Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

Since the trial ended she has been subjected to a barrage of propaganda. After the trial, all she had was the evidence and the law. Under the evidence and the law, the jury had to vote not guilty.

And they voted not guilty of murder. Therefore he is not guilty of murder.

No they didn't. As Mark O'Mara said, that George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin is indisputable. The jury wasn't there to decide whether it was murder. They were there to decide whether the murder or even manslaughter was justified. It was. They came to the correct verdict.
I blame George Zimmerman for thinking being a black kid in George Zimmerman's neighborhood who George Zimmerman doesn't recognize justifies a call to the police.

That wasn't one of the choices. I see you decided to change the rules, Liberal style.

Who the f__ put you in charge? Up yours.

George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

Please, conservatives, stop calling the cops on young black men for make you scared. It's not helping.
After investigating, the FBI concluded Zimmerman is not a racist.

I know you're unable to say anything counter to your programming, but give it a shot just this once.
Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?
Have you lost your marbles, Luddly? Already young black men who represent 13% of the population commit 51% of the crimes, most of which are committed against blacks. Are you trying to grow the tragedy of young black men more?

You don't seem a violent man yourself, just uninformed. Why incite others to worsen their lots. :evil:

Calling on young black men to arm themselves is like calling Chris Christie to the dinner need...he be dere.
Here is my take on the whole of the situation.

Zimmerman is a keystone cop type. He is Tim James in "Mall Cop."

He sees Zimmerman, does not recognize him, and is suspicious of him as is anyone of a stranger in a hoodie, white or black. Zimmerman decides to confront Trayvon who is not as innocent as the anti-Zimmerman crowd paints him. Trayvon decides that he had enough of Zimmerman's BS and jumps him. Zimmerman, again being a Mall cop, isn't really prepared for fighting and goes down easily at which time Trayvon takes advantage. Not being the brightest bulb in the drawer Zimmerman pulls out his gun, there may have been a fight over it, or not, it goes off killing Trayvon.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman started a fight with Trayvon, but there is evidence that they fought. I seriously doubt Zimmerman is smart enough to kill Trayvon and then realize he needed a cover story and beat himself blooding his head.

I think that this is what the jury thought, it was a tragic incident which may have been brought on by Zimmerman following Trayvon but that in and of itself is not necessarily a reason for a fight to ensue. The one black jurist is saying, in my opinion, that by law Zimmerman was guilty but in the end Zimmerman will face true judgment.
George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:
George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:

We got it. You believe in fairy tales...
It looks like ABC did quite a bit of selective editing to make it appear as if this Juror was saying things that she really wasn't...

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. - Slate Magazine

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? That’s what one of his jurors says, according to headlines in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and dozens of other newspapers. Trayvon Martin’s mother and the Martin family’s attorney are trumpeting this “new information” as proof that “George Zimmerman literally got away with murder.”

The reports are based on an ABC News interview with Juror B29, the sole nonwhite juror. She has identified herself only by her first name, Maddy. She’s been framed as the woman who was bullied out of voting to convict Zimmerman. But that’s not true. She stands by the verdict. She yielded to the evidence and the law, not to bullying. She thinks Zimmerman was morally culpable but not legally guilty. And she wants us to distinguish between this trial and larger questions of race and justice.

ABC News hasn’t posted a full unedited video or transcript of the interview. The video that has been broadcast—on World News Tonight, Nightline, and Good Morning America—has been cut and spliced in different ways, often so artfully that the transitions appear continuous. So beware what you’re seeing. But the video that’s available already shows, on closer inspection, that Maddy has been manipulated and misrepresented. Here are the key points.

1. The phrase “got away with murder” was put in her mouth. Nightline shows ABC interviewer Robin Roberts asking Maddy: “Some people have said, ‘George Zimmerman got away with murder. How do you respond to those people who say that?’ ” Maddy appears to reply promptly and confidently: “George Zimmerman got away with murder. But you can’t get away from God.” But that’s not quite how the exchange happened. In the unedited video, Roberts’ question is longer, with words that have been trimmed from the Nightline version, and Maddy pauses twice, for several seconds, as she struggles to answer it. “… George Zimmerman … That’s—George Zimmerman got away with murder. But you can’t get away from God.”

You have to watch her, not just read her words, to pick up her meaning. As she struggles to answer, she looks as though she’s trying to reconcile the sentiment that’s been quoted to her—that Zimmerman “got away with murder”—with her own perspective. So she repeats the quote and adds words of her own, to convey what she thinks: that there’s a justice higher than the law, which Zimmerman will have to face. She thinks he’s morally culpable, not legally guilty.

This is just one of eight different things that ABC did to her interview.

The real surprise is that it was Slate, a very left wing publication, that printed the article. Kudos to Slate.
WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:
Your either a closet German, or you've watched one too many episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger. Because in this country, American's believe a person is "presumed" to be innocent, until "proven" guilty. That is, after all, one of the supposed "freedoms", that got us attacked on 9/11.

So, if you think it's okay to stalk a person who committed no crime and was doing nothing wrong, then what god-damn "freedoms" are the terrorists supposed to be jealous of?
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That wasn't one of the choices. I see you decided to change the rules, Liberal style.

Who the f__ put you in charge? Up yours.

George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

Please, conservatives, stop calling the cops on young black men for make you scared. It's not helping.
After investigating, the FBI concluded Zimmerman is not a racist.

I know you're unable to say anything counter to your programming, but give it a shot just this once.

I don't care what the FBI says. IMO, Zimmerman is a racist, and the unnecessary phone call to the police on Trayvon, who was only walking down the road, is the all the proof I need. Deal with it.

