Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

There was no prior motive established during the trial. Other than Zimmerman referring to him as suspicious, he did not act maliciously. If you haven't already seen, you can by looking at Martin's Facebook posts know that he liked getting into fights, even gave his girlfriend a blow by blow of a fight he got into. Zimmerman never "attacked" him either. There were over 250+ pieces of evidence and 60 witnesses called in that trial. The applicable law was put before the jury. They did it by the book, not by emotion.
Please, just this once, be honest. Why was Martin "suspicious"?

The 911 call explains it, and it has nothing to do with race.

If Zimmerman called 911 solely because he had seen a Black man walking the streets and assumed he had committed or was going to commit a crime based upon his race alone, that would be racial profiling. Of course, if Zimmerman had called 911 and said, “There's a Black man walking around and we need to check him out,” the 911 dispatcher would have laughed at him. However, Zimmerman was concerned with a lot more than race. The evidence proves beyond the possibility of doubt that Zimmerman called 911 because (1) there had been a number of recent burglaries in his neighborhood; (2) a man he had never seen before was walking in the rain at night just looking around, staring at houses; and (3) the man appeared to be on drugs (Martin had in fact been smoking Marijuana). Zimmerman found that conduct to be suspicious and worth calling 911 to report it. The 911 dispatcher also thought the man should be checked out and dispatched the police to the area. I think that given the circumstances, Zimmerman did what any responsible neighborhood watchman would have done.

What Zimmerman did was a good example of behavioral profiling. He realized that generally someone who is just walking around at night in the rain in a strange neighborhood staring at houses and acting like he's on drugs is most likely up to no good. I don't know about you, but that's what I would think. (Note: Zimmerman was unaware that Martin was visiting his father's girlfriend who lived close to where Zimmerman saw him.)

There is no evidence which tends to suggest that the 911 call was based upon anything other than suspicious behavior, not race. There may be those who think that Martin's behavior was not suspicious, and I won't condemn them for that. However, I certainly wouldn't want them to be neighborhood watchmen where I live.

Nice fantasy. That's basically what the defense sold the jury. You speak of Zimmerman like he's a fucking saint. Could he be Jesus?

Zimmerman, and wife, have a history of lies and deceit - so why do you give Zimmerman the benefit of every doubt? Because he was the "Last Man Standing"...?
If you flee, that gives the person following a reason to chase - they think you are running because you are up to no good. Best thing to do is stand your ground - like Trayvon was doing.

like zimmerman was doing.... see how that works?

Zimmerman was threatening the boy by following him. Trayvon had the right to defend himself.

Let me get this right.... the simple act of following someone you believe to be a criminal is unlawful? Martin engaged Zimmerman, not the other way around. Martin attacked Zimmerman for simply walking on a street. Martin knocked him to the ground and slammed his head repeatedly into the ground. All the while Zimmerman was calling for help.

The trial put all of this out there. And 6 Jurors agreed there was no real evidence that Zimmerman did anything other then defend himself. We even have one juror admitting that while emotionally she wanted to convict the EVIDENCE was clear and she could not do so.

Sorry there Luddly, but following someone you suspect might be up to no good is not stalking, and there is no evidence that Zimmerman initiated any confrontation other than the testimony from a young lady who couldn't keep her story straight time after time. Sometimes you have to take off the blinders in order to actually see. When this case first broke, I thought Zimmerman was most likely guilty. After hearing all of the evidence, I am certain there was no, as in zero, evidence to prove Zimmerman stalked, confronted, and then willfully killed Martin, on top of which I actually believe the bulk of Zimmerman's version as to the course of events that led to Martin's death.

As for this nutty juror, she states there wasn't enough evidence to convict but goes on to say Zimmerman got away with murder. This is where we all need to put on our "critical thinking" caps. If there wasn't enough evidence to convict, then that means there is obviously reasonable doubt, and if there is reasonable doubt, it is very possible that Zimmerman is actually completely innocent. See how that works?

Do you seriously consider that 'critical thinking'?

Zimmerman may have been found 'not guilty' because of how the law was narrowly defined to the jurors by the judge, but you used the word 'innocent'. GZ was not innocent.

