Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

So. No one knows how many fulltime that fake number represents?

Did a liberal attempt to explain why if the economy is doing so well why the foodstamp recipients increased?

So how does the unemployment rate decrease and foodstamp list increase at the same time?

Liberals folks.
I'd love to see them explain that phenomenon.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.
And still you idiots on the left do not take in account the number of people leaving the roles of people looking for jobs. idiot.
How does me stating a fact equal rooting for the economy to fail? We all know you're not rooting for the economy, you're rooting for Obama.

I find it odd that the same conservatives who were telling us that the unemployment rate was the most important economic factor in Obamas first term are now telling us that the Labor Participation Rate is now the most important factor

You are aware that the Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years aren't you?

Whqt are you saying? The labor partician later does count anymore? The fact is a smaller percentage of Americans are working today then when Obozo took office.

What I am saying is that conservatives paid no attention to the Labor Participation Rate when it was plummeting under Bush

Why? Because it has been expected to drop for the last 50 years. Baby boomers are retiring and dropping out of the workforce

Stop being an ass Rocko and be glad that we had good employment numbers last month

Forget about republican and Democrat for a second, when looking at something as complex as the economy it's foolish to believe that one indicator tells the whole story. Now politically, it was stupid for the Republicans to put all their eggs in one basket with the unemployment numbers, but that doesn't change the fact that we are worse off since Obozo took office.

Unemployment has dropped over 4% under Obama. How is that not better?
Nothing under obamabutthurt is better, except the stupidity from you.
95% of the economic gains from the first three years of the Obama Recovery went to the 1%.

And median net worth is now lower than it was in 1989 in inflation adjusted dollars. The middle class is getting creamed by Obamanomics.


The middle class is poorer today than it was in 1989 - The Washington Post

View attachment 32532
Don't forget that median household income is also down.

Down from what?
Too stupid to Google?

Nope. Are you? It's actually on the rise. Did you know that?
Ahahaha! Great catch at Zero Hedge.

The September Job gains by 55 years and older workers was more than 100% of the entire job increase in September. Rather blow up the boomer retirement prog spin, I must say.

The further one digs into today's "blockbuster" jobs report, the uglier it gets. Because it is not only the participation rate collapse, the slide in average earnings, but, topping it all off, we just learned that the future of the US workforce is bleak. In fact, with the age of the median employed male now in their mid-40's, the US workforce has never been older. Case in point: the September data confimed that the whopping surge in jobs... was thanks to your "grandparents" those in the 55-69 age group, which comprised the vast majority of the job additions in the month, at a whopping 230K.This was the biggest monthly jobs increase in the 55 and over age group since February!

What about the prime worker demographic, those aged 25-54 and whose work output is supposed to propel the US economy forward? They lost 10,000 jobs....

Hiring Grandparents Only 230K September Jobs Added In 55-69 Age Group 10K Lost In Prime 25-54 Group Zero Hedge
Who is getting the jobs? Old people!

age groups sept.jpg

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

Apparently you are too ignorant to read the link I provided. I am not responsible for what is written by ABC news. Stopped looking for work is the exact phrase they used in the article.
You cherry pick the statistics that fit your agenda and I and ABC news will do the same.
Unemployment decreases and foodstamp recipients increase.

Explain liberals.

OK. Maybe you just don't understand who creates jobs, yet I read it all the time on here. The government does not create jobs. You ever read that before? Or has that changed now?

The government does mandate a minimum wage that they have tried to increase with no success. Did you know that? The government even issues reports on the state of employment within the country.

Did you know that the Republicans in Bush's administration said that if only the job creators (those running private industry making big money) would create lots of jobs IF they could just get their taxes cut. They got the cuts.

Why don't you ask them where are the good paying jobs that wouldn't allow people to qualify for food stamps?

Obama raised taxes and put in many regulations by executive fiat that cost businesses the money they could have given as raises.

Name five of those regulations, please.

Here are ten for you.

