'Another Mass Murder

If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

And you are way too dim of a light bulb to ever figure out that exact same goes for Pelosi and Schumer.
Ignorance worn proudly on your forehead.

Two words describe you succinctly......"ignorant" + "dumbfuck"
Here's a concept......

Maybe this guy was just evil.........

View attachment 494159

Maybe it didn't matter who was the chief of police in San Jose, or the governor or if Biden or Trump was president......maybe he was just simply evil...

Or if makes you feel better to believe that he was motivated by Biden's hateful rhetoric about vaccines and child tax credits -- that it made the guy go murder 8 people..so be it....we definitely know it wasn't his culture at least....so that's comforting....
I must say that the picture (if that's him in the pic), definitely doesn't fit the profile pic of a mass killer, so it will be interesting to know what this cat's story is, and why he did what he did.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
Here's a concept......

Maybe this guy was just evil.........

View attachment 494159

Maybe it didn't matter who was the chief of police in San Jose, or the governor or if Biden or Trump was president......maybe he was just simply evil...

Or if makes you feel better to believe that he was motivated by Biden's hateful rhetoric about vaccines and child tax credits -- that it made the guy go murder 8 people..so be it....we definitely know it wasn't his culture at least....so that's comforting....
I must say that the picture (if that's him in the pic), definitely doesn't fit the profile pic of a mass killer, so it will be interesting to know what this cat's story is, and why he did what he did.
It's him.....

I know there is this ongoing feeling that if the mass shooter is white -- his face is plastered everywhere within seconds........but it's just that....feelings..

If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Your reasoning is ludicrous. If there were no penal codes there would be chaos.
Nothing ludicrous about it...it's the scientific method...

Five state topping the mass shooting list 2013 to 2019...

  1. California (257) pop 40m
  2. Illinois (209) 12m
  3. Florida (147) 21m
  4. Texas (129) 30m
  5. New York (96) 20m

If gun control laws decreased mass shootings...the proof would be evident.

Instead three of the top five are gun control Meccas.

I added the populations to run the statistical ratios...

Illinois 1:57,000
Florida 1:143,000
California 1:162,000
New York 1:208,000
Texas 1:233,000

In other words...you're statistical safer from a mass shooting in Texas than in states with massive amounts of gun control!

Compare California to Florida...polar opposites in gun freedom vs gun control...yet in the area of danger of mass shootings...it's a virtual tie.

Waiting periods, gun bans, magazine capacity bans, universal background checks, limits on purchases, mandatory training, assault weapon bans, limited CCW...CALIFORNIA HAS IT ALL. So where is the reduction in mass shootings?

This is why we say gun control is not the answer.
More guns in the hands of more people is you solution? Your use of statistic is, as the man once said: "There are lies, damn lies and statistics".

Considering only mass shootings denies the number of gun deaths by firearms in road rages, domestic violence, suicides, accidents and the fact that the number of guns in our country puts Stress on all LE Officers, Deputies and Agents who must consider any person is capable of carrying a firearm.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
Nope, I'm not psychotic, and I've have taken the MMPI which was required in the background check for my job. You can take the test for free, and there is built into the MMPI a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring.

It's a long test, and incorporated with the the rest of the background investigation is something all LE agencies ought to use.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
Nope, I'm not psychotic, and I've have taken the MMPI which was required in the background check for my job. You can take the test for free, and there is built into the MMPI a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring.

It's a long test, and incorporated with the the rest of the background investigation is something all LE agencies ought to use.
Psychos pass that test easily; normal people don't.
If your profession requires mental normalcy our society is in deep shit.
Your reasoning is ludicrous. If there were no penal codes there would be chaos.
Nothing ludicrous about it...it's the scientific method...

Five state topping the mass shooting list 2013 to 2019...

  1. California (257) pop 40m
  2. Illinois (209) 12m
  3. Florida (147) 21m
  4. Texas (129) 30m
  5. New York (96) 20m

If gun control laws decreased mass shootings...the proof would be evident.

Instead three of the top five are gun control Meccas.

I added the populations to run the statistical ratios...

Illinois 1:57,000
Florida 1:143,000
California 1:162,000
New York 1:208,000
Texas 1:233,000

In other words...you're statistical safer from a mass shooting in Texas than in states with massive amounts of gun control!

Compare California to Florida...polar opposites in gun freedom vs gun control...yet in the area of danger of mass shootings...it's a virtual tie.

