Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

Exactly what were the nuremberg trials about?
Distracting from American and Soviet crimes and focusing attention on the Germans
Wicked Jester said:
Hi, you have received -118 reputation points from Wicked Jester.
Why ask if you don't want the answer? :confused:
I don't need answers from a loser like you, therefore I never asked.......You deal in stupidity.

And, if you don't want to be negged, don't neg me first.......I don't neg, unless negged, loser.
I personally knew a jewish man (hes dead now) that survived Auschwitz. He had the numbered tatoo on his forearm and lots of stories to go along with it. I susppose Sunni would claim this family friend of mine was just REALLY dedicated to the hoax. :lol:

What a fucking idiot. This thread is absurd.
The so called Holocaust story is like a piece of swiss cheese.

It is full of holes. :cuckoo:

Ever been to any of the camps?

I have. The shit was real.

I also personally know one of the German civilians who as a 15 year old was marched through the camp at Dachau after we liberated it. She tells us she still has nightmares about the place.
I've never been.......But i'm sure these fools like Sunni would say all those ovens were built 'cause the Nazi bastards just loved them some pizza.

I was able to go to Germany last year to visit my son for 2 weeks. He and his family were stationed there (Army) for 3 years, at Graffenweir (can't spell it - they just called it Graff). We spent most of a day at the Flossenburg concentration camp. We were lucky enough that his church group was going there and one of their pastors had studied most of the camps in Germany and was able to give us a lot of information.

That was probably the most depressing place i have ever been! We were in the shower rooms, the gas chambers, the crematorium...there's a memorial there where there's a BIG mound of dirt, grassed over, that is actually the burial site of thousands of people that were buried because there was only 1 oven so they couldn't burn all the bodies.

I saw an old man just standing outside the gate, with the saddest look on his face, not moving, not saying a word, just staring at one of the buildings. There's a man that as a boy was at that camp with his parents. His parents were killed and he was found by the military when the camp was closed. He was adopted by a soldier, is now a professor here in the US. Every year on the same day he was found he goes back to Flossenburg and just stands at the place in a broken down building where he used to sleep.

And of course, it wasn't ALL Jews in these camps, there were many other nationalities..ones that the Germans believed were not worth keeping. But the majority murdered were Jews.

For anyone to deny this happened is beyond my ability to grasp.
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If you really believe the Holocaust is fake, talk to the Germans. Even they admit it happened and if you try to deny the holocaust there, you get put in jail. If the holocaust didn't happen why would the Germans admit to it?

If it really happened, why lock up those who question the story instead of simply providing the evidence?

Sounds like the church burning 'heretics' for challenging the faith.

You need to talk to the Germans about that, its their laws.
As bad as the Russians were in WWII (And the fact they were on the judges table rather than at the defendants table turns much of the argument at Nuremberg into a travesty) the fact remains they didn't start a general war with the goal of mass murder. They may have been mass murderers (and their record in that regard either ties or exceeds that of the Germans) but their crime is not the same.

The Germans started the war with the goal of annihilating their subject races, running them through mass murder factories.

And no matter how wrong the russians may have been (or for that matter, US in America what with Jim Crow and the Japanese internment) that does not excuse the Germans for what they did, what their goals were, and how they did it.

The existence of pickpockets does not excuse Dillinger.
So you admit to being a whiny, petty, little bitch?
You neg me, and then call me a whiney bitch?


You're a fuckin' pussy......Both on and off this board.

JB is psychotic, he does the same shit all the time he neg reps someone and than when he gets one in return, he stamps his feet and throws a tantrum like a 5 year old child with ADHD.
I really hesitate to get into this as it's nothing but another thread about the Holocaust being a myth.

I've BEEN to Auschwitz. I've talked to men who were there as inmate - and guards. I've talked to Austrians and Germans who lived during those times and told me of what they saw and knew.


This was NOT a myth!!!
You're banned, but your fellow Jew-hating fuck in the OP isn't?

C'mon, mods. :cool:
Any moral man must abhor the Jewish religion
Stockholm're in the running for the Nobel Stupidest Post Prize.
So you're cool with genocide, the murder of unbelievers, killing all homosexuals, and forcing a girl to marry her rapist and serve him sexually for the rest of her life?
As bad as the Russians were in WWII (And the fact they were on the judges table rather than at the defendants table turns much of the argument at Nuremberg into a travesty) the fact remains they didn't start a general war with the goal of mass murder.

Actually, they did. It just happened to be against their own people.
They may have been mass murderers (and their record in that regard either ties or exceeds that of the Germans) but their crime is not the same.

The Germans started the war with the goal of annihilating their subject races, running them through mass murder factories.

The Russians did pretty much the same thing, except instead of having to be a Nazi to survive, you had to be a 'good' Bolshevik
And no matter how wrong the russians may have been (or for that matter, US in America what with Jim Crow and the Japanese internment) that does not excuse the Germans for what they did, what their goals were, and how they did it.

Nor, by that same token, do the Nazi's crimes excuse anyone else's.
the fact they were on the judges table rather than at the defendants table turns much of the argument at Nuremberg into a travesty

As I said, the whole show was intended to focus attention on Germany and distract from American and Soviet crimes.

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