Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

As I posted before, GZ was found Not Guilty, he was never found and never was innocent. (I know that is too abstract for some of you. That's sad.)

our jury system presumes you are innocent

And only a jury can take your innocence away. Only the jury can change your status from innocent to guilty

It NEVER happened

A judge can too if you have a bench trial. And apparently the press has gotten into the act.
Nobody on the jury was black.

The prosecution had equal say about who was on the jury.

and B29 is black


She doesn't count. She is lighter than a paper bag.

Tell that to the black folks who calling her a traitor sister. She's trying to save her skin however light or dark it may be.

Well of course she is. I've already said she is just trying to keep her face from getting bashed in with a shovel. I didn't just fall off a turnip truck.
I'll try to keep this brief. I served on a jury in federal court on an age discrimination case. The truth of the gentleman's firing came out in the trial. He was a great employee with an excellent track record over decades of service. Two higher level managers in the company were having an affair. The employees put two and tow together when they both always seemed to be out of the office at exactly the same time. Rumors started and the lady involved could sense something was up. This guy who brought the suit was something of the respected elder in the office, so she went to him to find out what was going on. He was honest with her and told her of the employees suspicions. She and her lover went into a panic. Even though everyone in the company suspected it, he had actually voiced it to her. They had to get rid of him and trumped up work "performance" issues to build a case for firing him....because they couldn't have someone who knew their dirty little secret around. With Oklahoma being an "at will" work state, you can be fired for anything as long as it doesn't violate your civil rights. His atorney tried as hard as he could to turn it into an age discrimination suit because without that, he had no case for a suit for being fired. Unless you've sat on a jury, listened to all of the evidence and then received the judge's instructions concerning the law on how you can determine the verdict, it's hard for people to understand how it all works. Everyone one on the jury knew the guy had been screwed over and we all wanted to find in his favor to punish the company for not standing up for him and allowing him to be railroaded. But that was not what the case was about. It was about age discrimination and at the end of the day, that was not why he was fired. He lost his suit. The judge invited us to his chambers following the trial so we could discuss it and ask questions. He told us that the case almost didn't make to on the docket. What allowed it to go forward was that an upper level manager had come to town to do a townhall meeting and commented to the employee, "you know, they are getting rid of all of us gray hairs". That was it. That was the only "real" evidence of "age discrimination".

Regardless of what B29 "felt in her heart", a juror has to arrive at a verdict based on the evidence and the law. As much as it might pain her personally and individually, she did the right thing. The system functioned as it should and justice prevailed. It was two people in the wrong place at the wrong time who both displayed poor judgement and someone died as a result.......but it was not murder, just a situation gone bad. So says the evidence, so says the jury.
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George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

"You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence."


"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with," Maddy said. "[But] the law couldn't prove it."


"That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty."

When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so."

"I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.


"I felt like I let a lot of people down, and I'm thinking to myself, 'Did I go the right way? Did I go the wrong way?'" she said.

"As much as we were trying to find this man guilty…they give you a booklet that basically tells you the truth, and the truth is that there was nothing that we could do about it," she said. "I feel the verdict was already told."


She said she believes she owes Trayvon Martin's parents an apology because she feels "like I let them down."

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death. And as I carry him on my back, I'm hurting as much [as] Trayvon's Martin's mother because there's no way that any mother should feel that pain," she said.

Ok, now for my comments..

1 - Congratulations for recognizing that the Prosecutors did not prove the case they brought against Zimmerman and finally voting the way you did.

That is what you are supposed to do. The Evidence is what is needed to convict, not what you "Feel", not what you think you "owe" to others to do.

2 - I agree that this should never have had gone to court. It was politically pressured into going there. The Prosecutor even skipped the Grand Jury because she was afraid they would return a "No Bill".

3 - You don't owe Travyon's parents anything. If you had voted to convict Zimmerman despite the evidence but because of your "feelings" you would be owing Zimmerman and his family a lot more than just an apology.

You did the right thing. What you are feeling is a result of the political pressure being put on everyone by the race baiters who want to score political points for their agenda.

Too bad I can't give double rep for this post.
I learned that this juror was a black female. Jesse Jackson railed against this decision, partialy because there were no black participants in the trial, he said. B-29 wants to sit on the fence between fairness and bashing white racism. Just astounding.
I learned that this juror was a black female. Jesse Jackson railed against this decision, partialy because there were no black participants in the trial, he said. B-29 wants to sit on the fence between fairness and bashing white racism. Just astounding.

She wants to cover her ass. She wants NO part of any black retaliation.
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?
In case you missed it. That is NOT a crime.
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?
In case you missed it. That is NOT a crime.

It should be. If you are asked to identify yourself by the person you are following, you should comply.
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?

Has no bearing on the law.
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?

Has no bearing on the law.

I know, but it still should have been considered - it gives a reason as to motive, for Trayvon to have attacked.
The attack on him wasn't random - it was probably provoked by Zimmerman following the boy, and that should have been considered. Otherwise the jury didn't get all the facts.

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