You said Martin was up to 'no good'. REALLY? WHERE do you get that charge? GZ made a determination that Martin LOOKED suspicious. Martin had not committed a crime, and he was not trespassing. When GZ was on the phone with police he made the comment "We've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there's a real suspicious guy" and "these assholes, they always get away"

GZ was mentally convicting "a real suspicious guy" (Martin) with "break-ins in my neighborhood"

Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher "We don't need you to do that" when GZ followed Martin. But GZ had decided it was time to put an end to "these assholes, they always get away" Clearly there was intent to do "something" on his own.

What happened when GZ found Martin is coming from a man who shot and killed an unarmed boy. If Zimmerman started the confrontation, there was no one ALIVE to refute that charge.

'critical thinking'?
"It should be" should not be nor is a reason to put a man away for a minimum of 25 years.

Look, if someone was following me in the dead of night, and I was by myself, I would want to know who was following me. I would feel scared, understandably, being alone. The person should identify themselves, or the person being followed should have the right to use whatever force necessary to defend themselves.

Martin was by no means scared of Zimmerman. He attacked, he engaged. He started the fight, Noomi. The difference between him and you? You could easily subdue the person following you if push came to shove, given your training in the Martial Arts.

WHAT do you expect Zimmerman to say? He knew there were no eye witnesses and the only person who could dispute his story is the boy he executed.
There was no prior motive established during the trial. Other than Zimmerman referring to him as suspicious, he did not act maliciously. If you haven't already seen, you can by looking at Martin's Facebook posts know that he liked getting into fights, even gave his girlfriend a blow by blow of a fight he got into. Zimmerman never "attacked" him either. There were over 250+ pieces of evidence and 60 witnesses called in that trial. The applicable law was put before the jury. They did it by the book, not by emotion.
Please, just this once, be honest. Why was Martin "suspicious"?

The 911 call explains it, and it has nothing to do with race.

If Zimmerman called 911 solely because he had seen a Black man walking the streets and assumed he had committed or was going to commit a crime based upon his race alone, that would be racial profiling. Of course, if Zimmerman had called 911 and said, “There's a Black man walking around and we need to check him out,” the 911 dispatcher would have laughed at him. However, Zimmerman was concerned with a lot more than race. The evidence proves beyond the possibility of doubt that Zimmerman called 911 because (1) there had been a number of recent burglaries in his neighborhood; (2) a man he had never seen before was walking in the rain at night just looking around, staring at houses; and (3) the man appeared to be on drugs (Martin had in fact been smoking Marijuana). Zimmerman found that conduct to be suspicious and worth calling 911 to report it. The 911 dispatcher also thought the man should be checked out and dispatched the police to the area. I think that given the circumstances, Zimmerman did what any responsible neighborhood watchman would have done.

What Zimmerman did was a good example of behavioral profiling. He realized that generally someone who is just walking around at night in the rain in a strange neighborhood staring at houses and acting like he's on drugs is most likely up to no good. I don't know about you, but that's what I would think. (Note: Zimmerman was unaware that Martin was visiting his father's girlfriend who lived close to where Zimmerman saw him.)

There is no evidence which tends to suggest that the 911 call was based upon anything other than suspicious behavior, not race. There may be those who think that Martin's behavior was not suspicious, and I won't condemn them for that. However, I certainly wouldn't want them to be neighborhood watchmen where I live.

If only we could do a "mind meld" with GZ and see the manner in which Trayvon was walking through the neighborhood through his eyes, then it might be more evident why ZG thought TM looked like he was up to no good.

I have come to the conclusion that those who believe that GZ is guilty of murder are profiling him according to their own bias inclinations. We don't know exactly how or why the physical confrontation started. We don't know exactly know the exact lag time between TM and GZ. We don't have this exact information. If you are filling in the blanks with what you think happened based on your past experience rather than the evidence, then you are profiling.

Sometimes "I don't know" is the wisest response.
What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?
In case you missed it. That is NOT a crime.

It should be. If you are asked to identify yourself by the person you are following, you should comply.

I agree; however, there is no evidence that things happened that way. I believe the evidence shows it didn't. If Martin had asked Zimmerman why he was following him, I believe he would be alive today.

