Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

There's enough evidence to convince me he's racist. Trayvon was not armed, and committed no crime, and George still got on the horn in a flash, calling the police.

I refuse to believe it was something other than Trayvon's race that prompted the call. It certainly wasn't all the crimes Trayvon was committing right in front of George Zimmerman, that's for sure.

He called to prevent a crime, not report one. Crime prevention----good.

That's the racism we keep talking about.

Knock it off.

Call the cops after a crime has been witnessed, no matter the skin color of the criminal. If the criminal is black, then you're in the clear against any charges of being racist. If you call before witnessing a crime by a black, then the conclusion is obvious that you're a racist, and the negative consequences are your fault.

That's way up there on the stupid scale. I'll call before all my neighbor's shit is stolen or he will never see it again.

oh and BTW--there are no charges for being a racist.
Last edited:
Who the f__ put you in charge? Up yours.

George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

Please, conservatives, stop calling the cops on young black men for make you scared. It's not helping.
After investigating, the FBI concluded Zimmerman is not a racist.

I know you're unable to say anything counter to your programming, but give it a shot just this once.

I don't care what the FBI says. IMO, Zimmerman is a racist, and the unnecessary phone call to the police on Trayvon, who was only walking down the road, is the all the proof I need. Deal with it.

Listen, I'm not the fatso loser in some hidey-hole, Zimmerman is, and it's his fault. Had he been less racist, and not made that phone call, and just let Trayvon complete his walk back to where he was legally staying, he'd not be where he is.
Your opinion is worthless. Just sayin'.
George Zimmerman's racism was the root cause of the Trayvon's needless death.

WRONG !! Traykoon was responsible for his own death, George had every right to follow the suspected bad guy, bad guy attacked good guy without provocation, good guy was being severely beaten, good guy managed to get his gun, bad guy tried to wrestle it from good guy, bad guy got his fucking ass blown away in the struggle..., self defense.., plain and simple as first determined by local law officers..., BUT !! the racist white house regime sent a gang of protesters to stir up some shit, the rest is history and the NOT GUILTY verdict is the appropriate decision end of fucking story...., :up: got it now ? :clap2: ........... :clap2:

Frenzied white racism is at fever pitch.

It's open season hunting on young black men.

Should be easy enough to find evidence for that.

Get busy.
All those posters who claim Jury B29 said that Zimmerman got away with murder are completely disingenuous. They are attempting to say she believes Zimmerman should have been convicted, but the lady says the very opposite. They ignore most of what Juror B29 actually said and twist her other words beyond recognition. Those who bother to read the entire interview sill quickly learn that she actually supports the Zimmerman verdict and thinks it was wrong to even arrest him!! Now, after all the lies, here is the truth:

Jury B29 specifically stated that the case should have never gone to trail, and the whole thing was just a political stunt; however, but that won't mean anything to the Zimmerman haters. Here is what she said:

“When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, 'I don't think so.""

“'I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity,' she said.”

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death.”

George Zimmerman Juror Says 'In Our Hearts, We Felt He Was Guilty' - ABC News

Juror B29 also said that Martin's death had nothing to do with race, but that won't matter to those who are filled with hate against Zimmerman and want to falsely portray him as a homicidal racist:

“Juror B29 also told ABC that she didn't believe race was an issue at the trial. Though the judge so far has refused to release the names or biographical information about the jurors, B29 said she was 36 years old and Puerto Rican.”

Zimmerman Trial Juror B29, formerly of Chicago, says she owes Trayvon Martin's parents apology |

If you listen to her tape you will realize that she thought Zimmerman got away with murder solely because she believes (erroneously) that if you kill someone for any reason you should be charged. She said the law was contrary to her beliefs, but she had to obey the law. She never said anything to indicate that Zimmerman broke any laws, and in fact she admitted that he did not! Here are her exact words:

“'That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it,' Maddy said. 'But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty'" (see above link).

She admitted that there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, and that is what the case was all about. If there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, he did not get away with murder. End of story.

But Zimmerman haters will ignore everything Juror B29 said and cling only to these words based not on law, but on her own personal feelings (which are obviously contrary to the law): “Zimmerman got away with murder.”

