Another Good Month On The Jobs Front...unemployment Drops To 5.9%

The ball is rolling, folks. This president has fought off 5+ years of disloyal opposition and the economy continues a slow but steady recovery.

The labor participation rate peaked under President Clinton.

So all you RWnuts obsessing on the labor participation rate have to concede that the best president in that regard would be to elect another Bill Clinton.

Or elect a republican house and senate who controlled Clintons spending for 7 of his 8 years.

It peaked under Clinton. And then started falling. Congress didn't change.

Congress changed in 2007 you miserable asshole.

Pelosi took over in 2007, and the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent.

You stupid illiterate dick.

Just ONE bill that substantially changed Dubya's policies? lol


Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”
FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This actually started on Clintons watch. And, what did anything that Bush did cause a decline in home prices?

The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis was a nationwide banking emergency that coincided with the U.S. recession of December 2007-June 2009. It was triggered by a large decline in home prices, resulting in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures and the devaluation of housing-related securities.

Subprime mortgages grew from 5% of total originations ($35 billion) in 1994,to 20% ($600 billion) in 2006

In 1998 Brooksley E. Born, head of theCommodity Futures Trading Commission, put forth a policy paper asking for feedback from regulators, lobbyists, legislators on the question of whether derivatives should be reported, sold through a central facility, or whether capital requirements should be required of their buyers. Greenspan, Rubin, and Levitt pressured her to withdraw the paper and Greenspan persuaded Congress to pass a resolution preventing CFTC from regulating derivatives for another six months — when Born's term of office would expire.Ultimately, it was the collapse of a specific kind of derivative, the mortgage-backed security, that triggered the economic crisis of 2008.
The labor participation rate peaked under President Clinton.

So all you RWnuts obsessing on the labor participation rate have to concede that the best president in that regard would be to elect another Bill Clinton.

Clinton had a Republican Congress and an unprecedented boom in the dotcom bubble that went south shortly after he left office. Unlike Obama, Clinton paid attention to the Congress and negotiated and compromised.

Sure, must have been why GOPers shut doiwn the Gov't, TWICE and impeached Clinton

The economy was good, IN SPITE of GOP nonsense, AFTER Clinton's/Dems first surplus the GOP passed a $700+ billion tax cut Clinton had to veto to get 3 more, then Dubya came in and had 6 years of GOP Congress to fuck EVERYTHING up!

The economy was doing OK until the Democrats came into power in 2007.
Hey Rabid, considering what Bush gave us in his two terms, and where we are at today in the market and employment, I would have to say that President Obama is a resounding success when compared to his predessor. In fact, given what the President was facing when he took office, a resounding success compared to just about any President.

Yeah, except the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent and the dow was over 14000 (not driven by ZIRP Zero Interest Rate policy but you have no clue what that even means) the last time the republicans had majority of the power.

The democrats took over majority of the power and have had it since 2007. The democrats DELIBERATELY ignored ALL of the presidents warnings (17 of them in 2008 alone). The congress controls the spending which means they control the purse strings.

The economy took a shit under democrat control, regardless of who was in the white house. This may come as a shock to obamabots, but the president is not a KING. He has limited powers. At least that was the way it was before obama took over.

Bush, in his last two years was a lame duck president who also did not have republican majority in the House or Senate.

Every single one of you liberals are ignorant as hell for blaming ONLY BOOOOOOSH for the collapse of 2008. ALL OF YOU are brainwashed sacks of shit. All of you are in the same boat. All of you are morons.

I think it is funny how you all believe anything that comes out of this administration, considering how they have lied about EVERYTHING.

You can keep your plan. You can keep your doctor. You will save $2500 from obamacare. It was all spontaneous because of a video. Ebola is unlikely to come here.

You are all wastes of shit, no exceptions.
You are completely clueless! Presidents have far more power than you are giving them credit for. It takes a lot of votes to go against the prez. The presidents working group & cabinet control markets, jobs, prices, rules, enforcement, etc. Look at the financial disaster Bush caused when his cabinet stopped enforcement of rules & squashed creation of the CFPB that Clinton & congress designated to take over regulations gutted by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act & Commodity Futures Aodernization Act. Bush's first actions crushed the CFPB, His Administration caused the financial meltdown. Bernie Madoff made a mockery of the Bush Administration. Financial Professionals had no accountability & raped the public at will.
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These people would like to kill every White person they see.
Bullshit - I (a white dude) played poker with them (black people), took a bunch of their money, pissed them off & walked away without a scratch. Two of them were even from Ferguson MO. They even know where I live!
Hey Rabid, considering what Bush gave us in his two terms, and where we are at today in the market and employment, I would have to say that President Obama is a resounding success when compared to his predessor. In fact, given what the President was facing when he took office, a resounding success compared to just about any President.

