ANOTHER high-ranking Repub cashing-in/quitting

:link::link::link: So we have some idea what the hell you're talking about.

here you go. A big Bro repub going to am radio Rep. Mike Rogers to retire, launch national radio show He was a big |\|SA cheerleader :thanks:

Honestly I'm glad to see him go also, 7 terms is more than enough. I voted against my current congressman in the primary for the same reason. I just hope they get a good conservative to replace him.

A good conservative?? There is no such thing. LMAO.
Good for him.

Yea, ain't it great for our elected representatives to serve a particular industry while in office (as opposed to serving we the people), retire with a cushy government retirement package, then get themselves a "lobbyist" job making a few million a year.

And you think this is how our government is supposed to work?

Plutocrats forever is your battle cry I take it. No wonder we are fucked.
Perhaps Al Franken will return to that icon of liberal broadcasting, "Air America"... Oh, Air America is dead, forget about it!...My bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

only Democrats are allowed to, cha ching, cash in work in tv and radio
Perhaps Al Franken will return to that icon of liberal broadcasting, "Air America"... Oh, Air America is dead, forget about it!...My bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

only Democrats are allowed to, cha ching, cash in work in tv and radio

You support this kind of get elected, serve an industry while elected, get a big paying lobbyist position after a few years.

Dem or Repub, you support this? Why?
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



And do YOU believe this is a Republicans ONLY problem, Dot?
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



And do YOU believe this is a Republicans ONLY problem, Dot?

of course she does.....just look at her posts and threads.....she is a disciple of Dean....
Perhaps Al Franken will return to that icon of liberal broadcasting, "Air America"... Oh, Air America is dead, forget about it!...My bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

only Democrats are allowed to, cha ching, cash in work in tv and radio

You support this kind of get elected, serve an industry while elected, get a big paying lobbyist position after a few years.

Dem or Repub, you support this? Why?

Who supports it, but the question to you is how do we stop it?...You think either side would make a law against it?:badgrin:

ummm..... and that has to do w/ a pro-surveillance, Big Gov't shill going to am radio exactly how in your tiny mind? :eusa_eh:

Because unlike you I don't give a damn what someone does in their personal life for work. The democrat on the other hand is the definition of a crook.

Course you won't care being a hack & all

ummm..... and that has to do w/ a pro-surveillance, Big Gov't shill going to am radio exactly how in your tiny mind? :eusa_eh:

Because unlike you I don't give a damn what someone does in their personal life for work. The democrat on the other hand is the definition of a crook.

Course you won't care being a hack & all

good post for another thread :thup:

Where do you people come from? :eusa_doh:
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



how exactly did he leave the taxpayer holding the bag?
Don't get me wrong, one less pro-surveillance Repub is great, but the cashing-in part is what makes me sick
no surprise dishonest com can't answer a simple question about her OP

cashing in....LOL....i don't hear you whining about both clinton's book deals or obama's for that matter....or their speech fees

hypocrite troll
no surprise dishonest com can't answer a simple question about her OP

cashing in....LOL....i don't hear you whining about both clinton's book deals or obama's for that matter....or their speech fees

hypocrite troll

Hmmm....both of them were POTUS, Yurtie. Can you come up with just a wee bit of a real comparison?
no surprise dishonest com can't answer a simple question about her OP

cashing in....LOL....i don't hear you whining about both clinton's book deals or obama's for that matter....or their speech fees

hypocrite troll

Hmmm....both of them were POTUS, Yurtie. Can you come up with just a wee bit of a real comparison?

so that makes it ok for them to cash in? they use their fame just like this guy, same thing, perfect comparison.

lmao, the hypocrisy is mind boggling.
here you go. A big Bro repub going to am radio Rep. Mike Rogers to retire, launch national radio show He was a big |\|SA cheerleader :thanks:

Honestly I'm glad to see him go also, 7 terms is more than enough. I voted against my current congressman in the primary for the same reason. I just hope they get a good conservative to replace him.

Define "good conservative" and you will win my vote.

I believe in less spending but most Conservatives think the are winning when they vote for the biggest spenders. Most of Obama's spending was in place before he was in office, it's not bias, it's facts.

Indeed, very true. Both Iraq and Afghanistan war bills were rolled over to 2009 books. Cheney taught Bush how to play with the numbers. And Cheney learned those tricks from Ken Lay.

(Betcha' these rightie suck-ups don't remember who that guy was unless they Google it. I guess I'll have to Google it for them. )
Don't get me wrong, one less pro-surveillance Repub is great, but the cashing-in part is what makes me sick
cashing-in AKA- leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. This "guy" was/is pro-surveillance/Big Bro Gov't :thup:

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, said, "We are thrilled to have Chairman Rogers join our team. He has been instrumental helping to shape many of the most important issues and events of our time and will play a significant role in our expanding content platform."



how exactly did he leave the taxpayer holding the bag?


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