Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

You say the above drivel and call me intentionally ignorant. If a 'fact' is challenged with reputable evidence then it ceases to be a fact, but a debatable issue. The word 'fact' has a meaning. Look it up....

play your little game of semantics elsewhere----this is exactly why liberals aren't worth discussing anything with.

Translation: "I got my butt kicked, so I give up."

Hey Dillo, a question for ya:
Is Barack Obama president of the US a fact or not. If it is a fact, what is debatable about it?

Whether he's a good one or not.
See how easy that is ?
now shoo
listen Gump------everything is open for debate. No one and I mean NO ONE has a lock on all the facts surrounding the holocaust. And since no one does it seems prudent to question everything. Questioning something doesn't make you anything but wise.

Most things are up for debate, even aspects of the Holocaust. There is a huge chasm between denying the Holocaust and discussing varying aspects of it.

No, some things are NOT open to debate. ie - Obama IS the president of the US. The US DID invade Iraq in 2003. Robert de Niro IS an actor....capice?

EVERYTHING is up for debate---EVERYTHING.
Being a lefty might lead you to think that things are all cut and dried but they ain't.
Open your mind and enjoy the view.
I'm not a lefty....I would be ashamed to have that label EVER attached to me, but, i'm here to tell you that you are full o' shit.

Now, are you a Ron Paul supporter?.........Just curious.
Most things are up for debate, even aspects of the Holocaust. There is a huge chasm between denying the Holocaust and discussing varying aspects of it.

No, some things are NOT open to debate. ie - Obama IS the president of the US. The US DID invade Iraq in 2003. Robert de Niro IS an actor....capice?

EVERYTHING is up for debate---EVERYTHING.
Being a lefty might lead you to think that things are all cut and dried but they ain't.
Open your mind and enjoy the view.
I'm not a lefty....I would be ashamed to have that label EVER attached to me, but, i'm here to tell you that you are full o' shit.

Now, are you a Ron Paul supporter?.........Just curious.

Stop it. You're hurting my feelings.
play your little game of semantics elsewhere----this is exactly why liberals aren't worth discussing anything with.

Translation: "I got my butt kicked, so I give up."

Hey Dillo, a question for ya:
Is Barack Obama president of the US a fact or not. If it is a fact, what is debatable about it?

Whether he's a good one or not.
See how easy that is ?
now shoo

And that negates my point how?
Whether he is a good one or not is a different subject.
Now thank me for educating your ignorant arse....
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Who owned the sand? Nobody wanted the place. It was a waste and a desert. It was the Jewish immigration that made the place desirable and productive. In place of scorpions there are medical clinics, in place of sand dunes there are orange groves, and the number of religious kooks has increased exponentially. Prior to the Jewish immigration, the arabs wanted nothing to do with the place either.

Oh, the irony...

The Zionists have come full circle and are now doing the exact same thing they accuse Holocaust deniers of: rewriting History.

1 - Palestine was an uncivilised wasteland, "a land without a people", etc, etc (the same old tired bullshit that's been repeated ad nauseum by each and every invader since the world's first landgrab).

2 - Palestinians were not terrorised by jewish paramilitary groups into leaving their villages, did not flee a warzone like civilians do all over the world, the Jews begged them to stay but they refused.

Originally posted by Baruch Menachem
What is going on here is that denying the holocaust denies the narrative of the Jewish state. The reason for Israel is that Jews are unsafe anywhere but in their own strong and secure homeland. If Jews are safe in the rest of the world, then there is no need for a Jewish state to protect them.

If it wasn't that big a deal, then the in the view of the Arabs there is no point to Zionism.

Conversely, the Holocaust "justifies" the dehumanisation of the Palestinian people.

This historical event gave the world Jewry the status of "super victims of human history".

This super victim status makes it much easier for people in the United States to dehumanise the palestinian people for a "greater good", to disregard their unequivocal right to return to their homes and lands in order to preserve the "Jewish character" of the state.

In a strange, convoluted way, the holocaust helps to ease the burden of guilt.
You don't ban people on this board for their it should be. Don't like it? Find another board....
There's a forum for Jew-haters. It's called Stormfront.

I expect Billy and Sunni have accounts already.