Yeah, except the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent and the dow was over 14000 (not driven by ZIRP Zero Interest Rate policy but you have no clue what that even means) the last time the republicans had majority of the power.

The democrats took over majority of the power and have had it since 2007. The democrats DELIBERATELY ignored ALL of the presidents warnings (17 of them in 2008 alone). The congress controls the spending which means they control the purse strings.

The economy took a shit under democrat control, regardless of who was in the white house. This may come as a shock to obamabots, but the president is not a KING. He has limited powers. At least that was the way it was before obama took over.

Bush, in his last two years was a lame duck president who also did not have republican majority in the House or Senate.

Every single one of you liberals are ignorant as hell for blaming ONLY BOOOOOOSH for the collapse of 2008. ALL OF YOU are brainwashed sacks of shit. All of you are in the same boat. All of you are morons.

I think it is funny how you all believe anything that comes out of this administration, considering how they have lied about EVERYTHING.

You can keep your plan. You can keep your doctor. You will save $2500 from obamacare. It was all spontaneous because of a video. Ebola is unlikely to come here.

You are all wastes of shit, no exceptions.
You are completely clueless! Presidents have far more power than you are giving them credit for. It takes a lot of votes to go against the prez. The presidents working group & cabinet control markets, jobs, prices, rules, enforcement, etc. Look at the financial disaster Bush caused when his cabinet stopped enforcement of rules & squashed creation of the CFPB that Clinton & congress designated to take over regulations gutted by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act & Commodity Futures Aodernization Act. The Bush Administration caused the financial meltdown. Madoff made a mockery of the Bush Administration. Financial Professionals had no accountability & raped the public at will.

Presidents have less power than you give them credit for. I know you are mistaking your pathetic commie in chief.

There are MANY LIMITATIONS that the president has, especially when his party is not in control of congress, who are the ones that control the purse strings.

Yeah, ok. You do not in any way see after Pelosi and the democrats took control of the House and democrats took control of the senate means little. Even if, the economy imploded AFTER they took over.

Of course they were all just little innocent little fawns trying to do the right thing for the poor and impoverished and EVIL white republicans would not allow them to do it.

That is what you believe and that is all you believe. The economy was a bipartisan problem you fucking left wing hack.

In the mean time, you all fucking yell like Tarzan from the trees about 5.9 percent while you all yawned about the 4.6 percent in 2006.

You motherfuckers.
LOL. The 'Conservatives' are scared to death that President Obama is going to leave office on 20Jan17 with a low unemployment rate, a market approaching 20,000. After they have done everything in their power to destroy the economy. LOL
LOL. The 'Conservatives' are scared to death that President Obama is going to leave office on 20Jan17 with a low unemployment rate, a market approaching 20,000. After they have done everything in their power to destroy the economy. LOL

You are an ignorant hypocritical hack.
LOL. The 'Conservatives' are scared to death that President Obama is going to leave office on 20Jan17 with a low unemployment rate, a market approaching 20,000. After they have done everything in their power to destroy the economy. LOL

obama's failures as president will linger for years. he has destroyed the dem party for the next 20 or 30 years.

hope and change-------------------LOL
Just think of how much better the economy could be doing if the 93 million members of this society who have dropped out of the labor force were bringing home paychecks that exceeded the combined value of their government welfare checks and food stamps. You usually don't go shopping for a new house listing just your welfare check as income. Most of the folk touting the unemployment figures, 230,000 new part time jobs out of that 248,000 number, are members of the 2 per cent of Americans who are reproductively confused and/or prefer dressing in the clothing and intimate undergarments of the opposite gender, terrifically loyal Obama voters all, like the band members on the Titanic, they'll follow their captain as he goes down with the ship. They lend an entire new depth of meaning to the phrase talking out of the side of your mouth, this time because their boyfriends tumescent male appendage is occupying the major part of their oral cavity.
The labor participation rate peaked under President Clinton.

So all you RWnuts obsessing on the labor participation rate have to concede that the best president in that regard would be to elect another Bill Clinton.

Or elect a republican house and senate who controlled Clintons spending for 7 of his 8 years.

It peaked under Clinton. And then started falling. Congress didn't change.

Congress changed in 2007 you miserable asshole.

Pelosi took over in 2007, and the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent.

