Another Green Energy Scam Ends

Congress is passing billions of more new dollars for solar and other energy scams. There are others who are following his footsteps.
Social Security is the biggest Ponzi Scheme in history.
Congress is busy robbing us blind while offering $3600/ health care....and $450,000 for each child to illegals.
Biden is swimming in cash he stole from us, and he's spreading it around like fertilizer on a farmer's crops.
Congress is passing billions of more new dollars for solar and other energy scams. There are others who are following his footsteps.

Did you ever think this climate change could possibly be true?
The world is pledging trillions but you still doubt it's real. Are you kidding yourselves?
Did you ever think this climate change could possibly be true?
The world is pledging trillions but you still doubt it's real. Are you kidding yourselves?
If these people were really serious about climate change they'd be considering nuclear power not windmills and batteries
Greed is good? Does it really matter how one exploits their greed? Through solar deals, investments scams or fake colleges?
Obama would live in poverty if it was not for the globalists. He showed up in Scotland because he is the power behind Biden. He has no business being there. He is of the Village. The Village lives for the now. They do not save the feed corn for several years and think of the real future. The other end of the spectrum is uncontrolled capitalist ways that are turbulent. The tale of two men from the same nation in South Africa...Trevor Noah.. supposed comedy and made rich by globalists. Provide very little coon for others. And Elon Musk..part crony capitalist but a visionary and provides jobs for countless people. South Africa is going the Noah route as poverty is expanding since the end of apartheid which was not good.
Obama would live in poverty if it was not for the globalists. He showed up in Scotland because he is the power behind Biden. He has no business being there. He is of the Village. The Village lives for the now. They do not save the feed corn for several years and think of the real future. The other end of the spectrum is uncontrolled capitalist ways that are turbulent. The tale of two men from the same nation in South Africa...Trevor Noah.. supposed comedy and made rich by globalists. Provide very little coon for others. And Elon Musk..part crony capitalist but a visionary and provides jobs for countless people. South Africa is going the Noah route as poverty is expanding since the end of apartheid which was not good.

Another cult post.
Obama used to be broke....till he became president.
Now he has a mansion in Chicago, a mansion in D.C., a mansion in Martha's Vineyard, and is currently building a new beachfront property in Oahu.
How do these people get so lucky?

Education, hardwork and a bit of luck. Too many men think 'good guys finish last'........
Obama would live in poverty if it was not for the globalists. He showed up in Scotland because he is the power behind Biden. He has no business being there. He is of the Village. The Village lives for the now. They do not save the feed corn for several years and think of the real future. The other end of the spectrum is uncontrolled capitalist ways that are turbulent. The tale of two men from the same nation in South Africa...Trevor Noah.. supposed comedy and made rich by globalists. Provide very little coon for others. And Elon Musk..part crony capitalist but a visionary and provides jobs for countless people. South Africa is going the Noah route as poverty is expanding since the end of apartheid which was not good.

Jeez Louise... Haven't you been to Scotland?
Did you ever think this climate change could possibly be true?
The world is pledging trillions but you still doubt it's real. Are you kidding yourselves?

I don't think so. The despots who are pushing this don't act like they believe its true.

The big fartacular meeting that was held in Rome, Italy for the VIP's could have been held through a zoom meeting instead of burning all that jet fuel.

As long as the hot shots pushing it have such humongous "carbon footprint", I'm inclined to think they are lying about it.
Education, hardwork and a bit of luck. Too many men think 'good guys finish last'........
No.....Obama took so much graft that he doesn't have to work anymore.
Nobody bothered to question him about the drug-trafficking friends loaning him their beachfront homes in Oahu to take vacations in.
This is a byproduct of being in charge of the NSA and the FBI as well as the IRS.
Ted Nugent was a critic of Obama.....and all of the sudden he's getting visits from the ATF, FBI, IRS, and federal prosecutors that charged him with game violations.
He used all of the above to attack critics.....and somehow got people to sign contracts with him like the one he signed with Netflix.
I don't think so. The despots who are pushing this don't act like they believe its true.

The big fartacular meeting that was held in Rome, Italy for the VIP's could have been held through a zoom meeting instead of burning all that jet fuel.

As long as the hot shots pushing it have such humongous "carbon footprint", I'm inclined to think they are lying about it.
If Biden had spoke with the Pope over Zoom they would have had a record of him bribing the Pope.
So they made sure the press wasn't allowed in.
They said he was in there for 90 mins.....normally a visit would only be a few minutes.
But ether Biden shit himself and had to change or he was working out deals with Pope Francis.....the first Pope to accept the LGBT community and condemn Capitalism.
Maybe Biden wants a black or transsexual Pope.....because there is a possibility the Pope may be resigning soon.
Somebody is behind a socialist movement using human-trafficking....and much of it is coming from royals in the UK and the Vatican.
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If Biden had spoke with the Pope over Zoom they would have had a record of him bribing the Pope.
So they made sure the press wasn't allowed in.
They said he was in there for 90 mins.....normally a visit would only be a few minutes.
But ether Biden shit himself and had to change or he was working out deals with Pope Francis.....the first Pope to accept the LGBT community and condemn Capitalism.
Maybe Biden wants a black or transsexual Pope.....because there is a possibility the Pope may be resigning soon.

I don't think the pope will resign at all.

Benedict XVI was an outlier. Pope almost always serve until they attain room temperature.
I don't think so. The despots who are pushing this don't act like they believe its true.

The big fartacular meeting that was held in Rome, Italy for the VIP's could have been held through a zoom meeting instead of burning all that jet fuel.

As long as the hot shots pushing it have such humongous "carbon footprint", I'm inclined to think they are lying about it.

Only fools deny it exists. Don't include yourself in that lot of idiots.

Forget about the ridiculous schemes about money making and other conspiracy theories. The whole world is putting their money into stopping it but a Neville nobody from nowhereistan says it's all false. Really?
If these people were really serious about climate change they'd be considering nuclear power not windmills and batteries

Not every is happy about nuclear power.
NY had an incident, Chernobyl???

Can you understand that?

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