Listen, I'm not the fatso loser in some hidey-hole, Zimmerman is, and it's his fault. Had he been less racist, and not made that phone call, and just let Trayvon complete his walk back to where he was legally staying, he'd not be where he is.
SMH at the ignorance of so many people.

One can ONLY "get away with murder" if one kills someone and never gets caught.

If you are found not guilty, then you didn't commit murder.
Who the f__ put you in charge? Up yours.

George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

Please, conservatives, stop calling the cops on young black men for make you scared. It's not helping.
After investigating, the FBI concluded Zimmerman is not a racist.

I know you're unable to say anything counter to your programming, but give it a shot just this once.

I don't care what the FBI says. IMO, Zimmerman is a racist, and the unnecessary phone call to the police on Trayvon, who was only walking down the road, is the all the proof I need. Deal with it.

Listen, I'm not the fatso loser in some hidey-hole, Zimmerman is, and it's his fault. Had he been less racist, and not made that phone call, and just let Trayvon complete his walk back to where he was legally staying, he'd not be where he is.

So despite a complete lack of evidence, you have determined that he's a racist?

George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:

Frenzied white racism is at fever pitch.

It's open season hunting on young black men.
Dildo Daggins said:
* * * *
Your either a closet German, or you've watched one too many episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger. Because in this country, American's believe a person is "presumed" to be innocent, until "proven" guilty. That is, after all, one of the supposed "freedoms", that got us attacked on 9/11.

So, if you think it's okay to stalk a person who committed no crime and was doing nothing wrong, then what god-damn "freedoms" are the terrorists supposed to be jealous of?

Your puerile "ANALysis" starts off with the mistaken claim that there ever was any "stalking" involved.

There was not.

And IF Trayvon had not been doing anything wrong or criminal at the outset, he sure didn't end up that way.

He wasn't killed over the hoodie or the Skittles. He was killed when he pounded Zimmerman who had himself engaged in no criminal activity and who had done nothing wrong.

Try to keep up, Dildo Daggins.
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After investigating, the FBI concluded Zimmerman is not a racist.

I know you're unable to say anything counter to your programming, but give it a shot just this once.

I don't care what the FBI says. IMO, Zimmerman is a racist, and the unnecessary phone call to the police on Trayvon, who was only walking down the road, is the all the proof I need. Deal with it.

Listen, I'm not the fatso loser in some hidey-hole, Zimmerman is, and it's his fault. Had he been less racist, and not made that phone call, and just let Trayvon complete his walk back to where he was legally staying, he'd not be where he is.

So despite a complete lack of evidence, you have determined that he's a racist?


There's enough evidence to convince me he's racist. Trayvon was not armed, and committed no crime, and George still got on the horn in a flash, calling the police.

I refuse to believe it was something other than Trayvon's race that prompted the call. It certainly wasn't all the crimes Trayvon was committing right in front of George Zimmerman, that's for sure.
I don't care what the FBI says. IMO, Zimmerman is a racist, and the unnecessary phone call to the police on Trayvon, who was only walking down the road, is the all the proof I need. Deal with it.

Listen, I'm not the fatso loser in some hidey-hole, Zimmerman is, and it's his fault. Had he been less racist, and not made that phone call, and just let Trayvon complete his walk back to where he was legally staying, he'd not be where he is.

So despite a complete lack of evidence, you have determined that he's a racist?


There's enough evidence to convince me he's racist. Trayvon was not armed, and committed no crime, and George still got on the horn in a flash, calling the police.

I refuse to believe it was something other than Trayvon's race that prompted the call. It certainly wasn't all the crimes Trayvon was committing right in front of George Zimmerman, that's for sure.

He called to prevent a crime, not report one. Crime prevention----good.
George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:

Frenzied white racism is at fever pitch.

It's open season hunting on young black men.

Me thinks you a race baiting asshole. Zimmerman is not white, there is no open season on black men you are a f...king liar.
Your puerile "ANALysis" starts off with the mistaken claim that there ever was any "stalking" involved.

There was not.

And IF Trayvon had not been doing anything wrong or criminal at the outset, he sure didn't end up that way.

He wasn't killed over the hoodie or the Skittles. He was killed when he pounded Zimmerman who had himself engaged in no criminal activity and who had done nothing wrong.

Try to keep up, Dildo Daggins.
I'm sorry, but when an armed man (who is not a member of any law enforcement branch), follows an un-armed man, that is stalking.

And Zimmerman did admit that he was "following" Martin.

So if Zimmerman wasn't doing anything wrong, then why, as soon as he told the cops he was "following" Martin, they told him to stop it!
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

If you don't know the advantage a gun has over a fist, then you're one stupid dude, dude.

The juror was referring to the Florida law which says that the person claiming self defense does not have to take any action to escape from an assault, or even try to leave.
Your puerile "ANALysis" starts off with the mistaken claim that there ever was any "stalking" involved.

There was not.

And IF Trayvon had not been doing anything wrong or criminal at the outset, he sure didn't end up that way.

He wasn't killed over the hoodie or the Skittles. He was killed when he pounded Zimmerman who had himself engaged in no criminal activity and who had done nothing wrong.

Try to keep up, Dildo Daggins.
I'm sorry, but when an armed man (who is not a member of any law enforcement branch), follows an un-armed man, that is stalking.

And Zimmerman admitted to the cops he was "following" Martin.

So if Zimmerman wasn't doing anything wrong, then why, as soon as he told the cops he was "following" Martin, they told him to stop it!

So he wouldn't get hurt

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