Another Great Documentary...'Improbable Collapse: The Demolition Of Our Republic'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Anyone see this one? Really good movie. I am now convinced our Government has lied to us about 911. So call me a 'Twoofer.' I'm in.
Anyone see this one? Really good movie. I am now convinced our Government has lied to us about 911. So call me a 'Twoofer.' I'm in.

Just watched it...good documentary. Just the tip of the mountain that points to 9/11 being concocted for ulterior reasons....hence how so many prominent people started to become "Truthers" in the first place.

I like the title...Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic...

Now let the "O.J. Simpson Defense Attorney's" or "Falsers" start the attacks....
For the last 20 years, the right has worked to demolish the country and it's worked beyond al Qaeda's wildest dreams.
Anyone see this one? Really good movie. I am now convinced our Government has lied to us about 911. So call me a 'Twoofer.' I'm in.

Just watched it...good documentary. Just the tip of the mountain that points to 9/11 being concocted for ulterior reasons....hence how so many prominent people started to become "Truthers" in the first place.

I like the title...Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic...

Now let the "O.J. Simpson Defense Attorney's" or "Falsers" start the attacks....

Yea they definitely lied about 911. Therefore there is a Conspiracy cover-up. The Government has done a great job discrediting and marginalizing anyone who questions their 911 story though. They control the MSM so it's really not too difficult for them to do that. Anyone who questions their unbelievable fairy tale story is immediately labelled 'Crazy.' That's nothing new though. They've done that many times in the past and they'll do it many more times in the future.

I'm not exactly sure what the Conspiracy and its purpose is but i do know there is one. WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. That's just fact. Now why they took it down,i'm just not sure? The CIA did have offices in the building and it was the City's Emergency Response Center. But there were many other agencies in the building too. So it could be there was information in the building they didn't want anyone to see. But the fact they lied about it,means there is a cover-up of some sort. I am now convinced of that.
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The Murrah Building and the other WTC Buildings which were located right beneath the Towers. This is what large buildings should look like after extensive damage...





[ame=]WTC7 -- This is an Orange - YouTube[/ame]
I believe what I can HEAR. In the video I HEAR WTC7 collapse but for some reason I DON'T HEAR the charges going off that would shear off the support columns holding the building up. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?
Also check into how long it takes to prep a building for CD. How much time did they have on 9/11? I can guess your answer to both of these questions. Let's see if I'm right, shall we?
I believe what I can HEAR. In the video I HEAR WTC7 collapse but for some reason I DON'T HEAR the charges going off that would shear off the support columns holding the building up. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?
Also check into how long it takes to prep a building for CD. How much time did they have on 9/11? I can guess your answer to both of these questions. Let's see if I'm right, shall we?

It should be investigated further. They didn't conduct a thorough investigation. They had their conclusion before they even started their investigation. And that sums up the whole 911 tragedy. It was not investigated properly. Obviously,we will never agree on that though. For me it's an orange while for you it's an apple. No point in discussing things further right? Not interested in playing the ridicule/insult game. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Take care and Happy New Year.
For the last 20 years, the right has worked to demolish the country and it's worked beyond al Qaeda's wildest dreams.
We (Obama) supported Al Qaida in Libya. So are we working to destroy our own country too? Splain dat won puleeze.
Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse - Telegraph

Now get this, because this is absolutely hilarious.

Obama only stopped Qaddafi from mass murdering his own people. See? Qaddafi was going to slaughter Libyans, but Obama put a stop to that. It's one of the reasons they put up billboards THANKING Obama.

Now Bush and the Republicans in Iraq, look what they did. First, they stood by and watched the Christians get slaughtered and chased from a homeland their people had lived in even before there were Muslims. Hilarious, right? And why didn't they do anything to protect the Christians? Remember, there were around a million and a half Christians living in Iraq. Now, some estimates put that number at around a quarter of a million. Get it? From one and a half million to a quarter of a million.

So Bush and the Republicans must have brought them here since their lives were destroyed in Iraq, right? Isn't that what we would expect? After all, they ARE Christians. Oops, guess not, wrong color. Bush and the Republicans turned their backs on them. Iraqi Christians have been scattered all over Europe and the Middle East. Many living as thieves and prostitutes and beggars since they can't legally work in several of the countries they escaped to. This is what we call "unintended consequences". Something that seems to always be a part of Republican strategies and policies. Because they don't believe in "education", they don't bother to learn what the consequences of their actions will be. They run on "gut feeling" and what they imagine will work.

Obama didn't get involved in Libya any more than stopping the slaughter. Maybe sending some advisers. Why? Because he learned from the terrible fiasco Republicans created in Iraq. A country that threw shoes at our president. A country that is now extreme right wing fanatic Islamic "BY CONSTITUTION". A constitution Republicans helped them write. WE had Iraq's government. WE had Iraq at the end of a gun barrel. WE had hundreds of thousands of armed troops in the country. And this is what they end up with?

Now get this. Historians and educated people saw it coming. Even before the invasion they said what would happen. Only Bush and the Republicans had a "vision" they created in their imaginations.

And the result is a million misplaced Christians Republicans care nothing about. A constitution that makes all legislation based on Islam. Women in Burkas. Iraq is friends with Iran and China gets the oil. Could Republicans have done a worse job? And remember, Republicans held both houses and the presidency with a Conservative Supreme Court and still, Republicans want to blame this mess on the Democrats. How can that be? They look at all these disasters and say, "It's your fault. You should have stopped us".
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Most of the people here doing the ridiculing & insulting have not watched this movie. I know having an open mind on these things can be scary but you gotta just buck up and watch anyway. Yes,it will likely upset your order of things,but it's still worth it. Enlightenment can be scary at first,but it soon turns to knowledge and strength. Because knowledge is strength. What if everything you thought was right,was wrong? I know that's incredibly hard for most to face but it is worth facing. If you have the knowledge,you can change things. So just watch the movie with an open mind and then come back here to discuss. Or don't. It's up to you.
I believe what I can HEAR. In the video I HEAR WTC7 collapse but for some reason I DON'T HEAR the charges going off that would shear off the support columns holding the building up. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?
Also check into how long it takes to prep a building for CD. How much time did they have on 9/11? I can guess your answer to both of these questions. Let's see if I'm right, shall we?

Actually,explosions were heard. But also keep in mind,Thermite doesn't necessarily create a loud explosion sound.
WTC 7 tenants at the time of 911:

Salomon Smith Barney
ITT Hartford Insurance Group
American Express Bank International
Standard Chartered Bank
Securities and Exchange Commission
Internal Revenue Service
United States Secret Service
New York City Office of Emergency Management
National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Federal Home Loan Bank
First State Management Group Inc
Provident Financial Management
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Department of Defense
Central Intelligence Agency

"NOTHING like WTC 1&2." Pretty bold statement coming from someone with absolutely no expertise in this area. Maybe you really should watch this film? Give it a shot. :)
Are you just going to keep posting the same stuff that every other twofer has posted?

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