The Reader's Digest version of her comments would be: Juror B29 wishes she could have found Zimmerman guilty, but she couldn't because he did not break any law. Says case should never have gone to trial and she is upset she was put in the middle of the whole thing.

I applaud the integrity of all the jurors. They were all deeply concerned with the violent death of a young man and wanted to punish the man who took his life. However, they realized that they had to go by the law and the evidence which demanded a verdict of not guilty. I especially acknowledge the integrity of Juror B29. She strongly believes that anyone who takes the life of another for any reason should be charged. However, she set aside her passionate beliefs and acknowledged that under the law the case never should have gone to trial. Ya gotta love the lady.


Funny, I didn't know that trial juries had the authority to make that determination.
Have you ever served on a jury?
And your opinion isn't based on facts, which makes your opinion uniformed a bigoted.

Well, his opinion is sort of based on facts:


TEL = non-911 police number (answered by 911 dispatcher)

BM = black male

LSW = last seen wearing

46. Feb. 26, 2012 – 7:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats prior report

45. Feb. 26, 2012 (night of Martin shooting) – 7:11 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male “late teens lsw dark gray hoodie jeans or sweatpants walking around area” … “subj now running towards back entrance of complex”

44. Feb. 2, 2012 – 8:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “BM lsw: black leather jacket, black hat, printed PJ pants, he keeps going going to this” location

43. Jan. 29, 2012 – 5:38 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Children “running and playing in the street”

42. Dec. 10, 2011 – 5:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “At the club house” … “Male subject [arrived on scene] that thought he was employed by” Zimmerman … “Subj is expected to get paid for serving food.” … Zimmerman “said that he didn’t wish him to serve at the [event]” … Zimmerman “hired someone else, subj sounded upset and wants to get paid”

41. Oct. 1, 2011 – 12:53 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black male suspects “20–30 YOA in [white] Chevy poss Impala at the gate of the community.” Zimmerman “does not recognize subjs or veh and is concerned due to recent” burglaries in the area

40. Sept. 23, 2011 – 11:08 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor/Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman reports “open garage door” … Describes “neighborhood watch mtg last night with Sgt Herx who [advised] to report anything [suspicious]” … Zimmerman “is part of neighborhood watch” and is concerned because of recent burglaries in the area

39. Aug. 6, 2011 – 10:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black males, one wearing a black tank top and black shorts, the second wearing a black t-shirt and jeans … “Subjs are in their teens”

38. Aug. 3, 2011 – 6:45 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male last seen wearing a white tank top and black shorts … Zimmerman “believes subject is involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood

37. May 27, 2011 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman “has a self responding alarm that just notified him of” an alarm at this location

36. April 22, 2011 – 7:09 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Juvenile black male “apprx 7–9” years old, four feet tall “skinny build short blk hair” last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts

35. March 18, 2011 – 9:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Zimmerman requested an officer meet him regarding a pit bull in his garage

34. Nov. 26, 2010 – 2:54 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman was out of town and a motion alarm he monitors himself went off

33. Nov. 8, 2010 – 6:54 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Zimmerman reports “trash in roadwy”

32. Oct. 2, 2010 – 1:55 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports “blu jeep grand Cherokee female driver yelling at elderly passengers … windows are tinted” … “the veh was rocking back and forth and he could hear the female yelling”

31. June 26, 2010 – 11:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Loud party … approx 50 subjs & blocking the street”

30. June 12, 2010 – 11:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Subject “at the clubhouse & pool areas having a party”

29. April 28, 2010 – 9:02 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “White older model four-door Buick or Oldsmobile” obstructing road

28. Feb. 27, 2010 – 4:46 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Residence w/a lot of [suspicious] activity” … “multiple vehs are constantly coming to the” location … “unk subs run out to the vehs and run back inside” … “the subjs are always outside w/the garage open” … “the subjs hang out towards the st all night//ongoing problem”

27. Jan. 12, 2010 – 10:25 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door … Zimmerman says “this is very unlike his neighbor” … “there is a lot of electronics in the resd and posb in the garage”

26. Jan. 1, 2010 – 4:34 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports reckless driver in “purplish Ford Ranger single cab”

25. Nov. 3, 2009 – 5:04 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White Ford F350 that was “cutting people off”

