Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

So the next time a black man follows me I can attack him, pound his head into the concrete, tell him he's going to die and you libtards will defend my actions?

^^Still dead^^


^^Still a Free Man^^

And libtards are still stupid.

Nothing ever changes

Hey, you dumber than dogshit right wing piece of scum, the middle photo is a FAKE.

Why #TeamDueProcess is important for justice; Correction and update: Twitchy issues apology for fake Trayvon Martin photo | Twitchy
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.
"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God," she said.

Zimmerman Trial Juror B29, formerly of Chicago, says she owes Trayvon Martin's parents apology |

The absents of evidence is not the evidence of absents.

I have been to jury selection and it isn't the cream of the crop that gets picked. So I am thinking this woman just ain't that bright. That said, if after listening to the trial and the evidence she still voted for acquittal but believes him to be innocent what does that make her? She should STFU before Zimmerman rightfully sues her for smearing him. She had her chance to vote him guilty, now she is just engaging in slander or proving she is a liar.
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.

She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.
"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God," she said.

Zimmerman Trial Juror B29, formerly of Chicago, says she owes Trayvon Martin's parents apology |

The absents of evidence is not the evidence of absents.

I have been to jury selection and it isn't the cream of the crop that gets picked. So I am thinking this woman just ain't that bright. That said, if after listening to the trial and the evidence she still voted for acquittal but believes him to be innocent what does that make her? She should STFU before Zimmerman rightfully sues her for smearing him. She had her chance to vote him guilty, now she is just engaging in slander or proving she is a liar.

It's slander to hold the opinion that Zimmerman got away with murder? lol, where did you go to school?
It should be. If you are asked to identify yourself by the person you are following, you should comply.

"It should be" should not be nor is a reason to put a man away for a minimum of 25 years.

Look, if someone was following me in the dead of night, and I was by myself, I would want to know who was following me. I would feel scared, understandably, being alone. The person should identify themselves, or the person being followed should have the right to use whatever force necessary to defend themselves.

Then call the police.
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.

She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.

Your statement reinforces the idea that Zimmerman may in fact have gotten away with murder.

How do people usually get away with murder? How did OJ get away with murder?
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.

She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.

Your statement reinforces the idea that Zimmerman may in fact have gotten away with murder.

How do people usually get away with murder? How did OJ get away with murder?

uh--no it doesn't. He killed within the law. Self defense laws.
all that stupid bitch wants is her 15 minutes of fame(?) someone get the hook :up:

Turns out that Slate is reporting that ABC edited the tape and although the woman thinks Zimmerman will be held accountable he is not guilty of murder. I started another thread on this report. Here we have yet another case of the liberal left lying to the American people.
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.

She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.

I blame George Zimmerman for thinking being a black kid in George Zimmerman's neighborhood who George Zimmerman doesn't recognize justifies a call to the police.
She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.

Your statement reinforces the idea that Zimmerman may in fact have gotten away with murder.

How do people usually get away with murder? How did OJ get away with murder?

uh--no it doesn't. He killed within the law. Self defense laws.

George Zimmerman needless escalated the issue with a call the cops, and then getting out of his car to waddle after Trayvon. He should have not called the cops, and kept his roly poly butt in the car.
Stupid idiots like this juror let him get away with it. The evidence for a manslaughter conviction, not murder, was obvious to anyone. The jury made a mistake.

She followed the instructions that were given to her. She followed them exactly. Blame the judge or the law.

I blame George Zimmerman for thinking being a black kid in George Zimmerman's neighborhood who George Zimmerman doesn't recognize justifies a call to the police.

That wasn't one of the choices. I see you decided to change the rules, Liberal style.

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