'Another Mass Murder

So, did the killer kill himself before the police arrived or after?

I believe that the police will kill a mass murderer if they can get away with it.
Yeah, they will! As fast as they can, they're supposed to!

I saw that on a tape coming from England right after a bad massacre on the London Bridge a couple years ago. It was pretty shocking --- this Muslim guy was running amok waving a knife, everyone fleeing from him, and two officers ran up to him as fast as they could run and just -- shot him point blank. Migod, I thought, I just saw someone killed right there.

It was obvious they were trained to do that, and I entirely agree with it.
Beyond by those who lack empathy for the families of those killed or wounded today, maybe these callous conservatives might see the fiscal cost to the events of mass murder by firearms. Thus here is a link which expresses the cost to such events:


Whatever the case, just another asylum patient that cracked.
Huh. Good point ---- California has so many mentally ill people homeless on the streets now that these mass murders are probably going to increase and increase in that state.

There does need to be reinstitutionalization, IMO.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
California has loose gun laws?

Whatever the case, just another asylum patient that cracked.
Huh. Good point ---- California has so many mentally ill people homeless on the streets now that these mass murders are probably going to increase and increase in that state.

There does need to be reinstitutionalization, IMO.

No money for it.
And beyond this, more homeless continue to scramble over our So. Border.

U.S. no longer solves domestic problems, only creates them. Sad.

Your Gov't won't save you. After this, it's up to your local Gov't. When they won't, it's up to your nearby community. If they don't, it all boils down to just you.
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Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.
Ok. So show me an incident of this.

You know, back up your claim.

Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.
Ok. So show me an incident of this.

You know, back up your claim.

Sure thing, skippy.......

Editorial: More than 90 Cook County defendants accused of murder are out on electronic monitoring. What’s going on?​


Whatever the case, just another asylum patient that cracked.
Huh. Good point ---- California has so many mentally ill people homeless on the streets now that these mass murders are probably going to increase and increase in that state.

There does need to be reinstitutionalization, IMO.

No money for it.
And beyond this, more homeless continue to scramble over our So. Border.

U.S. no longer solves domestic problems, only creates them. Sad.
I'm not sure you are correct there, considering Newsom proposes putting up housing projects with little apartments to move the homeless into. Because California DOES have a big problem there: San Francisco has become a no-go area for normal people, especially women, I'm reading. Crazy men just chase them down the street, routinely.

And I thought --- well, how would these Homeless Homes be DIFFERENT from mental institutions? They'd have to feed these people because they can't feed themselves, and guard them, and obviously no one normal would want to live anywhere around them if they let them out at all ---- I wonder if this idea is a Stealth Mental Institution proposal.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
You are a moron. Was the shooter a toddler or just a angry ignorant person like you? It is not a GUN PROBLEM fool, it is a civilization problem. There are way too many morons walking the planet.

Whatever the case, just another asylum patient that cracked.
Huh. Good point ---- California has so many mentally ill people homeless on the streets now that these mass murders are probably going to increase and increase in that state.

There does need to be reinstitutionalization, IMO.

No money for it.
And beyond this, more homeless continue to scramble over our So. Border.

U.S. no longer solves domestic problems, only creates them. Sad.
I'm not sure you are correct there, considering Newsom proposes putting up housing projects with little apartments to move the homeless into. Because California DOES have a big problem there: San Francisco has become a no-go area for normal people, especially women, I'm reading. Crazy men just chase them down the street, routinely.

And I thought --- well, how would these Homeless Homes be DIFFERENT from mental institutions? They'd have to feed these people because they can't feed themselves, and guard them, and obviously no one normal would want to live anywhere around them if they let them out at all ---- I wonder if this idea is a Stealth Mental Institution proposal.

Too late. Too many homeless, too little money, and moar illegal homeless on the way.

Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.
Ok. So show me an incident of this.

You know, back up your claim.

Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.
Ok. So show me an incident of this.

You know, back up your claim.

Sure thing, skippy.......

Editorial: More than 90 Cook County defendants accused of murder are out on electronic monitoring. What’s going on?​

You're referencing people who are electronically monitored while their cases are pending. You can argue the same of anyone who posts bail while their case is pending.

Your own article references a study showing that people awaiting trial don't commit further crimes.
Shooter's name is Samuel Cassidy. 57 yearr old train mechanic. Divorced 10 years but his ex wife still resided at their residence, and has had limited contact with him since the divorce.

Samuel Cassidy San Jose shooting suspect VTA rail yard employee kills 8

Shooter's name is Samuel Cassidy. 57 yearr old train mechanic. Divorced 10 years but his ex wife still resided at their residence, and has had limited contact with him since the divorce.

Samuel Cassidy San Jose shooting suspect VTA rail yard employee kills 8


Just another angry white guy patient who cracked.

But at least he was white. If he had been black, antifa, or Muslim, we wouldn't have known who he was for at least two more days.

Microphone plummet, yo. :auiqs.jpg:
It must be hell to be white and working for a public agency in this day and age and having to practically renounce your allegiance to America.
It already was for me when I retired in 2008!
I got out when the gettin' was good!
I can't imagine what it must be like now.
I grow tired of hearing people who are responsible for gun violence lecturing to us about taking accountability.

CA Gov (D) Gavin Newsome just got done lecturing us about gun violence in his state. HEY ASSHOLE.....WAIT A FEW HOURS BEFORE YOU START SPEWING YOUR LIB TALKING-POINTS. OKAY?

I kept thinking to myself......why does Gavin Newsome look happy when he's talking about this horrible event? He was showing his pearly whites bigtime. Maybe when these folks go out to speak to the public....they need a mirror so they catch themselves grinning over this latest opportunity to trash gun owners.

The insanity of his attempts to defund police at the same time he's releasing thousands of criminals onto his streets is no more apparent that the toxic atmosphere in the state he controls. He personally is responsible for setting up the conditions that made today's attack in Santa Clara a reality. When you refuse to punish criminals and purposely let them become repeat-offenders in just about every case....you cannot blame guns for this.

To the media.....stop broadcasting these attacks......because the only thing that will happen is it will give copy-cats ideas......AND YOU KNOW THIS!!

9 people dead not including the shooter who shot himself.
This kind of thing happens alot in Chicago....but because it wasn't one of their constituents (black thugs) they're plastering it all over the news.
I figure this was an older white guy that was at the end of his rope.
That happens alot in Democrat controlled cities.

So to folks like Gavin Newsome....STFU until you start doing something productive about the hate and division you cause every day in your state.
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Division in this country is caused by maga knuckle dragging fuckups.

If the shooter was an illegal immigrate you know damn well it would be used by you for political posturing.

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