Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

It was 4.6 the last time republicans had majority power, which they from 1994 to 2006. Not that rightwinger knew or cared.

How many full time jobs? How many in the private sector?

Yes, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

Rightwinger is just a fucking ignorant hack
As long as the Senate has filibuster power and president has veto power, it takes a 2/3 majority in BOTH houses to override a presidential veto, so the Dems controlled NOTHING as long as Bush was president.

A perfect example is after the Dems won both houses they passed an increase in the minimum wage in the house. Bush was against it and threatened a veto if he didn't get more tax cuts for business. The GOP in the Senate filibustered the bill and the cloture vote failed with 43 Republicans voting against it. So once Bush got his tax cuts added to the bill it passed in the Senate. Bush and the GOP still controlled everything related to the economy and everything else with their filibuster and veto power. Bush and the GOP own the Bush Depression lock, stock and barrel!!!

You think Bush controlled everything related to the economy when the democrats owned the house and senate?

Do you even know who controls the purse strings?

When I get home I will show you how Bush warned 17 different times in 2008 alone about the housing bubble.

You have to be kidding. Much to your dismay, thebpreident is not a king. Raising the minimum wage would not have done a thing for the economy. That is yet another democrat liberal ploy to cause divisions in the classes and to make them look like Robinhood.
More Americans are stuck in part-time work - The Washington Post

It is easy to construct false arguments when you cherry pick the time frames. There were 4.5 million part time workers in 2007, there are 7.5 million today.

These examples are legion on this thread.

There were 8,046,000 part time workers for economic reasons when Bush left office and there are 7,103,000 now.
people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

any of you libercrats have an answer for this "little" statistic ?
The answer has been given to you thousands of times. Your religious ODS bias ideology has you so fucked in the head brainwashed that you can't comprehend reality.

The FACT is that 10,000 Baby Boomers have been retiring every day since 2008. The old cranky worn out broken down fuckers with retirement accounts & social security won't work anymore.

Obama is completely kicking ass employing the working age population!!!!!!!!!!!!

I disagree with your premise. Boomers made up less than 25% of the total U.S. populace in 2012, and the age group with the highest historical work participation – 25 to 54 years – only includes a few years' worth of boomers. How, then, could they be having such a disproportionate effect upon the labor participation rate?
So. No one knows how many fulltime that fake number represents?

Did a liberal attempt to explain why if the economy is doing so well why the foodstamp recipients increased?

So how does the unemployment rate decrease and foodstamp list increase at the same time?

Liberals folks.

Is the number of foodstamp recipients increasing?
The number of unemployed fell in September by 329,000 to 9.3 million. Most of them found jobs. But nearly 100,000 stopped looking for work.

The number of discouraged workers DECLINED by 77,000 from 775,000 to 698,000.

Here is my link.

Where is yours?
Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex not seasonally adjusted

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
It was 4.6 the last time republicans had majority power, which they from 1994 to 2006. Not that rightwinger knew or cared.

How many full time jobs? How many in the private sector?

Yes, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

Rightwinger is just a fucking ignorant hack
As long as the Senate has filibuster power and president has veto power, it takes a 2/3 majority in BOTH houses to override a presidential veto, so the Dems controlled NOTHING as long as Bush was president.

A perfect example is after the Dems won both houses they passed an increase in the minimum wage in the house. Bush was against it and threatened a veto if he didn't get more tax cuts for business. The GOP in the Senate filibustered the bill and the cloture vote failed with 43 Republicans voting against it. So once Bush got his tax cuts added to the bill it passed in the Senate. Bush and the GOP still controlled everything related to the economy and everything else with their filibuster and veto power. Bush and the GOP own the Bush Depression lock, stock and barrel!!!

You think Bush controlled everything related to the economy when the democrats owned the house and senate?

Do you even know who controls the purse strings?

When I get home I will show you how Bush warned 17 different times in 2008 alone about the housing bubble.

You have to be kidding. Much to your dismay, thebpreident is not a king. Raising the minimum wage would not have done a thing for the economy. That is yet another democrat liberal ploy to cause divisions in the classes and to make them look like Robinhood.
Talk is cheap, Bush may have given warnings, but the GOP blocked every attempt at reform.
95% of the economic gains from the first three years of the Obama Recovery went to the 1%.

And median net worth is now lower than it was in 1989 in inflation adjusted dollars. The middle class is getting creamed by Obamanomics.