I often wonder what would have happened if Zimmerman had said to Martin, “Hey are you OK?,” and then followed by saying, “I'm George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman. You must be new to the area. Is there anything I can do for you?” Chances are that Martin would have been relaxed enough to explain that he and his dad were visiting the dad's girlfriend who lived in a townhouse house in the area and he was bored and just checking out the new neighborhood. In that scenario, the parties go their separate ways, neither one suspicious of the other and both alive and unharmed.

The tragedy could also have been avoided if Martin were not so angry, distrusting and impulsive and had simply approached Zimmerman and asked, “Why are you following me?” I'm certain Zimmerman would have said something to the effect of, "I'm George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch and I don't remember seeing you before." At that point, Martin - who really was new to the area - would have known that Zimmerman meant him no harm. However, I put most of the blame on Zimmerman since he was much older and should have been wiser. I wouldn't expect the 17-year old to control the situation.

The problem is that each was living in his own isolated world and unable to communicate with the other. Having said that, merely being followed does not give one the right to attack the one who is following him. The law is clear on that point.

There are a lot of people who think that Zimmerman should have done things differently and so do I. But even the jurors who acknowledged they tried to find Zimmerman guilty of something admitted that he broke no law.

If the Zimmerman case is decided by emotions he is guilty. If the case is decided by law he is not guilty. Each juror made that as plain as day.
What about the evidence of George following an unarmed teen boy and refusing to ID himself?
In case you missed it. That is NOT a crime.

Not even if you are armed and know the law enought to shoot said unarmed child?
He did NOT shoot an unarmed child until his life was threatened.

In case you people don't get it. I can follow you all fucking day long. As long as I do not attack you, you cannot attack Me. The moment you do, I have every right to use enough force to stop you from attacking Me.

It is the exact same level of force that a Police office is permitted to use.

If I fear for My life, then I am justified in taking yours if that is the level of force required to save Me.

The jury, judge, cops, and District Attorney's don't get a say in how threatened I feel.

The entire court case was a farce.

Martin had to only call the cops and tell them that he was being followed by a stranger. But until that stranger attacked him, he had NO RIGHT attacking Zimmerman.

Get over it already.

Your signature says: George Zimmerman Trial Juror B29 Says He 'Got Away With Murder'

When you hear the rest of the story, you're not going to like it. I doubt that any of Zimmerman's critics are going to like it.

Juror 29 also said that Martin's death had nothing to do with race but that won't matter to those who are filled with hate against Zimmerman:

“Juror B29 also told ABC that she didn't believe race was an issue at the trial. Though the judge so far has refused to release the names or biographical information about the jurors, B29 said she was 36 years old and Puerto Rican.”

Zimmerman Trial Juror B29, formerly of Chicago, says she owes Trayvon Martin's parents apology |

She also said that the case should have never gone to trail, and the whole thing was just a political stunt, but that won't mean anything to the Zimmerman haters:

“When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, 'I don't think so.'

'I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity,' she said.”

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death.”

George Zimmerman Juror Says 'In Our Hearts, We Felt He Was Guilty' - ABC News

If you listen to her tape you will realize that she thought Zimmerman got away with murder solely because she believes (erroneously) that if you kill someone for any reason you should be charged. She said the law was contrary to her beliefs, but she had to obey the law. She never said anything to indicate that Zimmerman broke any laws, and in fact she admitted that he did not! Here are her exact words:

“That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty" (see above link).

She admitted that there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, and that is what the case was all about. If there was no proof that Zimmerman killed martin intentionally, he did not get away with murder.

But Zimmerman haters will ignore everything Juror 29 said and cling only to these words based not on law but on her own personal feelings (which are obviously contrary to the law): “Zimmerman got away with murder.”

The Reader's Digest version of her comments would be: Juror 29 wishes she could find Zimmerman guilty but the law wouldn't allow it. Says case should never have gone to trial and she is upset she was put in the middle of the whole thing.

I applaud the integrity of all the jurors. They were all deeply concerned with the violent death of a young man and wanted to punish the man who took his life. However, they realized that they had to go by the law and the evidence which demanded a verdict of not guilty. I especially acknowledge the integrity of Juror 29. She strongly believes that anyone who takes the life of another for any reason should be charged. However, she set aside her passionate beliefs and acknowledged that based upon the law the case never should have gone to trial. Ya gotta love the lady.
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Look, if someone was following me in the dead of night, and I was by myself, I would want to know who was following me. I would feel scared, understandably, being alone. The person should identify themselves, or the person being followed should have the right to use whatever force necessary to defend themselves.