24. Nov. 21, 2009 – 2:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Unclear

23. Oct. 23, 2009 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Animals
Report: “Aggressive white and brown pitbull” sitting outside Zimmerman’s home

22. Sept. 22, 2009 – 6:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Yellow speed bike … was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic and doing wheelies”

21. Sept. 7, 2009 – 9:01 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance

20. Aug. 26, 2009* - 8:35 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Gold Caprice … male driving with no headlights … speeding”

19. Aug. 21, 2009 – 6:57 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Conflict
Report: “Landlord is trying to take [Zimmerman’s] money for rent … and home in foreclosure”

18. June 16, 2009 – 3:50 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Persons in the pool area playing basketball, “jumpin over the fence going into pool area and trashin the bathroom”

17. June 10, 2009 – 1:55 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

16. May 4, 2009 – 4:07 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Reports a blue Audi A4

15. March 12, 2009 – 6:58 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Patrol
Report: Patrol request between March 13 and March 22

14. Jan. 5, 2009 – 10:53 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

13. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Ex roommate is letting people that [Zimmerman] don’t like in the” house

12. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:21 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White male ex-roommate last seen wearing a red Florida State University shirt

11. Oct. 14, 2007 – 4:10 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Pot hole in the road” … “it is deep and can cause damage to vehicles”

10. June 24, 2007 – 12:48 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “By the pool”, two Hispanic males and one white male with “slim jim”

9. Nov. 4, 2006 – 2:37 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: A call regarding a “late model red” Toyota pickup “driving around the neighborhood and apt complex for the past 5 min”

8. Sept. 23, 2005 – 7:03 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman’s “little sister just call him from above” his address and advises “there was a” suspicious person “at the front door”

7. Sept. 21, 2005 – 9:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Reports a stray dog

6. April 27, 2005 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door

5. March 17, 2005 – 7:21 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Pothole “that is blocking the road”

4. Oct. 20, 2004 – 9:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Drunk pedestrian walking in the road

3. Aug. 20, 2004 – 11:33 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Reports an open garage door

2. Aug.12, 2004 – 10:03 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats earlier report

1. Aug. 12, 2004 – 9:59 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Places a call reporting a male in a green Ford pickup

From the Sanford, Florida Police Logs
46 Calls - The Daily Beast

46 calls, he identified 7 blacks, 2 whites and 2 Hispanics. Most of the reporting of blacks occurred during the crime spree, where blacks were the perps.

Not seeing much here, looks pretty even over and 8 year period, nice try.

I see an over zealous, racist, copwannbe loser..who needs a life.
I learned that this juror was a black female. Jesse Jackson railed against this decision, partialy because there were no black participants in the trial, he said. B-29 wants to sit on the fence between fairness and bashing white racism. Just astounding.

She wants to cover her ass. She wants NO part of any black retaliation.

Actually, she just doesn't want some black to smash her face in with a shovel.
Well, his opinion is sort of based on facts:


TEL = non-911 police number (answered by 911 dispatcher)

BM = black male

LSW = last seen wearing

46. Feb. 26, 2012 – 7:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats prior report

45. Feb. 26, 2012 (night of Martin shooting) – 7:11 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male “late teens lsw dark gray hoodie jeans or sweatpants walking around area” … “subj now running towards back entrance of complex”

44. Feb. 2, 2012 – 8:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “BM lsw: black leather jacket, black hat, printed PJ pants, he keeps going going to this” location

43. Jan. 29, 2012 – 5:38 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Children “running and playing in the street”

42. Dec. 10, 2011 – 5:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “At the club house” … “Male subject [arrived on scene] that thought he was employed by” Zimmerman … “Subj is expected to get paid for serving food.” … Zimmerman “said that he didn’t wish him to serve at the [event]” … Zimmerman “hired someone else, subj sounded upset and wants to get paid”

41. Oct. 1, 2011 – 12:53 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black male suspects “20–30 YOA in [white] Chevy poss Impala at the gate of the community.” Zimmerman “does not recognize subjs or veh and is concerned due to recent” burglaries in the area

40. Sept. 23, 2011 – 11:08 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor/Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman reports “open garage door” … Describes “neighborhood watch mtg last night with Sgt Herx who [advised] to report anything [suspicious]” … Zimmerman “is part of neighborhood watch” and is concerned because of recent burglaries in the area

