ANOTHER high-ranking Repub cashing-in/quitting

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."


cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.

here you go. A big Bro repub going to am radio Rep. Mike Rogers to retire, launch national radio show He was a big |\|SA cheerleader :thanks:
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cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:



:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.

here you go. A big Bro repub going to am radio Rep. Mike Rogers to retire, launch national radio show He was a big |\|SA cheerleader :thanks:

Honestly I'm glad to see him go also, 7 terms is more than enough. I voted against my current congressman in the primary for the same reason. I just hope they get a good conservative to replace him.
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."


Discuss what? The fact that he supports Obama's policies? How the fuck does that make him a Republican? Who the fuck is he? Where is the link?
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.

You rely on MEDIA too much. Just do your own research. But the link is here Let me google that for you
:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.

here you go. A big Bro repub going to am radio Rep. Mike Rogers to retire, launch national radio show He was a big |\|SA cheerleader :thanks:

Honestly I'm glad to see him go also, 7 terms is more than enough. I voted against my current congressman in the primary for the same reason. I just hope they get a good conservative to replace him.

Define "good conservative" and you will win my vote.

I believe in less spending but most Conservatives think the are winning when they vote for the biggest spenders. Most of Obama's spending was in place before he was in office, it's not bias, it's facts.
People who support surveillance and Big Brother government better leave politics ASAP
Speaking of "cashing in"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is at the center of a growing political controversy after it was revealed Thursday that more payments from his campaign funds had been made to his granddaughter than previously reported.

The Nevada Democrat promised earlier this week to reimburse $16,787 his campaign gave to Ryan Elisabeth Reid in 2013 for what was described as payments for “holiday gifts.” Those payments were reportedly made to purchase items from Ryan Elisabeth Reid, who has her own line of jewelry. Reid defended the payments, saying they complied with Federal Election Commission standards that allow the purchase of goods from relatives if those goods are sold at fair market value.

Jahan Wilcox, a Republican National Committee spokesman, decried Harry Reid's use of campaign monies as a "personal slush fund."

Things got worse for Reid when the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Thursday that federal disclosures show the campaign paid another $14,481 to Reid's granddaughter in 2012, bringing to $31,268 the total paid to Ryan Elisabeth in 2012 and 2013 to purchase gifts for Reid's support staff.

Probe Uncovers More Reid 'Slush Fund' Payments to Granddaughter
What, exactly, has he ‘cashed out’ on? Left your own thread dot com?

I should not have to point out that the vast majority of conservatives here are more than happy when a big government con leaves office so that your entire point of this thread seems rather moot.

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