Martin was by no means scared of Zimmerman. He attacked, he engaged. He started the fight, Noomi. The difference between him and you? You could easily subdue the person following you if push came to shove, given your training in the Martial Arts.

WHAT do you expect Zimmerman to say? He knew there were no eye witnesses and the only person who could dispute his story is the boy he executed.

You idiot.

There were plenty of witnesses. John Good was the primary witness, he had the best view of the fight.

Really? No eyewitnesses? Are you stupid? Executed? Man you swallowed all of it didn't you?

I am at a literal loss for words as to how blatantly stupid this post is.
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Has no bearing on the law.

I know, but it still should have been considered - it gives a reason as to motive, for Trayvon to have attacked.
The attack on him wasn't random - it was probably provoked by Zimmerman following the boy, and that should have been considered. Otherwise the jury didn't get all the facts.

There was no prior motive established during the trial. Other than Zimmerman referring to him as suspicious, he did not act maliciously. If you haven't already seen, you can by looking at Martin's Facebook posts and text messages know that he liked getting into fights, even gave his girlfriend a blow by blow of a fight he got into. Zimmerman never "attacked" him either. There were over 250+ pieces of evidence and 60 witnesses called in that trial. The applicable law was put before the jury. They did it by the book, not by emotion.

Funny how rightwing nuts love 'by the book' when they like the outcome; when they have other motivations,

then they love the idea of jury nullification, and even states nullifying federal laws.
Has no bearing on the law.

I know, but it still should have been considered - it gives a reason as to motive, for Trayvon to have attacked.
The attack on him wasn't random - it was probably provoked by Zimmerman following the boy, and that should have been considered. Otherwise the jury didn't get all the facts.

There was no prior motive established during the trial. Other than Zimmerman referring to him as suspicious, he did not act maliciously. If you haven't already seen, you can by looking at Martin's Facebook posts and text messages know that he liked getting into fights, even gave his girlfriend a blow by blow of a fight he got into. Zimmerman never "attacked" him either. There were over 250+ pieces of evidence and 60 witnesses called in that trial. The applicable law was put before the jury. They did it by the book, not by emotion.

I guess you've flip flopped from your earlier concessions that they only acquitted him due to lack of evidence.
Martin was by no means scared of Zimmerman. He attacked, he engaged. He started the fight, Noomi. The difference between him and you? You could easily subdue the person following you if push came to shove, given your training in the Martial Arts.

WHAT do you expect Zimmerman to say? He knew there were no eye witnesses and the only person who could dispute his story is the boy he executed.

You idiot.

There were plenty of witnesses. John Good was the primary witness, he had the best view of the fight.

Really? No eyewitnesses? Are you stupid? Executed? Man you swallowed all of it didn't you?

I am at a literal loss for words as to how blatantly stupid this post is.

Did John Good testify WHO started the fight???
Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?

The NRA doesnt urge anyone to arm themselves in the wake of any tragedy.


So Wayne LaPierre did NOT call for more armed security in schools after Sandy Hook? Are you sure about that?
I know, but it still should have been considered - it gives a reason as to motive, for Trayvon to have attacked.
The attack on him wasn't random - it was probably provoked by Zimmerman following the boy, and that should have been considered. Otherwise the jury didn't get all the facts.

There was no prior motive established during the trial. Other than Zimmerman referring to him as suspicious, he did not act maliciously. If you haven't already seen, you can by looking at Martin's Facebook posts and text messages know that he liked getting into fights, even gave his girlfriend a blow by blow of a fight he got into. Zimmerman never "attacked" him either. There were over 250+ pieces of evidence and 60 witnesses called in that trial. The applicable law was put before the jury. They did it by the book, not by emotion.

I guess you've flip flopped from your earlier concessions that they only acquitted him due to lack of evidence.

You need to understand the right wing fear infested mind. They have already convicted Martin and sentenced him to death even though he committed no crime. And I guarantee their tiny little fear infested minds have created an 'image' of Trayvon Martin.


^^Still dead^^


^^Still a Free Man^^

And libtards are still stupid.

Nothing ever changes

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