39. Aug. 6, 2011 – 10:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black males, one wearing a black tank top and black shorts, the second wearing a black t-shirt and jeans … “Subjs are in their teens”

38. Aug. 3, 2011 – 6:45 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male last seen wearing a white tank top and black shorts … Zimmerman “believes subject is involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood

37. May 27, 2011 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman “has a self responding alarm that just notified him of” an alarm at this location

36. April 22, 2011 – 7:09 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Juvenile black male “apprx 7–9” years old, four feet tall “skinny build short blk hair” last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts

35. March 18, 2011 – 9:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Zimmerman requested an officer meet him regarding a pit bull in his garage

34. Nov. 26, 2010 – 2:54 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman was out of town and a motion alarm he monitors himself went off

33. Nov. 8, 2010 – 6:54 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Zimmerman reports “trash in roadwy”

32. Oct. 2, 2010 – 1:55 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports “blu jeep grand Cherokee female driver yelling at elderly passengers … windows are tinted” … “the veh was rocking back and forth and he could hear the female yelling”

31. June 26, 2010 – 11:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Loud party … approx 50 subjs & blocking the street”

30. June 12, 2010 – 11:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Subject “at the clubhouse & pool areas having a party”

29. April 28, 2010 – 9:02 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “White older model four-door Buick or Oldsmobile” obstructing road

28. Feb. 27, 2010 – 4:46 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Residence w/a lot of [suspicious] activity” … “multiple vehs are constantly coming to the” location … “unk subs run out to the vehs and run back inside” … “the subjs are always outside w/the garage open” … “the subjs hang out towards the st all night//ongoing problem”

27. Jan. 12, 2010 – 10:25 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door … Zimmerman says “this is very unlike his neighbor” … “there is a lot of electronics in the resd and posb in the garage”

26. Jan. 1, 2010 – 4:34 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports reckless driver in “purplish Ford Ranger single cab”

25. Nov. 3, 2009 – 5:04 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White Ford F350 that was “cutting people off”

24. Nov. 21, 2009 – 2:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Unclear

23. Oct. 23, 2009 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Animals
Report: “Aggressive white and brown pitbull” sitting outside Zimmerman’s home

22. Sept. 22, 2009 – 6:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Yellow speed bike … was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic and doing wheelies”

21. Sept. 7, 2009 – 9:01 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance

20. Aug. 26, 2009* - 8:35 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Gold Caprice … male driving with no headlights … speeding”

19. Aug. 21, 2009 – 6:57 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Conflict
Report: “Landlord is trying to take [Zimmerman’s] money for rent … and home in foreclosure”

18. June 16, 2009 – 3:50 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Persons in the pool area playing basketball, “jumpin over the fence going into pool area and trashin the bathroom”

17. June 10, 2009 – 1:55 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

16. May 4, 2009 – 4:07 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Reports a blue Audi A4

15. March 12, 2009 – 6:58 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Patrol
Report: Patrol request between March 13 and March 22

14. Jan. 5, 2009 – 10:53 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

13. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Ex roommate is letting people that [Zimmerman] don’t like in the” house

12. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:21 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White male ex-roommate last seen wearing a red Florida State University shirt

11. Oct. 14, 2007 – 4:10 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Pot hole in the road” … “it is deep and can cause damage to vehicles”

10. June 24, 2007 – 12:48 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “By the pool”, two Hispanic males and one white male with “slim jim”

9. Nov. 4, 2006 – 2:37 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: A call regarding a “late model red” Toyota pickup “driving around the neighborhood and apt complex for the past 5 min”

8. Sept. 23, 2005 – 7:03 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman’s “little sister just call him from above” his address and advises “there was a” suspicious person “at the front door”

7. Sept. 21, 2005 – 9:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Reports a stray dog

6. April 27, 2005 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door

5. March 17, 2005 – 7:21 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Pothole “that is blocking the road”

4. Oct. 20, 2004 – 9:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Drunk pedestrian walking in the road

3. Aug. 20, 2004 – 11:33 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Reports an open garage door

2. Aug.12, 2004 – 10:03 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats earlier report

1. Aug. 12, 2004 – 9:59 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Places a call reporting a male in a green Ford pickup

From the Sanford, Florida Police Logs
46 Calls - The Daily Beast

46 calls, he identified 7 blacks, 2 whites and 2 Hispanics. Most of the reporting of blacks occurred during the crime spree, where blacks were the perps.

