Another indicator for liberal regression

I'm gonna be honest... I've become more independent than liberal lately. I'm still a democrat if you look at my voting record(I voted for Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 and 2012. I nearly always support Democrats in House, Senate, and gubernatorial elections.), but I don't like a lot of the things democrats have done either. I don't feel as loyal to them as I did in my 20's and late teens.

I'm technically non-partisan and have no intentions of changing. That said, this last election I voted straight Republican, because there was no particular reason not to. That and I detest what the Democrat party has become.
For years I would vote against who ever was in office..trying to practice term limits..
I seriously think Democrats need new people in there. Having the same people in the same positions every 2 years isn't doing anything except screwing them over.

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