'Another Mass Murder

He was probably an angry, bitter, atheist with nothing left to live for and so he decided to take it out on his former coworkers before ending his existence.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Maybe, the problem is the government chaos causes stress and frustration on the easily manipulated citizen.
thats what happens when idiots become the sheep of the corrupt
I agree. The proof is written everyday on this message board exposing the Trumpanzees.
He was probably an angry, bitter, atheist with nothing left to live for and so he decided to take it out on his former coworkers before ending his existence.

Motive is the last thing to be considered. Means and Opportunity*** come before mens rea [the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused].

***The ability to own or possess guns, and the opportunity to use them.

Postscript: It appears K9Buck was quick to make fun of the law. Ignorance is what motivated his comment, as well as the opportunity. mens rea may or may not be relevant here, just his ignorance.
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Well, guns are for amateurs. One who really wants to kill a LOT of people uses a truck.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Maybe, the problem is the government chaos causes stress and frustration on the easily manipulated citizen.
thats what happens when idiots become the sheep of the corrupt
I agree. The proof is written everyday on this message board exposing the Trumpanzees.
actually, the proof is written everyday on this message board exposing the scum demonRAT sheep.....baaaa-baaaaa-baaaa
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt

There is no evidence that Antifa firebombed or vandalized the buildings. None whatsoever. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting Trump (such as the former AG Barr). As for BLM, they were marching peacefully all across the nations.

You watch too much Fox News, read trumps tweets and take Barr's bullshit as the truth.
is this this the shit you put in your head? that explains why you are a delusional, scum demonRAT
and your deflection is noted, shit stain...
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
Maybe, the problem is the government chaos causes stress and frustration on the easily manipulated citizen.
thats what happens when idiots become the sheep of the corrupt
I agree. The proof is written everyday on this message board exposing the Trumpanzees.
actually, the proof is written everyday on this message board exposing the scum demonRAT sheep.....baaaa-baaaaa-baaaa
Gee, how clever.

Multiple fatalities in San Jose, CA. Shooter Dead too.
Another democrat failure raises it's ugly head yet again. If Democrat's weren't so soft on crime or trying to kiss everybody's ace, then it would still be planted in the back of a potential criminal's mind, and before they act (I best not do that because).

That's what is called putting the symbolic or proverbial belt back on the hook for the youth to study on how not to screw up so bad. This whole nation is lost now, and thank God I'm as old as I am, because no one knows what to do to fix this crap anymore. The one's who know are in the minority these days it seems, and that leaves the door wide open for the devil to just jump his evil ace right up onto the ground, and to just reep havoc among the flock that have strayed away, but worse it has an indirect affect on the flock that is trying to do the right thing.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt

There is no evidence that Antifa firebombed or vandalized the buildings. None whatsoever. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting Trump (such as the former AG Barr). As for BLM, they were marching peacefully all across the nations.

You watch too much Fox News, read trumps tweets and take Barr's bullshit as the truth.
is this this the shit you put in your head? that explains why you are a delusional, scum demonRAT
and your deflection is noted, shit stain...

Off topic post, sadly reporting this seems to be a worthless effort.

Thus I risk my thread being moved to the Rubber Room, exactly where this kook deserves to be placed. He is not only stupid, he's a coward likely hiding in the basement of his parents home. A high school dropout who must report to a juvenile probation agent, and soon to be detained for not following the order of probation.
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Of course not, you probably don't watch the national news on ABC, NBC or PBS. Fox News, or the other one's which have taken over Faux News won't post anything put RW propaganda.
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Idiot ^ I saw it on PBS and dug up the best Tuber I could find of same thing.
Video doesn’t lie - Watch it and comment with as much intellect as you can muster
Either that, or STFU :)
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Of course not, you probably don't watch the national news on ABC, NBC or PBS. Fox News, or the other one's which have taken over Faux News won't post anything put RW propaganda.

Yeah, I can just hear the newsrooms at OAN, Newsmax & Fox ...
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Idiot ^ I saw it on PBS and dug up the best Tuber I could find of same thing.
Video doesn’t lie - Watch it and comment with as much intellect as you can muster
Either that, or STFU :)

Newsome ? He isn't worth my time, much less America's time, but you keep on worshiping him and the cratz. Makes you look real smart doesn't it ?? Rotflmbo.
Your reasoning is ludicrous. If there were no penal codes there would be chaos.
Nothing ludicrous about it...it's the scientific method...

Five state topping the mass shooting list 2013 to 2019...

  1. California (257) pop 40m
  2. Illinois (209) 12m
  3. Florida (147) 21m
  4. Texas (129) 30m
  5. New York (96) 20m

If gun control laws decreased mass shootings...the proof would be evident.

Instead three of the top five are gun control Meccas.

I added the populations to run the statistical ratios...

Illinois 1:57,000
Florida 1:143,000
California 1:162,000
New York 1:208,000
Texas 1:233,000

In other words...you're statistical safer from a mass shooting in Texas than in states with massive amounts of gun control!

Compare California to Florida...polar opposites in gun freedom vs gun control...yet in the area of danger of mass shootings...it's a virtual tie.

Waiting periods, gun bans, magazine capacity bans, universal background checks, limits on purchases, mandatory training, assault weapon bans, limited CCW...CALIFORNIA HAS IT ALL. So where is the reduction in mass shootings?

This is why we say gun control is not the answer.
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I grow tired of hearing people who are responsible for gun violence lecturing to us about taking accountability.

CA Gov (D) Gavin Newsome just got done lecturing us about gun violence in his state. HEY ASSHOLE.....WAIT A FEW HOURS BEFORE YOU START SPEWING YOUR LIB TALKING-POINTS. OKAY?

I kept thinking to myself......why does Gavin Newsome look happy when he's talking about this horrible event? He was showing his pearly whites bigtime. Maybe when these folks go out to speak to the public....they need a mirror so they catch themselves grinning over this latest opportunity to trash gun owners.

The insanity of his attempts to defund police at the same time he's releasing thousands of criminals onto his streets is no more apparent that the toxic atmosphere in the state he controls. He personally is responsible for setting up the conditions that made today's attack in Santa Clara a reality. When you refuse to punish criminals and purposely let them become repeat-offenders in just about every case....you cannot blame guns for this.

To the media.....stop broadcasting these attacks......because the only thing that will happen is it will give copy-cats ideas......AND YOU KNOW THIS!!

9 people dead not including the shooter who shot himself.
This kind of thing happens alot in Chicago....but because it wasn't one of their constituents (black thugs) they're plastering it all over the news.
I figure this was an older white guy that was at the end of his rope.
That happens alot in Democrat controlled cities.

So to folks like Gavin Newsome....STFU until you start doing something productive about the hate and division you cause every day in your state.
The Governator Newsom's family and all of his friends are literally surrounded 24/7 by armed guards with plenty of weapons and ammo.

The little people do not need anything other than a shepherd.
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Idiot ^ I saw it on PBS and dug up the best Tuber I could find of same thing.
Video doesn’t lie - Watch it and comment with as much intellect as you can muster
Either that, or STFU :)

Newsome ? He isn't worth my time, much less America's time, but you keep on worshiping him and the cratz. Makes you look real smart doesn't it ?? Rotflmbo.

If you can’t spend four minutes watching a video, then why comment? Just STFU

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