Not seeing much here, looks pretty even over and 8 year period, nice try.

I see an over zealous, racist, copwannbe loser..who needs a life.

In the ghetto they won't even tell a cop if they saw someone shot. Maybe Z didn't want his place to be a ghetto.
Here is my take on the whole of the situation.

Zimmerman is a keystone cop type. He is Tim James in "Mall Cop."

He sees Zimmerman, does not recognize him, and is suspicious of him as is anyone of a stranger in a hoodie, white or black. Zimmerman decides to confront Trayvon who is not as innocent as the anti-Zimmerman crowd paints him. Trayvon decides that he had enough of Zimmerman's BS and jumps him. Zimmerman, again being a Mall cop, isn't really prepared for fighting and goes down easily at which time Trayvon takes advantage. Not being the brightest bulb in the drawer Zimmerman pulls out his gun, there may have been a fight over it, or not, it goes off killing Trayvon.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman started a fight with Trayvon, but there is evidence that they fought. I seriously doubt Zimmerman is smart enough to kill Trayvon and then realize he needed a cover story and beat himself blooding his head.

I think that this is what the jury thought, it was a tragic incident which may have been brought on by Zimmerman following Trayvon but that in and of itself is not necessarily a reason for a fight to ensue. The one black jurist is saying, in my opinion, that by law Zimmerman was guilty but in the end Zimmerman will face true judgment.

I don't give much credence to Zimmerman's side of the story. Zimmerman was not in uniform, and was following Trayvon, unnecessarily. What was Trayvon supposed to do? What should he have thought? He thought he was about to be the victim of a mugging, and stood his ground. The expectation that deference from Trayvon towards Zimmerman is the right course of action is just white racism at work.
Here is my take on the whole of the situation.

Zimmerman is a keystone cop type. He is Tim James in "Mall Cop."

He sees Zimmerman, does not recognize him, and is suspicious of him as is anyone of a stranger in a hoodie, white or black. Zimmerman decides to confront Trayvon who is not as innocent as the anti-Zimmerman crowd paints him. Trayvon decides that he had enough of Zimmerman's BS and jumps him. Zimmerman, again being a Mall cop, isn't really prepared for fighting and goes down easily at which time Trayvon takes advantage. Not being the brightest bulb in the drawer Zimmerman pulls out his gun, there may have been a fight over it, or not, it goes off killing Trayvon.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman started a fight with Trayvon, but there is evidence that they fought. I seriously doubt Zimmerman is smart enough to kill Trayvon and then realize he needed a cover story and beat himself blooding his head.

I think that this is what the jury thought, it was a tragic incident which may have been brought on by Zimmerman following Trayvon but that in and of itself is not necessarily a reason for a fight to ensue. The one black jurist is saying, in my opinion, that by law Zimmerman was guilty but in the end Zimmerman will face true judgment.

I don't give much credence to Zimmerman's side of the story. Zimmerman was not in uniform, and was following Trayvon, unnecessarily. What was Trayvon supposed to do? What should he have thought? He thought he was about to be the victim of a mugging, and stood his ground. The expectation that deference from Trayvon towards Zimmerman is the right course of action is just white racism at work.

Gone home--too complicated? It was where he was going anyway unless he was planning some break ins on the way home.
Here is my take on the whole of the situation.

Zimmerman is a keystone cop type. He is Tim James in "Mall Cop."

He sees Zimmerman, does not recognize him, and is suspicious of him as is anyone of a stranger in a hoodie, white or black. Zimmerman decides to confront Trayvon who is not as innocent as the anti-Zimmerman crowd paints him. Trayvon decides that he had enough of Zimmerman's BS and jumps him. Zimmerman, again being a Mall cop, isn't really prepared for fighting and goes down easily at which time Trayvon takes advantage. Not being the brightest bulb in the drawer Zimmerman pulls out his gun, there may have been a fight over it, or not, it goes off killing Trayvon.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman started a fight with Trayvon, but there is evidence that they fought. I seriously doubt Zimmerman is smart enough to kill Trayvon and then realize he needed a cover story and beat himself blooding his head.

