Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

Poor old Luddly Neddite ....

Her mind is so warped and bent by being inundated by all the Left Wing crap over the years that she simply can't face reality any more.

Bless her heart. I feel so sorry for her.
Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

Juror B29 speaks the truth.

Juror B29 is a goddamned idiot...just like all those that agree with her stupid statement. George was beat about the head and face in an attempted murder perpetrated by Trayvon Martin. He killed the druggie thug in self defense with legal use of deadly force. That is NOT murder.

She is likely laying the ground for increased book sales.

Fuck her!
Let's look at the mentality of this type person.

{She said the jury was following Florida law and the evidence, she said, did not prove murder.}

{However, on the second day of deliberations, after spending nine hours discussing the evidence, Maddy said she realized there wasn't enough proof to convict Zimmerman of murder or manslaughter under Florida law.}

{"That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty." }

When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so."

"I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.

So in short, she "wanted" GZ to be guilty but the law says he is not guilty...

We hon, guess what, if the evidence does not back up the charges then he is innocent and in this case the evidence showed that Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman and brought about his own death, it was not murder, it was self-defense.

Yep. Just as I thought. B29 is going to play the victim role and state that the rest of the ALL WHITE jurors bullied her into voting not guilty for George. Well guess what, she made that conscience decision and she will have to live with it. I guess she will write a book how she felt oppressed in the deliberation room

very disjointed
This should cause a lot of discussion. <my comment

Zimmerman juror says he 'got away with murder' -

A juror in the George Zimmerman trial who had recently moved to Florida from Chicago said today that Zimmerman "got away with murder" for killing Trayvon Martin and feels she owes an apology to Martin's parents.

"You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," the woman, identified only as Juror B29 during the trial, told ABC's "Good Morning America. "We had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence."

She said the evidence, under Florida law, did not prove murder.

was she asleep during the trial

i mean to make a comment like this

“He caught the attention of the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain”

there was a quite a bit of testimony that he was not "self appointed"

“He called police. They suggested he stay in his car”

there was no mention to "stay in the car"

in fact dispatch never asked Zimmerman to return to his car
The prosecution did a very bad job of presenting the evidence but the was sufficient evidence to convict him, at the very least of manslaughter.

the state needs to do more then

shout loudly at the jury

and hide exculpatory evidence

and base the case on

should have

could have

its possible

and maybe

if they want a conviction
I thought all the jurors were White, WTF?

that is what you had been told by the media

who sat there day in day out

and saw everyone of the jurors and alternates

The media has lied at every turn throughout this attempting lynching of this innocent man. :( Juror 29 is black and didn't want to do what she did. Believe me if there was evidence she would of hung him.
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I thought all the jurors were White, WTF?

that is what you had been told by the media

who sat there day in day out

and saw everyone of the jurors and alternates

This is the new concept of a political/protected class attempted lynching circle fuck. Emotions will rule as the entire system chases its tail as the victim class whines like a baby, clueless of reality.

AKA a modern witch hunt!:eek:

"Trayvon Martin attacked him in a fit of pique"

"Zimmerman had every right to follow someone he thought suspicious, given the fact he had been assaulted by blacks previously"

"Martin had no right to lash out and attack Zimmerman physically"

"I don’t think "stand your ground laws" are wrong here. Not in the least"


Anyone, Right, Left or Center want to defend this post?

David French is a constitutional lawyer who served as a judge advocate during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He writes regularly for National Review Online and the website Patheos.

He's a well known conservative. This is what he wrote:

« Conservatives and the Trayvon Martin Case Commentary Magazine

Contra John Lott, citizens do not have a blanket right to “investigate a strange person in [their] neighborhood.” No such broad right exists in the Constitution, relevant statutes, or common law. Zimmerman’s alleged right to investigate is certainly limited by Martin’s right to walk in public spaces free from threats or threatening behavior. Were Zimmerman’s actions reasonable or unreasonable? Could Zimmerman have been reasonably viewed as a threat to Martin, and did Martin thus have the right to “stand his ground” rather than Zimmerman? Those questions will be critical at trial, and it will not be settled by the assertion of any “right” to investigate Martin.

