Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?
If Zimmerman started the fight, then his injuries came from Martin acting in self-defense.


Now show us the evidence to back up the theory that Zimmerman started the fight.

They always get away....attitude. He followed the kid. He profiled the kid. He called the cops on an innocent kid...

then he muttered the words, they always get away.

He was armed and pissed because well, They always get away. Remember. OH and he took MMA lessons. (Turns out they were a waste of time though, he is a pussy who cant fight it turns out but he was armed, that was his back up.)

Who do you tink started the fight.

They always get away....attitude. He followed the kid. He profiled the kid. He called the cops on an innocent kid...

then he muttered the words, they always get away.

He was armed and pissed because well, They always get away. Remember. OH and he took MMA lessons. (Turns out they were a waste of time though, he is a pussy who cant fight it turns out but he was armed, that was his back up.)

Who do you tink started the fight.

None of what you presented is evidence that Zimmerman started the fight. It is evidence that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation.

The evidence shows Martin started the fight. His only injuries were knuckle abrasions and a gunshot wound. There's no evidence that Zimmerman even got in a good shove.

I can't fathom why Zimmerman would call the Police if his intention was to shoot Martin.

It made for a very good back up for his shooting that kid. YOu see, Zimmerman knew EXACTLY what to do and say to kill an unarmed black kid in Florida.

He took classes in college on stand your ground rules. He knew what to say, how to set this all up.

Nice job Zimmerman. Nice job.

Good luck with your future.

Zimmerman Studied ‘Stand Your Ground’ in Class, Florida Court Is Told

The jury disagrees with you Zona. The evidence completely backs up Zimmerman's explanation of what happened.

Witnesses back up Zimmerman's account of this horrible evening. That's why despite this juror's heart and soul wanting to convict him, her mind knew she couldn't.

This is one brave and honorable lady to be so honest about how conflicted she was.
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So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

As I said before. I have no doubt that Zimmerman was in fear of his life. However I feel that Zimmerman put himself in that position. Had he not followed and just let the police do their job, we would not be having this conversation.
So even though she saw the evidence that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman was suppose to take the beating possibly being beaten to death by Martin?
What is the difference between Martin driving a car at Zimmerman and Zimmerman then shooting Martin the driver?
What is the difference between Martin using his fists as lethal weapons and Zimmerman using his gun?

As I said before. I have no doubt that Zimmerman was in fear of his life. However I feel that Zimmerman put himself in that position. Had he not followed and just let the police do their job, we would not be having this conversation.

He didnt follow anyone. You were misinformed.

Are you stupid? I ask that because the facts in the case have been rehearsed here and verified over and over again. And despite that you present some cartoon version of what actually happened.
So are you intentionally lying or are you screwed up you cannot recognize the truth?
Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?

The NRA doesnt urge anyone to arm themselves in the wake of any tragedy.

Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?

The NRA doesnt urge anyone to arm themselves in the wake of any tragedy.


Oh? :eusa_eh: No calls for armed teachers? No calls for armed pilots?
Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?

The NRA doesnt urge anyone to arm themselves in the wake of any tragedy.


Oh? :eusa_eh: No calls for armed teachers? No calls for armed pilots?

They don't call on any RACE to arm themselves.
They always get away....attitude. He followed the kid. He profiled the kid. He called the cops on an innocent kid...

then he muttered the words, they always get away.

He was armed and pissed because well, They always get away. Remember. OH and he took MMA lessons. (Turns out they were a waste of time though, he is a pussy who cant fight it turns out but he was armed, that was his back up.)

Who do you tink started the fight.

None of what you presented is evidence that Zimmerman started the fight. It is evidence that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation.

The evidence shows Martin started the fight. His only injuries were knuckle abrasions and a gunshot wound. There's no evidence that Zimmerman even got in a good shove.

I can't fathom why Zimmerman would call the Police if his intention was to shoot Martin.

It made for a very good back up for his shooting that kid. YOu see, Zimmerman knew EXACTLY what to do and say to kill an unarmed black kid in Florida.

He took classes in college on stand your ground rules. He knew what to say, how to set this all up.

Nice job Zimmerman. Nice job.

Good luck with your future.

Zimmerman Studied ‘Stand Your Ground’ in Class, Florida Court Is Told

How did he know Trayvon was unarmed? Considering he told the dispatcher during the 911 call "he's got something in his hand", how do you or anyone or anyone in the pro Saint Trayvon camp explain how Zimmerman could know that Martin was unarmed?
She knows exactly what she's doing. Propaganda to get more money and still be liked by the media.
Don't just close this window without thinking about this -


What's the difference between black and white?

Why wouldn't the NRA urge black men to arm themselves against nutters like the neighborhood-cop-wannabe?

The NRA doesnt urge anyone to arm themselves in the wake of any tragedy.


Oh? :eusa_eh: No calls for armed teachers? No calls for armed pilots?
Get with the times, right after 911 we were for arming pilots. The loony left was against it.
It is our shame that we allow an adult to gun down a child and not be held responsible.

No matter how its twisted, THAT is really the bottom line to this debacle.
The bottom line is : Your Fucked Up! Now he is a child. He was 17. I was in the Marines with 17, year old men!

The little hoodlum laid in wait, and punched GZ in the nose, and started slamming his head into the pavement - but you know all this. Your a dumb ass ideolouge that can not accept any facts incongruent with your agenda mindset; you refuse to acknowledge the truth - all you fucking racist liberals protect the black man, and paint us whites in the worse light possible to capitalize on your blacks are victims stratagem. All of you omit the assaults - you are fucking pathetic.

Punching someone is an extremely dangerous thing to do. Can you imagine if whites went into black neighborhoods, and punched the 17, year old black gang bangers in the nose - how many would die!

TM got just what he deserved. We need more GZ, and less TM' s. Think of all the future victims GZ saved. :clap2:

(1) TM assaulted GZ
(2) GZ defended himself
(3)GZ found not Guilty By verdict

It is really as simple as 1,2,3 :eusa_hand:

Sorry there Luddly, but following someone you suspect might be up to no good is not stalking, and there is no evidence that Zimmerman initiated any confrontation other than the testimony from a young lady who couldn't keep her story straight time after time. Sometimes you have to take off the blinders in order to actually see. When this case first broke, I thought Zimmerman was most likely guilty. After hearing all of the evidence, I am certain there was no, as in zero, evidence to prove Zimmerman stalked, confronted, and then willfully killed Martin, on top of which I actually believe the bulk of Zimmerman's version as to the course of events that led to Martin's death.

As for this nutty juror, she states there wasn't enough evidence to convict but goes on to say Zimmerman got away with murder. This is where we all need to put on our "critical thinking" caps. If there wasn't enough evidence to convict, then that means there is obviously reasonable doubt, and if there is reasonable doubt, it is very possible that Zimmerman is actually completely innocent. See how that works?

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