I think that this is what the jury thought, it was a tragic incident which may have been brought on by Zimmerman following Trayvon but that in and of itself is not necessarily a reason for a fight to ensue. The one black jurist is saying, in my opinion, that by law Zimmerman was guilty but in the end Zimmerman will face true judgment.

I don't give much credence to Zimmerman's side of the story. Zimmerman was not in uniform, and was following Trayvon, unnecessarily. What was Trayvon supposed to do? What should he have thought? He thought he was about to be the victim of a mugging, and stood his ground. The expectation that deference from Trayvon towards Zimmerman is the right course of action is just white racism at work.

What was Trayvon supposed to do??? Hummm..

Well, he could have tried walking on the sidewalks instead of next to the houses, which is trespassing.

He could have continued to walk home instead of turning around and walking/running to where Zimmerman was.

He could have not attacked Zimmerman, breaking his nose and bashing his skull against the concrete.

He could have stopped hitting Zimmerman, got up off of him, and ran home when someone yelled that they were calling the police.

Yeah.. There were a lot of things Trayvon could have done that would have, in the end, allowed him to remain alive. But instead his choices led him to being shot and he died while committing a crime.
And? (I see your point), race should have never been an issue here. Typical race-baiters want to keep this crap alive.

For a reason. In case you are having trouble with the Sanford Police code, the 46 calls Zimmerman made are above in my previous post. The type of calls are in bold above the actual listings.

It's not about race-baiters, it's about the truth. SPD call log doesn't lie or see color.
46 calls? SO FUCKING WHAT. And your problem is what exactly?

Go back and start at the top, idiot. All 46 calls were about black males.
A dispatcher (whom has no lawful authority in Florida), told him "we don't need you doing that..."

And yes he was following Martin as per his duties as a neighborhood watchman protecting the property of others against someone he didn't recognize.

The problem is what again?
But he's still a private citizen and has no authority to deny Martin his civil rights.

And the cop told him not to do that, because what he was doing, was illegal.
Well, his opinion is sort of based on facts:


TEL = non-911 police number (answered by 911 dispatcher)

BM = black male

LSW = last seen wearing

46. Feb. 26, 2012 – 7:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats prior report

45. Feb. 26, 2012 (night of Martin shooting) – 7:11 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male “late teens lsw dark gray hoodie jeans or sweatpants walking around area” … “subj now running towards back entrance of complex”

44. Feb. 2, 2012 – 8:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “BM lsw: black leather jacket, black hat, printed PJ pants, he keeps going going to this” location

43. Jan. 29, 2012 – 5:38 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Children “running and playing in the street”

42. Dec. 10, 2011 – 5:29 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “At the club house” … “Male subject [arrived on scene] that thought he was employed by” Zimmerman … “Subj is expected to get paid for serving food.” … Zimmerman “said that he didn’t wish him to serve at the [event]” … Zimmerman “hired someone else, subj sounded upset and wants to get paid”

41. Oct. 1, 2011 – 12:53 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black male suspects “20–30 YOA in [white] Chevy poss Impala at the gate of the community.” Zimmerman “does not recognize subjs or veh and is concerned due to recent” burglaries in the area

40. Sept. 23, 2011 – 11:08 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor/Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman reports “open garage door” … Describes “neighborhood watch mtg last night with Sgt Herx who [advised] to report anything [suspicious]” … Zimmerman “is part of neighborhood watch” and is concerned because of recent burglaries in the area

39. Aug. 6, 2011 – 10:20 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Two black males, one wearing a black tank top and black shorts, the second wearing a black t-shirt and jeans … “Subjs are in their teens”

38. Aug. 3, 2011 – 6:45 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Black male last seen wearing a white tank top and black shorts … Zimmerman “believes subject is involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood

37. May 27, 2011 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman “has a self responding alarm that just notified him of” an alarm at this location

36. April 22, 2011 – 7:09 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Juvenile black male “apprx 7–9” years old, four feet tall “skinny build short blk hair” last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts

35. March 18, 2011 – 9:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Zimmerman requested an officer meet him regarding a pit bull in his garage

34. Nov. 26, 2010 – 2:54 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Alarm
Report: Zimmerman was out of town and a motion alarm he monitors himself went off