You stupid illiterate dick.

Just ONE bill that substantially changed Dubya's policies? lol


Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”
FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This actually started on Clintons watch. And, what did anything that Bush did cause a decline in home prices?

The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis was a nationwide banking emergency that coincided with the U.S. recession of December 2007-June 2009. It was triggered by a large decline in home prices, resulting in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures and the devaluation of housing-related securities.

Subprime mortgages grew from 5% of total originations ($35 billion) in 1994,to 20% ($600 billion) in 2006

In 1998 Brooksley E. Born, head of theCommodity Futures Trading Commission, put forth a policy paper asking for feedback from regulators, lobbyists, legislators on the question of whether derivatives should be reported, sold through a central facility, or whether capital requirements should be required of their buyers. Greenspan, Rubin, and Levitt pressured her to withdraw the paper and Greenspan persuaded Congress to pass a resolution preventing CFTC from regulating derivatives for another six months — when Born's term of office would expire.Ultimately, it was the collapse of a specific kind of derivative, the mortgage-backed security, that triggered the economic crisis of 2008.

Exactly. I wish more people grasped this. It wasn't all derivatives. The types of derivatives that do not have capital requirements, are the types that did not crash.

The types that crashed were mortgage backed securities, and specifically, sub-prime mortgage backed securities. And those securities do have capital requirements. All the requirements in the world, would not have prevented the crash.

A lot of people don't get this either. Capital requirements in Europe and Canada, are *LOWER* than they are here.... and yet the crash stated HERE. The problem was not a lack of regulation. The problem was regulation that pushed bad loans.
LOL. The 'Conservatives' are scared to death that President Obama is going to leave office on 20Jan17 with a low unemployment rate, a market approaching 20,000. After they have done everything in their power to destroy the economy. LOL

I'm not scared of that at all. I just know that ignorant, stupid, and mindless idiots on the left, are too brain damaged to know the president didn't create jobs. The wealthy rich people did. Obama just happened to be in office when they did it.

Again, you are just too plain stupid to know any better.

Leftard: "Dur dur! The Sun came up! Obamy in officer! DUR!!! Obamy made Sun come up! Hail Obamy!"

Idiots. You are all idiots. Every single one of you.
Just think of how much better the economy could be doing if the 93 million members of this society who have dropped out of the labor force were bringing home paychecks that exceeded the combined value of their government welfare checks and food stamps.
Funny how much better the economy could be doing if the 80 million members of this society who have dropped out of the labor force that Bush passed on to Obama were bringing home paychecks that exceeded the combined value of their government welfare checks and food stamps. Funnier still how the Right never said a peep about Bush's 80 million freeloading CON$ervatives!!!
Or elect a republican house and senate who controlled Clintons spending for 7 of his 8 years.

It peaked under Clinton. And then started falling. Congress didn't change.

Congress changed in 2007 you miserable asshole.

Pelosi took over in 2007, and the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent.

You stupid illiterate dick.

Just ONE bill that substantially changed Dubya's policies? lol


Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”
FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This actually started on Clintons watch. And, what did anything that Bush did cause a decline in home prices?

The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis was a nationwide banking emergency that coincided with the U.S. recession of December 2007-June 2009. It was triggered by a large decline in home prices, resulting in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures and the devaluation of housing-related securities.

Subprime mortgages grew from 5% of total originations ($35 billion) in 1994,to 20% ($600 billion) in 2006

In 1998 Brooksley E. Born, head of theCommodity Futures Trading Commission, put forth a policy paper asking for feedback from regulators, lobbyists, legislators on the question of whether derivatives should be reported, sold through a central facility, or whether capital requirements should be required of their buyers. Greenspan, Rubin, and Levitt pressured her to withdraw the paper and Greenspan persuaded Congress to pass a resolution preventing CFTC from regulating derivatives for another six months — when Born's term of office would expire.Ultimately, it was the collapse of a specific kind of derivative, the mortgage-backed security, that triggered the economic crisis of 2008.

Exactly. I wish more people grasped this. It wasn't all derivatives. The types of derivatives that do not have capital requirements, are the types that did not crash.

The types that crashed were mortgage backed securities, and specifically, sub-prime mortgage backed securities. And those securities do have capital requirements. All the requirements in the world, would not have prevented the crash.

A lot of people don't get this either. Capital requirements in Europe and Canada, are *LOWER* than they are here.... and yet the crash stated HERE. The problem was not a lack of regulation. The problem was regulation that pushed bad loans.

Very funny.

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