy/Marist9/24 - 9/29884 RV4651-5
CNN/Opinion Research9/25 - 9/281055 A4452-8
above 40% and rising

Obama's handling of ISIS ISIL and Ebola in this month will impact the Senate elections, for good or bad.

Paulician has a good caveat about the correctness of the stats.

We have had this problem increasingly since the early Reagan years when his first term averaged nearly 8% unemployment.
More people DROPPED OUT of the Labor Force than found jobs (many of those being low wage part time ones).

315,000 quit, lowering the Labor Force Participation Rate to 62.7%, the lowest level since February 1978.


Discouraged workers DECLINED from 775,000 to 698,000.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood never tires of lying!

That is a misinterpretation of the data. That figure is a subset of those who are considered "Marginally Attached To The Labor Force".

The decline of 315,000 in the Labor Force doesn't include them.
Yes, it does.

That decline is for people who are no longer included in the Labor Force - some due to being so discouraged that they have given up.
The marginally attached are not in the labor force, and the discouraged are a subset of the marginally attached.

Shadowstats calculates unemployment according to the old methodology which included such discouraged people. The real un and underemployment rate is 23%.
Since He's using the U6 as his base, he's definitely not using the old methodology. But in any case, let's look.
The U6 is Unemployed plus all marginally attached plus part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus all marginally attached.
so going from Tables A-1, A-7, and A-16 at Employment Situation we find (using seasonally adjusted data when available):
Marginally Attached:2,226,000
Part Time for Economic Reasons: 7,103,000
Labor Force: 155,959,000

Therefore, the U-6 is (9,262,000+2,226,000+7,103,000)/(155,959,000+2,226,000) = 18,591,000/158,088,000 = 0.118 many people dos Mr. Williams have to add to get his 0.23?
How does me stating a fact equal rooting for the economy to fail? We all know you're not rooting for the economy, you're rooting for Obama.

I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

The majority of that "household wealth" has been wealth added to the much maligned "1%" who participated in the resurgence of the stock market due to the non-stop quantitative easing. The income of Middle Class Americans has gone down under Obama.
A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy Declines for the Lower 93 Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project
What I find "hilarious" is that liberals who have spent years complaining about how unfair it is that the wealthy make so much money...are now using the unprecedented amounts that the rich have made under Barack Obama as proof that he's doing a "great job".
Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

I guess you don't get much for $7,000,000,000,000 n new debt...


We have added $26 trillion to household wealth since Obama has been president

That means nothing....

Like, truly, it means nothing....

Not even getting into the fact that you lie consistently and give fractions of truths as a way to misinform people. If the economy were booming as hard as you claim, and you are claiming it's booming... people wouldn't distrust and outright hate Obama on the overwhelming majorities that they do, worldwide.

Your conclusion is an opinion without substance. Much of the far right hate Obama, yes, but that does not lead to "overwhelming majorities" in the world, and certainly not in America where he beat McCain in a tough race and simply trounced Romney. My opinion: not because the majority loved Obama but because it despised the far right.

Then VS now simpleton.

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