Third, conservatives should be the last people in America to support or defend reckless behavior with a lawfully carried firearm. Whatever the verdict, an unarmed teenager is dead because an armed citizen behaved at best foolishly. He wrongly profiled a kid as a threat (it’s not known whether the profiling had a racial component), followed him on foot (at least for a time), and shot him after apparently losing a fistfight. Second Amendment activists—including, most notably, the National Rifle Association—put their commitment to safety, sobriety, and responsibility in gun ownership at the center of their advocacy. Liberalizing gun laws is not supposed to mean liberalizing behavior. In fact, one of the best arguments for concealed-carry laws is that concealed-carry permit holders have excellent conduct (for example, in Texas, concealed-carry permit holders are substantially less likely to commit a crime, in any category).

In short, conservatives realize that the problem isn’t the gun itself, but the mind-set of the person using it. But is anyone ready to argue that Zimmerman had the right mind-set for a concealed-carry permit holder when he initiated the chain of events that led to Martin’s death?

The facts as known—viewed in light of the three principles above—paint a worrisome picture. Yet Zimmerman was originally exonerated after a cursory investigation when the prosecutor actually overruled the lead investigator’s charging recommendation. This is the opposite of the Duke lacrosse and Tawana Brawley cases. In both those cases, there was no actual victim (no one was actually raped or assaulted), and yet there was a rush to judgment. In this case there is unquestionably a victim and there was a rush to exonerate.

If conservatives continue to cast their lot with this killer of an unarmed man, they risk damaging their own credibility and further embolden those who would marginalize conservative voices in matters of race, crime, and justice.


Not used to a "thoughtful" conservative. These days they are very rare indeed.

On my! Could it be, you have finally admitted that li'l Trayvon was a grown man. Progress has been made.

All that and all you were able to process was ONE FUCKING WORD. Something is wrong with you. Is it brain damage? Inbreeding? It has to be something.
David French is a constitutional lawyer who served as a judge advocate during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He writes regularly for National Review Online and the website Patheos.

He's a well known conservative. This is what he wrote:

« Conservatives and the Trayvon Martin Case Commentary Magazine

Contra John Lott, citizens do not have a blanket right to &#8220;investigate a strange person in [their] neighborhood.&#8221; No such broad right exists in the Constitution, relevant statutes, or common law. Zimmerman&#8217;s alleged right to investigate is certainly limited by Martin&#8217;s right to walk in public spaces free from threats or threatening behavior. Were Zimmerman&#8217;s actions reasonable or unreasonable? Could Zimmerman have been reasonably viewed as a threat to Martin, and did Martin thus have the right to &#8220;stand his ground&#8221; rather than Zimmerman? Those questions will be critical at trial, and it will not be settled by the assertion of any &#8220;right&#8221; to investigate Martin.

Third, conservatives should be the last people in America to support or defend reckless behavior with a lawfully carried firearm. Whatever the verdict, an unarmed teenager is dead because an armed citizen behaved at best foolishly. He wrongly profiled a kid as a threat (it&#8217;s not known whether the profiling had a racial component), followed him on foot (at least for a time), and shot him after apparently losing a fistfight. Second Amendment activists&#8212;including, most notably, the National Rifle Association&#8212;put their commitment to safety, sobriety, and responsibility in gun ownership at the center of their advocacy. Liberalizing gun laws is not supposed to mean liberalizing behavior. In fact, one of the best arguments for concealed-carry laws is that concealed-carry permit holders have excellent conduct (for example, in Texas, concealed-carry permit holders are substantially less likely to commit a crime, in any category).

In short, conservatives realize that the problem isn&#8217;t the gun itself, but the mind-set of the person using it. But is anyone ready to argue that Zimmerman had the right mind-set for a concealed-carry permit holder when he initiated the chain of events that led to Martin&#8217;s death?

The facts as known&#8212;viewed in light of the three principles above&#8212;paint a worrisome picture. Yet Zimmerman was originally exonerated after a cursory investigation when the prosecutor actually overruled the lead investigator&#8217;s charging recommendation. This is the opposite of the Duke lacrosse and Tawana Brawley cases. In both those cases, there was no actual victim (no one was actually raped or assaulted), and yet there was a rush to judgment. In this case there is unquestionably a victim and there was a rush to exonerate.

If conservatives continue to cast their lot with this killer of an unarmed man, they risk damaging their own credibility and further embolden those who would marginalize conservative voices in matters of race, crime, and justice.


Not used to a "thoughtful" conservative. These days they are very rare indeed.

On my! Could it be, you have finally admitted that li'l Trayvon was a grown man. Progress has been made.

All you wanted in this maters ONE FUCKING WORD. "Quilty" Something is wrong with you. Is it brain damage? Inbreeding? It has to be something.

All that and all you were able to process was ONE FUCKING WORD. Something is wrong with you. Is it brain damage? It has to be something.

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