The middle class is poorer today than it was in 1989 - The Washington Post

View attachment 32532

How can Obama be both a capitalist tool for the ultra wealthy and a socialist at the same time? Does not compute.

Please don't deny that like minds call Obama a socialist ALL THE TIME. It's the reason for the revolution.
95% of the economic gains from the first three years of the Obama Recovery went to the 1%.

And median net worth is now lower than it was in 1989 in inflation adjusted dollars. The middle class is getting creamed by Obamanomics.


The middle class is poorer today than it was in 1989 - The Washington Post

View attachment 32532
95% of the 26 trillion in gains went to the 1%

I guess we can't complain about raising capital gains, tax rates or living wages can we?

Looks like the one percent can't claim poverty

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"
More Americans are stuck in part-time work - The Washington Post

It is easy to construct false arguments when you cherry pick the time frames. There were 4.5 million part time workers in 2007, there are 7.5 million today.

These examples are legion on this thread.

There were 8,046,000 part time workers for economic reasons when Bush left office and there are 7,103,000 now.
people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

any of you libercrats have an answer for this "little" statistic ?
The answer has been given to you thousands of times. Your religious ODS bias ideology has you so fucked in the head brainwashed that you can't comprehend reality.

The FACT is that 10,000 Baby Boomers have been retiring every day since 2008. The old cranky worn out broken down fuckers with retirement accounts & social security won't work anymore.

Obama is completely kicking ass employing the working age population!!!!!!!!!!!!

I disagree with your premise. Boomers made up less than 25% of the total U.S. populace in 2012, and the age group with the highest historical work participation – 25 to 54 years – only includes a few years' worth of boomers. How, then, could they be having such a disproportionate effect upon the labor participation rate?

As I posted earlier in this thread, the Labor Force Participation Rate has increased for people 55 and older (including 75+!). The rate for prime working age cohort of 25-54 has declined.

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

How is it that you are too stupid to understand that someone who is so discouraged that he has given up looking for work is still UNEMPLOYED?
How can Obama be both a capitalist tool for the ultra wealthy and a socialist at the same time? Does not compute.

Socialism is the state controlling the means of production...those who go along with the program get the rewards...socialism is a top down those who want to succeed support the politicians and then get the special green energy...bill gates, warren buffet...

That's what libs don't get...the more power you give government, the more you empower large, powerful corporations...who have the money and influence to get rich off of the government...
95% of the economic gains from the first three years of the Obama Recovery went to the 1%.

And median net worth is now lower than it was in 1989 in inflation adjusted dollars. The middle class is getting creamed by Obamanomics.
What a good little Communist Obama is! :cuckoo:

Now wait just a minute there Slick, Trickle-Down tells us that the 1% are the job creators, with all those economic gains to the top 1% we should be washed away in a flood of jobs. Since we are not, then trickle-down is bullshit.

And how can net worth be called "real" during a bubble????
The UE rate can be zero if everyone just gave up looking for a job and went on the dole.
As I posted earlier in this thread, the Labor Force Participation Rate has increased for people 55 and older (including 75+!). The rate for prime working age cohort of 25-54 has declined.
But thanks to the Boomers, the population of people over 55 has increased dramatically, so there can be BOTH more people over 55 working while record numbers are retiring. Your moronic "logic" would only be valid if population growth were a constant. And in case you didn't know, it never is.
Have you noticed this phenomenon that just before elections, since Obama has been in office, unemployment seems to magically drop? One time in particular, found out after the election a couple of Dem states had trouble reporting, thus producing a false narrative. One state I remember was CA. Another time involved census worker numbers.

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

How is it that you are too stupid to understand that someone who is so discouraged that he has given up looking for work is still UNEMPLOYED?
Have you noticed this phenomenon that just before elections, since Obama has been in office, unemployment seems to magically drop? One time in particular, found out after the election a couple of Dem states had trouble reporting, thus producing a false narrative. One state I remember was CA. Another time involved census worker numbers.
From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

How is it that you are too stupid to understand that someone who is so discouraged that he has given up looking for work is still UNEMPLOYED?

It's curious, but there is a quite simple explanation: Average Americans are on strike.
95% of the economic gains from the first three years of the Obama Recovery went to the 1%.

And median net worth is now lower than it was in 1989 in inflation adjusted dollars. The middle class is getting creamed by Obamanomics.


The middle class is poorer today than it was in 1989 - The Washington Post

View attachment 32532
Don't forget that median household income is also down.

Down from what?
Too stupid to Google?

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