Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

Why can't the alleged Holocaust be debated?

Every other aspect of historical significance is continually debated.

That's what the history channel program is about.

In fact many Americans debate whether Pres. Roosevelt allowed Pearl harbor to happen in order to involve us in World War II

Yet they are not called haters .

So why can't a serious debate over certain aspects of the so-called Holocaust be debated and examined?

The propaganda is powerful.
It's the only thing I can think of that is so sacred that even questioning it makes you evil.
Well, that and 9/11
If you really believe the Holocaust is fake, talk to the Germans. Even they admit it happened and if you try to deny the holocaust there, you get put in jail. If the holocaust didn't happen why would the Germans admit to it?

If it really happened, why lock up those who question the story instead of simply providing the evidence?

Sounds like the church burning 'heretics' for challenging the faith.
The particular crime of the Nazi regime is to deny the humanity of a group of people and use that denial as an excuse for systemic murder.

Ever heard a Republican talk about Muslims?
Anyway, the surviving jews have the right to feel that they are not safe anywhere but in a place they secure their own survival.

Boo-hoo. I feel no pity for a Jew or a dead Nazi. You can't say genocide's okay when you do it and then expect people to feel bad for you when you're on the losing side.

Hitler didn't do anything the Jews didn't approve of.
And the fact that similar (but in no way equal ) laws and events happened here

Nor because America didn't want to do the same.

'The Germans are beating us at our own game.'
The fact we have looked into the abyss but not fallen in does not excuse what happened there, nor does it permit us to feel all superior.

Didn't fall in? Do you know anything at all about 'Manifest Destiny'?
'Jews' served in the Waffen SS. Hitler signed off on this.

[ame=""] Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military (Modern War Studies) (9780700613588): Bryan Mark Rigg: Books[/ame]
The so called Holocaust story is like a piece of swiss cheese.

It is full of holes. :cuckoo:

Perhaps a trip to the Holocaust Museum is in order for ya.

It was HORRIFIC what was done to those poor people.

To deny it occurred is pure ignorance.

I feel badly for you.

What ever convinced you it didn't happen?

How do you know what was done to them? They already admitted the 6 million number was a lie.
Ropey loves to throw Muslims and Islam into any discussion of the Holocaust.

But the incident known as the Holocaust was carried out by European nations who were predominantly Christian in nature.

And had nothing to do at all with Muslims or Islam.

It is basically his way of derailing and wrecking any thread about the Holocaust or the Jews.
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” –Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

The Catholic church fully supported Hitler
The so called Holocaust story is like a piece of swiss cheese.

It is full of holes. :cuckoo:

Perhaps a trip to the Holocaust Museum is in order for ya.

It was HORRIFIC what was done to those poor people.

To deny it occurred is pure ignorance.

I feel badly for you.

What ever convinced you it didn't happen?

How do you know what was done to them? They already admitted the 6 million number was a lie.
From the statement of Hans Stark, registrar of new arrivals, Auschwitz (Klee, 255):

At another, later gassing -- also in autumn 1941 -- Grabner* ordered me to pour Zyklon B into the opening because only one medical orderly had shown up. During a gassing Zyklon B had to be poured through both openings of the gas-chamber room at the same time. This gassing was also a transport of 200-250 Jews, once again men, women and children. As the Zyklon B -- as already mentioned -- was in granular form, it trickled down over the people as it was being poured in.

They then started to cry out terribly for they now knew what was happening to them. I did not look through the opening because it had to be closed as soon as the Zyklon B had been poured in. After a few minutes there was silence. After some time had passed, it may have been ten to fifteen minutes, the gas chamber was opened. The dead lay higgledy-piggedly all over the place. It was a dreadful sight.
Auschwitz: Zyklon B

Do you buy all the confessions signed by POW in 'Nam?
You say the above drivel and call me intentionally ignorant. If a 'fact' is challenged with reputable evidence then it ceases to be a fact, but a debatable issue. The word 'fact' has a meaning. Look it up....

play your little game of semantics elsewhere----this is exactly why liberals aren't worth discussing anything with.

Translation: "I got my butt kicked, so I give up."

Hey Dillo, a question for ya:
Is Barack Obama president of the US a fact or not. If it is a fact, what is debatable about it?
Whether the government is legitimate in the first place ;)
The particular crime of the Nazi regime is to deny the humanity of a group of people and use that denial as an excuse for systemic murder.

Ever heard a Republican talk about Muslims?
Anyway, the surviving jews have the right to feel that they are not safe anywhere but in a place they secure their own survival.

Boo-hoo. I feel no pity for a Jew or a dead Nazi. You can't say genocide's okay when you do it and then expect people to feel bad for you when you're on the losing side.

Hitler didn't do anything the Jews didn't approve of.
And the fact that similar (but in no way equal ) laws and events happened here

Nor because America didn't want to do the same.

'The Germans are beating us at our own game.'
The fact we have looked into the abyss but not fallen in does not excuse what happened there, nor does it permit us to feel all superior.

Didn't fall in? Do you know anything at all about 'Manifest Destiny'?
You're such a fuckin' loser.

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