33. Nov. 8, 2010 – 6:54 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Zimmerman reports “trash in roadwy”

32. Oct. 2, 2010 – 1:55 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports “blu jeep grand Cherokee female driver yelling at elderly passengers … windows are tinted” … “the veh was rocking back and forth and he could hear the female yelling”

31. June 26, 2010 – 11:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Loud party … approx 50 subjs & blocking the street”

30. June 12, 2010 – 11:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Subject “at the clubhouse & pool areas having a party”

29. April 28, 2010 – 9:02 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “White older model four-door Buick or Oldsmobile” obstructing road

28. Feb. 27, 2010 – 4:46 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Residence w/a lot of [suspicious] activity” … “multiple vehs are constantly coming to the” location … “unk subs run out to the vehs and run back inside” … “the subjs are always outside w/the garage open” … “the subjs hang out towards the st all night//ongoing problem”

27. Jan. 12, 2010 – 10:25 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door … Zimmerman says “this is very unlike his neighbor” … “there is a lot of electronics in the resd and posb in the garage”

26. Jan. 1, 2010 – 4:34 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Zimmerman reports reckless driver in “purplish Ford Ranger single cab”

25. Nov. 3, 2009 – 5:04 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White Ford F350 that was “cutting people off”

24. Nov. 21, 2009 – 2:26 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Unclear

23. Oct. 23, 2009 – 9:18 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Animals
Report: “Aggressive white and brown pitbull” sitting outside Zimmerman’s home

22. Sept. 22, 2009 – 6:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Yellow speed bike … was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic and doing wheelies”

21. Sept. 7, 2009 – 9:01 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Maintenance

20. Aug. 26, 2009* - 8:35 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Gold Caprice … male driving with no headlights … speeding”

19. Aug. 21, 2009 – 6:57 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Conflict
Report: “Landlord is trying to take [Zimmerman’s] money for rent … and home in foreclosure”

18. June 16, 2009 – 3:50 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Persons in the pool area playing basketball, “jumpin over the fence going into pool area and trashin the bathroom”

17. June 10, 2009 – 1:55 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

16. May 4, 2009 – 4:07 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Reports a blue Audi A4

15. March 12, 2009 – 6:58 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Patrol
Report: Patrol request between March 13 and March 22

14. Jan. 5, 2009 – 10:53 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Alarm
Report: Fire alarm going off

13. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Disturbance
Report: “Ex roommate is letting people that [Zimmerman] don’t like in the” house

12. Nov. 25, 2007 – 12:21 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: White male ex-roommate last seen wearing a red Florida State University shirt

11. Oct. 14, 2007 – 4:10 p.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “Pot hole in the road” … “it is deep and can cause damage to vehicles”

10. June 24, 2007 – 12:48 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: “By the pool”, two Hispanic males and one white male with “slim jim”

9. Nov. 4, 2006 – 2:37 a.m.
Type: TEL
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: A call regarding a “late model red” Toyota pickup “driving around the neighborhood and apt complex for the past 5 min”

8. Sept. 23, 2005 – 7:03 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Zimmerman’s “little sister just call him from above” his address and advises “there was a” suspicious person “at the front door”

7. Sept. 21, 2005 – 9:00 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Animals
Report: Reports a stray dog

6. April 27, 2005 – 12:40 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Open garage door

5. March 17, 2005 – 7:21 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Maintenance
Report: Pothole “that is blocking the road”

4. Oct. 20, 2004 – 9:13 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Disturbance
Report: Drunk pedestrian walking in the road

3. Aug. 20, 2004 – 11:33 p.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Neighbor
Report: Reports an open garage door

2. Aug.12, 2004 – 10:03 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Repeats earlier report

1. Aug. 12, 2004 – 9:59 a.m.
Type: 911
Subject: Suspicious activity
Report: Places a call reporting a male in a green Ford pickup

From the Sanford, Florida Police Logs
46 Calls - The Daily Beast

46 calls, he identified 7 blacks, 2 whites and 2 Hispanics. Most of the reporting of blacks occurred during the crime spree, where blacks were the perps.

Not seeing much here, looks pretty even over and 8 year period, nice try.

I see an over zealous, racist, copwannbe loser..who needs a life.

You are a lying liberal loser, who needs facts?

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