Ten Job-Destroying Regulations National Review Online
Have you noticed this phenomenon that just before elections, since Obama has been in office, unemployment seems to magically drop? One time in particular, found out after the election a couple of Dem states had trouble reporting, thus producing a false narrative. One state I remember was CA. Another time involved census worker numbers.
From the BLS chart in your link

(Unadj) Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available

Aug 2141-Sep 2226 Up 85,000, or almost 100,000 as ABC reported.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

How is it that you are too stupid to understand that someone who is so discouraged that he has given up looking for work is still UNEMPLOYED?
Unemployment has been steadily dropping for five straight years

Of course it also drops before an election
Unemployment decreases and foodstamp recipients increase.

Explain liberals.

OK. Maybe you just don't understand who creates jobs, yet I read it all the time on here. The government does not create jobs. You ever read that before? Or has that changed now?

The government does mandate a minimum wage that they have tried to increase with no success. Did you know that? The government even issues reports on the state of employment within the country.

Did you know that the Republicans in Bush's administration said that if only the job creators (those running private industry making big money) would create lots of jobs IF they could just get their taxes cut. They got the cuts.

Why don't you ask them where are the good paying jobs that wouldn't allow people to qualify for food stamps?

Obama raised taxes and put in many regulations by executive fiat that cost businesses the money they could have given as raises.

Name five of those regulations, please.

Here are ten for you.

Ten Job-Destroying Regulations National Review Online

Nope. I need the ones that Obama has instituted by fiat and I then need the numbers of jobs killed.

That was ANOTHER link from 2011, by the way.

Just give me the names of the regulations. No bullshit article needed.
Have you noticed this phenomenon that just before elections, since Obama has been in office, unemployment seems to magically drop? One time in particular, found out after the election a couple of Dem states had trouble reporting, thus producing a false narrative. One state I remember was CA. Another time involved census worker numbers.
This is why the GOP lies to the Right, they can't even understand simple English!!!!!

Only the Tea Bag Brotherhood are stupid enough to believe that someone "stopped looking for work" by searching for work!!! :cuckoo:
And then jacking 85,000 to 100,000 to make the spin fit the lie! :rofl::lmao:

Take it up with ABC news shithead.
How exactly is it ABC's fault YOU are too stupid to know the difference between "stopped looking for work" and "searched for work?"

How is it that you are too stupid to understand that someone who is so discouraged that he has given up looking for work is still UNEMPLOYED?
Unemployment has been steadily dropping for five straight years

Of course it also drops before an election

More than 100% of the September jobs went to geezers.

How do spin that, tool?
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Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking

Just like the 5.9% unemployment rate!
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking

No no, it just shows your lack of logical deduction.
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking

Just like the 5.9% unemployment rate!
It s calculated the same way it has been for a generation

Conservatives had no problem with it when they were screaming about Obamas 10.2 percent unemployment. Now that it is down to 5.9 they claim it is irrelevant
Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking

Just like the 5.9% unemployment rate!
It s calculated the same way it has been for a generation

Conservatives had no problem with it when they were screaming about Obamas 10.2 percent unemployment. Now that it is down to 5.9 they claim it is irrelevant

Actually, bub, many of us pointed out that U3 UE is a bogus stat. U6 is far more revealing, and Shadowstats provides a more thorough picture of under and unemployment.
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Economy gains 248 000 jobs as hiring rebounds

The labor market rebounded sharply in September as employers added 248,000 jobs, the second largest gain for any month this year.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from 6.1%, lowest since July 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

All time record, 93 million out of work. If 350 millions were out of work, we would have 0 unemployment. See how that works? Of course you don't but you still cheer incompetence.
You do realize that post has nothing to do with reality don't you?

It also shows your math skills to be lacking

Just like the 5.9% unemployment rate!
It s calculated the same way it has been for a generation

Conservatives had no problem with it when they were screaming about Obamas 10.2 percent unemployment. Now that it is down to 5.9 they claim it is irrelevant

Actually, bub, many of us pointed out that U3 UE is a bogus stat. U6 is far more revealing, and Shadowstats provides a more thorough picture of under and unemployment.
In someways yes, in other ways it is less relevant
What is funny is conservative insistence on suddenly switching horses in reporting unemployment
Are you now denting that that U6 is also way down?

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