'Another Mass Murder

If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?

Don't try, quisling!!
Try what?
Doesn't California have waiting periods, universal background checks, assault weapons ban, large capacity magazine ban, purchase of only one gun per month and almost every other gun control laws on the gun haters wish list?

Looks like it didn't help stop mass shootings.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
Doesn't California have waiting periods, universal background checks, assault weapons ban, large capacity magazine ban, purchase of only one gun per month and almost every other gun control laws on the gun haters wish list?

Looks like it didn't help stop mass shootings.
Of course you and I can't prove a negative. Some food for thought:

Ignorance is bliss, one must hope you read these links and consider them.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Calling these issues a "gun problem" is like saying that you have a "pants problem" not a weight problem. What ever happened to personal responsibility and blaming the shooter who likely has mental issues.

Personal Responsibility is no longer in the blaming curriculum of a 'woke' society.
That doesnt apply to white people. Not only must he pay for his own sins, but the sins of his race. He must burn in hell, which doesnt exist, except for those evil white devils
Well this must have been the cause of the shooter's
discontent. :auiqs.jpg:

"The Valley Transportation Authority employee suspected of fatally shooting eight coworkers Wednesday morning before turning the gun on himself allegedly told an ex-girlfriend on Valentine’s Day 2009 that he was breaking up with her unless she engaged in anal sex with him, according to court records obtained by The Chronicle."

San Jose mass shooting: Ex-girlfriend of suspect Samuel Cassidy alleged rape and violent, alcohol-fueled 'mood swings'
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Nothing will be done for two reasons: Because enacting and serious gun bans will alienate a portion of the voter base, and secondly, because they can't really pass anything. The Democrats would love to: Banning certain types of firearms and magazines, regulating firearms and ammunition manufacturers out of existence, ungodly taxes on ammunition, and other strict measures.

But in the end, they would fail to get anything passed.
The reprehensible right never passes up an opportunity to exploit a tragedy to advance their lies and demagoguery about gun crime and violence.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Nothing will be done for two reasons: Because enacting and serious gun bans will alienate a portion of the voter base, and secondly, because they can't really pass anything. The Democrats would love to: Banning certain types of firearms and magazines, regulating firearms and ammunition manufacturers out of existence, ungodly taxes on ammunition, and other strict measures.

But in the end, they would fail to get anything passed.
The reprehensible right never passes up an opportunity to exploit a tragedy to advance their lies and demagoguery about gun crime and violence.

This reprehensible right-winger isn't "exploiting" anything. It isn't myself having to live every day in fear and anger because of shootings like this, I travel legally and heavily-armed.
It must be hell to be white and working for a public agency in this day and age and having to practically renounce your allegiance to America.
It already was for me when I retired in 2008!
I got out when the gettin' was good!
I can't imagine what it must be like now.
I imagine it isn't too hard at all. You're not supposed to take your politics to work. Just do your job and keep your politics to yourself

That's impossible when work brings the politics to you via diversity programs!!
You never did real Gov't public service work, have you?
Doesn't sound like it.
I've done MANY multi year government contracts son. All requiring that I pay a certain wage, hire certain groups to a minimum crew ratio, etc

So you are wrong. And I had a CHOICE TO TAKE THE CONTRACT just like ANY individual has a CHOICE to work on any given job.

You are wrong period.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
So... Do you think you accomplished anything there, except for making yourself look like a garbage human?
Looks like it didn't help stop mass shootings
See, that's just stupid right there. Nobody has ever claimed it would stop all mass shootings, nor do you know how many it may have prevented or lessened the death toll for.

Why are ALL right wing talking points dependent on being a complete retard?
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?
since the lib media has not reported it that way already I think we can rule race out of the story

because if they even suspected white racism was involved that aspect would be front page news already
Division in this country is caused by maga knuckle dragging fuckups.

If the shooter was an illegal immigrate you know damn well it would be used by you for political posturing.
You look like the knuckle dragger with
idiotic statements like that. TDS will never go away apparently.
Nothing in my post is untrue.
Anyone care to discuss the topic?
oh i dont know why,why are you afraid to admit you are biased towards the repubs and wont accept reality that till the last couple years for decades both parties were corrupt and one in the same dumbass.?

or the truth that Obama was a clone of your hero Bush and for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same yet when warmongers like Bush go out and mass murder tens of thousands of civilians,we never hear a peep from you on that,only when obama does the same thing and expands what bush got started did we ever hear a peep from you on presidents murdering civialians. thats the MUCH BETTER question to be asked.

you must be married to pc,you both deny reality obama was a clone of your hero Bush.
Dude, run on sentences don’t help your cause.

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