There are also forums for anti-abortionists, Obama haters and gun nuts...but you can find them all here too, without fear or favour...

Are you equating the two sets?

I love history and came about my conclusions concerning the Holocaust through my own independent study.

And there's the rub. What did you independently study?

Meaning that I took US and world history classes in high school and college.

But now I read history from any era our viewpoint that I choose.

With no guidance or direction from any teacher or professor.
In other words, you only seek out information that reinforces the conclusions you've already reached.
And there's the rub. What did you independently study?

Meaning that I took US and world history classes in high school and college.

But now I read history from any era our viewpoint that I choose.

With no guidance or direction from any teacher or professor.
In other words, you only seek out information that reinforces the conclusions you've already reached.


I seek out reading material that covers both sides of any issue.

That way I can draw my own conclusions on the subject matter.
What is going on here is that denying the holocaust denies the narrative of the Jewish state. The reason for Israel is that Jews are unsafe anywhere but in their own strong and secure homeland. If Jews are safe in the rest of the world, then there is no need for a Jewish state to protect them.

If it wasn't that big a deal, then the in the view of the Arabs there is no point to Zionism.

Conveniently forgetting that Zionism got its start in France in Russia when Hitler was still running around in short pants.

So for the Arabs, Zionism is just a colonial adventure of European jews to enforce european values on the mid east, and rob and displace the original inhabitants. (The original zionists purchased the land they occupied, and even now when Arabs are displaced they are compensated and permitted court hearings prior to any eminent domain proceedings. The Arabs under Israeli law are better protected than US citizens under the most recent US supreme court decisions on eminent domain.)

I think this is what causes such a huge desire to get ahold of the history of the 1940s and re write it. You control the historical narrative, you can control the future.
One of your best posts.

And I always enjoy your posts. :cool:
Something very important seems to have sailed past you.
Meaning that I took US and world history classes in high school and college.

But now I read history from any era our viewpoint that I choose.

With no guidance or direction from any teacher or professor.
In other words, you only seek out information that reinforces the conclusions you've already reached.


I seek out reading material that covers both sides of any issue.

That way I can draw my own conclusions on the subject matter.

Funny how you come to the conclusion that many of your faith share, huh?

Yeah, I don't think you're as independent as you'd like to think.
Baruch Menachem

I enjoy reading well thought out post whether I agree or disagree with them.

In fact I will give positive reputations to posters who's views are diametrically opposed to mine if they are well thought out and expressed in an intellectual manner
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The important thing to do with any important study is to look at the contemporary accounts. Not re digested pablum by folks with an axe to grind.

We have the witnesses accounts, we have the pictures, the movies, even the admissions by the German officials as to what they were doing.

What you are dealing with are engineering nitpicks from 40 years on.
The topic of this thread was the so-called Holocaust.

But somehow it devolved into me as the subject.

Muslims had zero to do with the Holocaust.

It was an event that took place in Europe by Christian nations.

I for the life of me cannot figure out why the Holocaust cannot be discussed and debated like any other historical event.

Obviously it is not a cut and dry case since many people seem to dispute certain aspects of the official story.

Truth is it is all very documented. there are over 50 million documents about the fate of millions of people. But you are welcome to try to dispute them. It only shows what you truly want to be true. But it just doesn't work that way.

50 million ? got a link to that ???

Of course. This is fairly common knowledge.

The ITS Holocaust Archive in Bad Arolsen, Germany contains the fullest records of Nazi persecutions in existence.

The archives contain 50 million pages, housed in thousands of filing cabinets in 6 buildings. Overall, there are 16 miles of shelves holding information about the victims of the Nazis.

The documents - scraps of paper, transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records, and finally death registers – record the arrest, transportation and extermination of the victims. In some case, even the amount and size of the lice found on the prisoners’ heads were recorded.

This archive contains the famous Schindler’s List, with the names of 1,000 prisoners saved by factory owner Oskar Schindler who told the Nazis he needed the prisoners to work in his factory.

Records of Anne Frank’s journey from Amsterdam to Bergen-Belsen, where she died at the age of 15, can also be found among the millions of documents in this archive.

Holocaust Records Archive - International Tracing Service ITS Bad Arolsen Germany - 16 Miles of Nazi Files


Largest archive of Holocaust records to open -

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