Waiting periods, gun bans, magazine capacity bans, universal background checks, limits on purchases, mandatory training, assault weapon bans, limited CCW...CALIFORNIA HAS IT ALL. So where is the reduction in mass shootings?

This is why we say gun control is not the answer.
More guns in the hands of more people is you solution? Your use of statistic is, as the man once said: "There are lies, damn lies and statistics".

Considering only mass shootings denies the number of gun deaths by firearms in road rages, domestic violence, suicides, accidents and the fact that the number of guns in our country puts Stress on all LE Officers, Deputies and Agents who must consider any person is capable of carrying a firearm.
Well all I can say is that law enforcement needs better training at who the good guy's and gal's are, and who the bad guy's and gal's are, then they will have allies in their fight against evil, instead of being set up by their enemies when they go into a situation these days. The police ought to be welcoming the good guy's and gal's into the war, because that's exactly what it has become for them "A War".

When you get a large part of the population waging war on law and order in this country, and it is all due to race baiting corrupt political leader's, then it's time to induct the good citizen's into the frey. When the system is being broken down like we're seeing, then it's time to act in everyway to save it. Yes, more guns in the hands of good people is exactly what is needed when the nation is under attack from within. Profiling should also make a come back by police, where as anyone showing any gang signs or evidence of being part of a street gang within the inner cities should be arrested and thrown in jail. Time to get serious folks.
Your reasoning is ludicrous. If there were no penal codes there would be chaos.
Nothing ludicrous about it...it's the scientific method...

Five state topping the mass shooting list 2013 to 2019...

  1. California (257) pop 40m
  2. Illinois (209) 12m
  3. Florida (147) 21m
  4. Texas (129) 30m
  5. New York (96) 20m

If gun control laws decreased mass shootings...the proof would be evident.

Instead three of the top five are gun control Meccas.

I added the populations to run the statistical ratios...

Illinois 1:57,000
Florida 1:143,000
California 1:162,000
New York 1:208,000
Texas 1:233,000

In other words...you're statistical safer from a mass shooting in Texas than in states with massive amounts of gun control!

Compare California to Florida...polar opposites in gun freedom vs gun control...yet in the area of danger of mass shootings...it's a virtual tie.

Waiting periods, gun bans, magazine capacity bans, universal background checks, limits on purchases, mandatory training, assault weapon bans, limited CCW...CALIFORNIA HAS IT ALL. So where is the reduction in mass shootings?

This is why we say gun control is not the answer.
More guns in the hands of more people is you solution? Your use of statistic is, as the man once said: "There are lies, damn lies and statistics".

Considering only mass shootings denies the number of gun deaths by firearms in road rages, domestic violence, suicides, accidents and the fact that the number of guns in our country puts Stress on all LE Officers, Deputies and Agents who must consider any person is capable of carrying a firearm.
Well all I can say is that law enforcement needs better training at who the good guy's and gal's are, and who the bad guy's and gal's are, then they will have allies in their fight against evil, instead of being set up by their enemies when they go into a situation these days. The police ought to be welcoming the good guy's and gal's into the war, because that's exactly what it has become for them "A War".

When you get a large part of the population waging war on law and order in this country, and it is all due to race baiting corrupt political leader's, then it's time to induct the good citizen's into the frey. When the system is being broken down like we're seeing, then it's time to act in everyway to save it. Yes, more guns in the hands of good people is exactly what is needed when the nation is under attack from within. Profiling should also make a come back by police, where as anyone showing any gang signs or evidence of being part of a street gang within the inner cities should be arrested and thrown in jail. Time to get serious folks.
Every synagogue in my community has at least 2 dozen volunteers armed and ready and wearing bullet proof vests with the blessing of the Police Commissioner.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.
I'm trying to find a way to disagree but I can't..............................lololol
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Good grief, you opinion is funny and not based on facts.

A couple of facts, which anyone with an education understands, is that trump is a demagogue and a charlatan (you can look up the definition of each of these words, and then go back and read some of trump's tweets, the words in his rallies and his ignorance on Science, The Constitution and History).

To deny trump is not corrupt is far and away from reality: He is vindictive, narcissistic and has several other personality disorders which you could review on line [It's free and you can sign in to compare trump's behavior with the diagnostic criteria of personality disorders by going to the DSM 5 on line].

