Another lie debunked-Increasing Support for Impeachment

There will indeed be a price, and it will be exacted from the Democrats.

No, if republicans continue to defend this tyrant they will pay dearly, even more than you did in 2018.
The opinions of partisans like us matter far less than those who just want to live their lives and provide for their families. Trump promised a lot of things to improve the lot of the working class and then didn't do a goddamned thing. There will be a price for lying to America's face.
What Dems don't understand is that Americans are basically OK with peoples imperfections as long as they try to do well. Also you fail to understand that most Americans aren't stupid, and while they have differences with each other, they are basically good people.

Dems may have embolden the Fascists in their party, but the old style Liberals that believed in a welfare state but opposed a police state can't be happy.

How much credibility do you think Democrats have after 3 years of a fake Russian / Trump conspiracy Witchhunt?
We are Americans.


Wearing an Uncle Sam mask on TV does not make you an American.

Uncle Sam is made up. A fake caricature of America. Pretty much like you are.
The opinions of partisans like us matter far less than those who just want to live their lives and provide for their families. Trump promised a lot of things to improve the lot of the working class and then didn't do a goddamned thing. There will be a price for lying to America's face.
What Dems don't understand is that Americans are basically OK with peoples imperfections as long as they try to do well. Also you fail to understand that most Americans aren't stupid, and while they have differences with each other, they are basically good people.

Dems may have embolden the Fascists in their party, but the old style Liberals that believed in a welfare state but opposed a police state can't be happy.

How much credibility do you think Democrats have after 3 years of a fake Russian / Trump conspiracy Witchhunt?
We are Americans. The majority that did not vote for Trump. You're part of a 30 percent subculture who are unamerican in your essence. You post is a bunch of bullshit. You live in a lie.
The majority did not vote for Hillary either, moron.
We are Americans. The majority that did not vote for Trump. You're part of a 30 percent subculture who are unamerican in your essence. You post is a bunch of bullshit. You live in a lie.
While you've been crawling on your knees begging a bunch of old white Democrats for Affirmative Action, Reparations, any any other handout you could grovel for, real Americans have been MAGA.

When you become man enough to take responsibility for your own pitiful failed life, then I'll give your opinion a thought.
More and more people are beginning to support impeach. Whatever the Trumpettes say, consider the opposite to be the case.

New Poll Shows Nearly Half Of America Favors Donald Trump’s Impeachment

49 percent of those surveyed favor President Donald Trump’s impeachment, compared to 46 percent who do not favor such actions. The number of those for impeachment marks a notable 10-point jump from the same poll taken in April 2019, around the same time Robert Mueller’s report on the Russian interference investigation went public.

The increased support for Trump’s impeachment wasn’t just found in one poll, either. There have been a number of additional polls released that show the same results amid the growing Ukrainian controversy. After a whistleblower came forward questioning the White House’s actions regarding a call with a foreign leader, Democrats have accused Trump of pressuring the Ukrainian president into providing political ammunition against former Vice President Joe Biden — Trump’s top political opponent for the 2020 presidential election.

New Poll Shows Nearly Half Of America Favors Donald Trump’s Impeachment
This survey of 864 adults was conducted September 25th, 2019 by The Marist Poll sponsored in partnership with NPR and PBS NewsHour. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the contiguous United States were contacted on landline or mobile numbers and interviewed in English by telephone using live interviewers. Mobile telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from Survey Sampling International. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. Mobile phones are treated as individual devices. After validation of age, personal ownership, and non-business-use of the mobile phone, interviews are typically conducted with the person answering the phone. To increase coverage, this mobile sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of landline phone numbers from Survey Sampling International. Within each landline household, a single respondent is selected through a random selection process to increase the representativeness of traditionally undercovered survey populations. The samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2017 American Community Survey 1-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. Results are statistically significant within ±4.6 percentage points. There are 745 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±5.0 percentage points. Tables include results for subgroups with a minimum sample size of 100 unweighted completed interviews as to only display crosstabs with an acceptable sampling error. It should be noted that although you may not see results listed for a certain group, it does not mean interviews were not completed with those individuals. It simply means the sample size is too small to report. The error margin was adjusted for sample weights and increases for cross-tabulations.

Do not lie for these people.

Yeah....I've seen some of the poll questions...

1.) Now that Trump has proved to be the most evil politician in recent history do you favor impeachment?
2.) We know that Donald Trump is a you want a pedophile for a POTUS or do we Impeach?
3.) We know that Donald Trump works Directly for you want your nation in Putin's hands or do we Impeach Trump?

and so on....
The Dem position ALWAYS has vast leads way from the election, the polls tighten after labor day and continue to tighten all the way to the election. Dems seem to think that if they rig the polls that they create a bandwagon affect that is followed by public opinion which will help them on election day. Which, is repeatedly shown to be complete nonsense, and yet, they continue with their nonsense.


The president’s approval rating? It’s 44.1 percent, according to the RealClearPolitics average. The day before the Ukraine transcript was released, it was 45.0 percent. After six weeks of set-your-hair-on-fire-and-do-the-funky-chicken impeachment hoo-ha, the Democrats have succeeded in reducing the president’s support by not quite one full percentage point. Minus red-hot public demand, the Republican senators won’t be escorting the president out the door.

An Ohio professor discovered that, of 80 students in his class, 78 had not heard about the impeachment saga and all 80 said they were uninterested anyway. Hence the Democrats’ hopecasting that getting the TV networks to sign on as their promotional partners Wednesday might turn their sad charade into a national obsession. “The first hour of a hearing and the first hearing has got to be a blockbuster,” a senior Democrat told CNN beforehand.

So . . . how’d that go? “Impeachment hearings play big on TV, less so with viewers,” ran a headline on, gulp, NBC News? NBC News is a television news outfit. For it to admit its own programming fizzled is not its usual habit. Does McDonald’s post a giant sign outside saying, “Yelp Reviewers Dislike the Quarter Pounder”?

As Yogi Berra said, “If the people don’t want to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s going to stop them.”

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