'Another Mass Murder

6-7 dead according to RT.
At least it's not little school children this time!
Yeah, just another notch for the gun on the NRA's trophy wall.
The NRA has nothing to do with it moron.

The NRA is culpable: "I'll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands" is a slogan popularized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) on a series of bumper stickers
Your culpable for being a dumbass. Guns do not do the shooting, people do.

SOPHISTRY & A CLICHE ^^^. And, an Idiot-gram; variety personal attack wrapped by a coward.
Not yet, maybe. Who knows but you what you have done with that weapon. Killed a neighbors cat or dog? Hid above a freeway shooting at cars passing by? Having dreams of being a hero?

Sorry to hear about your friend.

On the other hand, the Government knows what I have done with a firearm, what I have, and what I can do with it.
What are you scared of ... Me, or their ability to manage the situation effectively?

I'm not scared, words on the internet come from the anonymous to the anonymous.

That said, the tragedy today in San Jose is being mocked by the usual regular people who show no concern for the innocent victims, those shot and their family and friends, and use the BIG LIE: shall not be infringed is a reality. It is not!
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I'm not scared, words on the internet come from the anonymous to the anonymous.

Fine, feel free to ignore it then, I'll discuss it with you otherwise.

People are not required to accept your attempts to circumvent the law are the proper means by which to achieve your goals ...
no matter how you attempt to justify it.

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Not yet, maybe. Who knows but you what you have done with that weapon. Killed a neighbors cat or dog? Hid above a freeway shooting at cars passing by? Having dreams of being a hero?

Sorry to hear about your friend.

On the other hand, the Government knows what I have done with a firearm, what I have, and what I can do with it.
What are you scared of ... Me, or their ability to manage the situation effectively?

I'm not scared, words on the internet come from the anonymous to the anonymous.

That said, the tragedy today in San Jose is being mocked by the usual regular people who show no concern for the innocent victims, those shot and their family and friends, and use the BIG LIE: shall not be infringed is a reality. It is not!
What concern have you shown for the victims? None. You don't know who they are, and you don't know them. You are an evil lying leftist who wants to confiscate guns.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
So Texas will have a new law...anyone, of age, can carry a gun - no permit, no background check, no training. No weeding out the felons, stalkers and nutterz. This crap is you because you want no gun regulation at all.
Well, with mass killers rampaging everywhere and the violent rioting left "defunding" the police and constantly putting the police on trial and in jail for doing their jobs, so that they most of them are quitting as fast as they can, we had BETTER be able to carry guns ---- Texas is just the first state liberalizing.
A public transit employee opened fire on co-workers at a Northern California rail yard on Wednesday, killing more than a half-dozen people before taking his own life, authorities said.

Calls of shots fired came about 6:34 a.m. PT near 100 W. Younger Ave. in downtown San Jose, drawing a large law enforcement response, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said.

"There are multiple injuries and multiple fatalities in this case," sheriff's Deputy Russell Davis told reporters at the scene. “The suspect is confirmed deceased."

The shooter was identified as Samuel Cassidy, an employee of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), law enforcement sources said. He shot and killed himself at the scene, according to sources.

Davis said at least eight people were killed, not including the shooter.

"This is a horrific day for our city and it is a tragic day for the VTA family and our heart pains for the families and the co-workers because we know so many are feeling deeply this loss of their loved ones and their fiends," San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said.

Citing an "active shooter," deputies told the public at 7:12 a.m. PT to steer clear of the neighborhood, about 50 miles south of downtown San Francisco.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
I think it was referencing the move for constitutional carry in Texas that was just signed. Imagine their chagrin when the rates for this kind of thing decrease in Texas. I doubt we'll hear a peep from any of them over THAT...
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
So Texas will have a new law...anyone, of age, can carry a gun - no permit, no background check, no training. No weeding out the felons, stalkers and nutterz. This crap is you because you want no gun regulation at all.
Well, with mass killers rampaging everywhere and the violent rioting left "defunding" the police and constantly putting the police on trial and in jail for doing their jobs, so that they most of them are quitting as fast as they can, we had BETTER be able to carry guns ---- Texas is just the first state liberalizing.
Exactly. The article mentions a huge increase in murder rates this year over last. I'm not sure what it is about otherwise intelligent people that causes them to default to silliness over this issue.
I would love to know the ethnicity of this perpetrator. I'm betting white, because some news is saying he put explosive devices all around. I don't recall hearing of blacks doing that. Sounds very Columbine.
The best way for the public to embrace totalitarianism, is for the morality of society to demand it.

As Ben Franklin once said.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

― Benjamin Franklin

This is why the Left has been at war with morality for a very long time, kicking God out of the class rooms back in the 1960's.

Now everyone wonders why children bring guns into the classroom in this secular vacuum.

Soon, the only way to deal with the continued insanity caused by moral decay will be Marshal Law.
There is no god, otherwise, it would have revealed itself to me, because I am delivering the most important scientific formula in the history of mankind.

Martial law is spelled like "martial arts." And you are wrong about that. The proper way to deal with the insanity is to reorder the erroneous constitution that your quote from Benjamin Franklin alludes to. Maybe if you were not so dependent on a supernatural being to deliver the reules for society, maybe you could have figured it out.
Thoughts and Prayers.

See you all at the next one. Probably within a week.

Yeah, in your neighborhood. Could be you.

Quick! Go vote for some more Democrat policies !!!!!!

How are Democratic policies causing shootings?

Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.

It takes a special kind of stupid, hello stupid :bye1: , to not be able to add 2+2.
Here is the abstract version of this thread.
Leftist anti constitutional commie posts thread about mass shooting.
"give us your guns", law abiding citizen "fuck you". Wash rinse repeat.
Yeah, and imagine there are a lot of people just like you, who came to the Internet Discussion forums expecting to encounter actual resolve of issues, but it does not happen - why not?
Multiple fatalities in San Jose, CA. Shooter Dead too.

Santa Clara County Sheriff reports at least 8-People dead as well as the shooter. The Valley Transit Authority (VTA) facility remains closed.

No reason the shooting has been given, also a fire in San Jose California is being investigated as being related to the shooting.
If anyone does the research, they will learn there are mass shootings all the time. The difference is only a select few are actually reported. Why? Because the vast majority of mass shootings occur in liberal run urban hellholes and are committed by the wrong people. Of course reporting on this one may be a mistake, the shooter might not fit with the liberal narrative, and we'll hear all about 'mental health' or some such nonsense.

STATEMENT: "If anyone does the research, they will learn there are mass shootings all the time"

RESPONSE: Mass Murders occur way to often in the United States than in any other Western Democracies, based on these four words: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
So what? Freedom isn't free. Get over it and leave my rights alone. Attack the real problem, murderous scum and their enablers. If laws were the solution, we'd just outlaw killing, right?
The actual problem is that the governing system is flawed, and it causes frustration, and some people cannot handle it.

Fix the governing system and that will reduce the social disorder.

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