His corruption is so obvious I doubt anyone with an IQ above 80 can see, if they look. But ignorance, hypocrisy and bigots' remain to be loyal supporters of trump, who never should occupy an office of trust again.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
Nope, I'm not psychotic, and I've have taken the MMPI which was required in the background check for my job. You can take the test for free, and there is built into the MMPI a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring.

It's a long test, and incorporated with the the rest of the background investigation is something all LE agencies ought to use.
Psychos pass that test easily; normal people don't.
If your profession requires mental normalcy our society is in deep shit.

That's a lie ^^^! "built into the MMPI is a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring".
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
Nope, I'm not psychotic, and I've have taken the MMPI which was required in the background check for my job. You can take the test for free, and there is built into the MMPI a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring.

It's a long test, and incorporated with the the rest of the background investigation is something all LE agencies ought to use.
Psychos pass that test easily; normal people don't.
If your profession requires mental normalcy our society is in deep shit.

That's a lie ^^^! "built into the MMPI is a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring".
Because most psychos believe what they are saying.
I find neo-Cons and Progressives to both believe everything that are saying is the absolute truth until they are confronted in a situation where they can't leave.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Good grief, you opinion is funny and not based on facts.

A couple of facts, which anyone with an education understands, is that trump is a demagogue and a charlatan (you can look up the definition of each of these words, and then go back and read some of trump's tweets, the words in his rallies and his ignorance on Science, The Constitution and History).

To deny trump is not corrupt is far and away from reality: He is vindictive, narcissistic and has several other personality disorders which you could review on line [It's free and you can sign in to compare trump's behavior with the diagnostic criteria of personality disorders by going to the DSM 5 on line].

His corruption is so obvious I doubt anyone with an IQ above 80 can see, if they look. But ignorance, hypocrisy and bigots' remain to be loyal supporters of trump, who never should occupy an office of trust again.
We need a demagogue in the Oval Office.
Only people who have benefitted from Open Borders and/or Welfare love Wall Street controlled establishment representatives.
Dem president corrupt FBI and mass shootings go together like peanut butter and jelly.....
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Good grief, you opinion is funny and not based on facts.

A couple of facts, which anyone with an education understands, is that trump is a demagogue and a charlatan (you can look up the definition of each of these words, and then go back and read some of trump's tweets, the words in his rallies and his ignorance on Science, The Constitution and History).

To deny trump is not corrupt is far and away from reality: He is vindictive, narcissistic and has several other personality disorders which you could review on line [It's free and you can sign in to compare trump's behavior with the diagnostic criteria of personality disorders by going to the DSM 5 on line].

His corruption is so obvious I doubt anyone with an IQ above 80 can see, if they look. But ignorance, hypocrisy and bigots' remain to be loyal supporters of trump, who never should occupy an office of trust again.
Clearly you must have your head up your ass if you think a president shouldn't want to use the Bully Pulpit to get his message across.
That's what politics is.
When it comes to demagoguery....you Dummycraps wrote the book on it.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt

There is no evidence that Antifa firebombed or vandalized the buildings. None whatsoever. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting Trump (such as the former AG Barr). As for BLM, they were marching peacefully all across the nations.

You watch too much Fox News, read trumps tweets and take Barr's bullshit as the truth.
There is plenty of evidence that Antifa firebombed and vandalized the buildings. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting scum demonRATS (such as the former PIG-lousi).
You watch too much msm, believe the scum demonRAT LIES and take xidens and PIG-lousi's bullshit as the truth.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Good grief, you opinion is funny and not based on facts.

A couple of facts, which anyone with an education understands, is that trump is a demagogue and a charlatan (you can look up the definition of each of these words, and then go back and read some of trump's tweets, the words in his rallies and his ignorance on Science, The Constitution and History).

To deny trump is not corrupt is far and away from reality: He is vindictive, narcissistic and has several other personality disorders which you could review on line [It's free and you can sign in to compare trump's behavior with the diagnostic criteria of personality disorders by going to the DSM 5 on line].

His corruption is so obvious I doubt anyone with an IQ above 80 can see, if they look. But ignorance, hypocrisy and bigots' remain to be loyal supporters of trump, who never should occupy an office of trust again.
You are delusional, and Biden and the gang is going to make you eat those words with a touch of poop sprinkled on top. The very fact that you ignore all the evidence against Democrat's speaks well of your delusions, and your mental state in life.

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