'Another Mass Murder

6-7 dead according to RT.
At least it's not little school children this time!
Yeah, just another notch for the gun on the NRA's trophy wall.
The NRA has nothing to do with it moron.

The NRA is culpable: "I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands" is a slogan popularized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on a series of bumper stickers
Your culpable for being a dumbass. Guns do not do the shooting, people do.
Not surprised that it happened in California. The politicians could care even less what happens in their own states. Just like in New York and in Chicago. Mostly blue states Governors are only there for status purposes. They were never for their own people. Defunding the police and all that, it's no wonder why these states have gone to hell a long time ago.



Maybe you ought to do some research as to where mass murders are committed?

Fuck your manufactured Left wing propaganda Bullshit

That crap doesn't fly anymore.

You lose, once again you have nothing of substance to support anything you post.

"I lose" because you say so? Imbeciles can't pick winners and losers. (apparently)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
If anyone does the research, they will learn there are mass shootings all the time. The difference is only a select few are actually reported. Why? Because the vast majority of mass shootings occur in liberal run urban hellholes and are committed by the wrong people. Of course reporting on this one may be a mistake, the shooter might not fit with the liberal narrative, and we'll hear all about 'mental health' or some such nonsense.

STATEMENT: "If anyone does the research, they will learn there are mass shootings all the time"

RESPONSE: Mass Murders occur way to often in the United States than in any other Western Democracies, based on these four words: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
So what? Freedom isn't free. Get over it and leave my rights alone. Attack the real problem, murderous scum and their enablers. If laws were the solution, we'd just outlaw killing, right?
You have it all wrong friend.

Get rid of the police and we will have our utopia.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
It would not surprise me in the least if the media makes up these stories.
That wouldn’t surprise me either.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Gun problem? Since when does a gun go out and shoot anyone all by itself? No it's not a 'gun problem' it's a problem for SJ CA, another Democrat run shit-hole.

It's people like you who won't recognize reality, or decide that lying over and over (BIG LIES) will somehow convince the readers that guns in the hands of irresponsible people are a problem;
those who one day decide to kill innocent people, and those like you who are culpable for these deaths and injuries. The idea that no solution exists never occurs to you (and others) who support the NRA's position on guns:

"I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands" is a slogan popularized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on a series of bumper stickers

What does it matter?
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Gun problem? Since when does a gun go out and shoot anyone all by itself? No it's not a 'gun problem' it's a problem for SJ CA, another Democrat run shit-hole.

It's people like you who won't recognize reality, or decide that lying over and over (BIG LIES) will somehow convince the readers that guns in the hands of irresponsible people are a problem;
those who one day decide to kill innocent people, and those like you who are culpable for these deaths and injuries. The idea that no solution exists never occurs to you (and others) who support the NRA's position on guns:

"I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands" is a slogan popularized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on a series of bumper stickers

Pot, meet kettle.
I have been shooting rifles and shotguns since I was 5.

Big deal. I loaded a 5" gun when I was 19.

I have a 5 year old pistol, that has never loaded itself, or jumped out of the holster and started shooting people.

Not yet, maybe. Who knows but you what you have done with that weapon. Killed a neighbors cat or dog? Hid above a freeway shooting at cars passing by? Having dreams of being a hero?
I have been shooting rifles and shotguns since I was 5.

Big deal. I loaded a 5" gun when I was 19.

I have a 5 year old pistol, that has never loaded itself, or jumped out of the holster and started shooting people.

Not yet, maybe. Who knows but you what you have done with that weapon. Killed a neighbors cat or dog? Hid above a freeway shooting at cars passing by? Having dreams of being a hero?

You too, manning your 5" gun did you shell innocent civilians? Dream about dropping an HE round on Beverly Hills?
Not really, "What does it matter" was Hillary's response to all the US servicemen that died in Benghazi.

You know, your kind of people.

Out of context. Only biddable fools believe HRC was making light of the deaths at Benghazi. And only jerks like you continue to echo this deplorable propaganda, especially on this thread, where seven employees with families were murdered.
Not yet, maybe. Who knows but you what you have done with that weapon. Killed a neighbors cat or dog? Hid above a freeway shooting at cars passing by? Having dreams of being a hero?

Sorry to hear about your friend.

On the other hand, the Government knows what I have done with a firearm, what I have, and what I can do with it.
What are you scared of ... Me, or their ability to manage the situation effectively?

Not really, "What does it matter" was Hillary's response to all the US servicemen that died in Benghazi.

You know, your kind of people.

Out of context. Only biddable fools believe HRC was making light of the deaths at Benghazi. And only jerks like you continue to echo this deplorable propaganda, especially on this thread, where seven employees with families were murdered.
You are the one defending the sociopath that no one likes, including her husband.

Do tell.

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