'Another Mass Murder

If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
Nope, I'm not psychotic, and I've have taken the MMPI which was required in the background check for my job. You can take the test for free, and there is built into the MMPI a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring.

It's a long test, and incorporated with the the rest of the background investigation is something all LE agencies ought to use.
Psychos pass that test easily; normal people don't.
If your profession requires mental normalcy our society is in deep shit.

That's a lie ^^^! "built into the MMPI is a Lie Schedule as part of the matrix upon scoring".
Because most psychos believe what they are saying.
I find neo-Cons and Progressives to both believe everything that are saying is the absolute truth until they are confronted in a situation where they can't leave.
Most of these people showed no red flags in background or appearance.

now we had a bunch f high skewlers screaming for mental health. Leaving dangerous signs and hints everywhere. And we let them finally act........................What a society lacking in priorities.
So Texas will have a new law...anyone, of age, can carry a gun - no permit, no background check, no training. No weeding out the felons, stalkers and nutterz. This crap is you because you want no gun regulation at all.

Texas didn't write a new law, they repealed an old one, and called what it provided for Constitutional Carry.
There is no age restriction in Federal Statute regarding who can own or possess a long arm and ammunition.
We are born with our Constitutionally Protected Rights.

Please ... Learn what the fuck you are talking about before you just bleed all over the website, you Nutter.

So toddlers can carry a gun? And you call me a nutter?
I have been shooting rifles and shotguns since I was 5.
Cool. I am sure every kid has good judgement, aftet all that is 5 yr olds can drive, sign cobtracts, get married, etc

A very good example.......

Of comprehension incompetence.
Looks like it didn't help stop mass shootings
See, that's just stupid right there. Nobody has ever claimed it would stop all mass shootings, nor do you know how many it may have prevented or lessened the death toll for.

Why are ALL right wing talking points dependent on being a complete retard?
Then why are they pushed after every mass shooting...when we can see that they aren't a pancea?

If these policies actually would work in the real world, people would support them.

If you don't want to be mocked when your rhetoric fails...don't try to force it as a remedy after every mass shooting...
At least conservatives are consistent at being stupid.

Democrats release violent felons back on the street. Every day, a gang banger shoots someone, is arrested, and then within 24 hours is walking the street again.

It takes a special kind of stupid, hello stupid :bye1: , to not be able to add 2+2.
The US justice system is the world's worst failure because there's no emphasis on rehabilitation. In truth, not rehabbing and then releasing convicts onto the streets is the biggest part of the failure. As well as 'for profit' prisons of course.

Americans pay twice for it's ignorant attitude with more hardened criminals walking the streets and in higher taxes to prop up the system.

Now you know,
And now you can pretend it's not so!
The US justice system is the world's worst failure because there's no emphasis on rehabilitation. In truth, not rehabbing and then releasing convicts onto the streets is the biggest part of the failure. As well as 'for profit' prisons of course.

Americans pay twice for it's ignorant attitude with more hardened criminals walking the streets and in higher taxes to prop up the system.

Now you know,
And now you can pretend it's not so!

You believe Government, the decisions it makes, and how they execute policy, is the number one problem ... And you want more Government policies.
Next Question ... Nutter.

The US justice system is the world's worst failure because there's no emphasis on rehabilitation. In truth, not rehabbing and then releasing convicts onto the streets is the biggest part of the failure. As well as 'for profit' prisons of course.

Americans pay twice for it's ignorant attitude with more hardened criminals walking the streets and in higher taxes to prop up the system.

Now you know,
And now you can pretend it's not so!

You believe Government, the decisions it makes, and how they execute policy, is the number one problem ... And you want more Government policies.
Next Question ... Nutter.

I don't waste my time on crazies like you. Present an argument that's worth my time and I won't ignore you.
These kind of gun incidences are becoming the normal in America now, due to the vicious hating and racism. This one will be found to be politically motivated too.
These kind of gun incidences are becoming the normal in America now, due to the vicious hating and racism. This one will be found to be politically motivated too.

If we could only keep those fools away from guns, hating and racism, using Government controls, that will in your opinion reduce politically motivated violence.
Next Question ... Nutter.

These kind of gun incidences are becoming the normal in America now, due to the vicious hating and racism. This one will be found to be politically motivated too.

If we could only keep those fools away from guns, hating and racism, using Government controls, that will in your opinion reduce politically motivated violence.
Next Question ... Nutter.


Dumb Donald has no problem with political violence. Like fascists everywhere he enjoys raping and murdering the defenseless.

He lauds the Chinese persecution of the Uigars as an example.

He's a troll. Nothing more.
Dumb Donald has no problem with political violence. Like fascists everywhere he enjoys raping and murdering the defenseless.

He lauds the Chinese persecution of the Uigars as an example.

He's a troll. Nothing more.

I chose "Thanks" because they got rid of 'Funny and Agree'.
Seriously, I was just practicing using someone's words to beat them to death (figuratively speaking of course) ... Slow day on the back porch.

Thoughts and Prayers.

See you all at the next one. Probably within a week.

Yeah, in your neighborhood. Could be you.

Quick! Go vote for some more Democrat policies !!!!!!

How are Democratic policies causing shootings?
Seriously? Maybe the defunding of police and the general refusal to prosecute law-breaking in many blutopias?
You don’t think “blutopias” prosecute people who commit mass shootings?
? How did you come to that conclusion from MY statement? The evidence is clearly established that these blue cesspools, ESPECIALLY on the west coast, have DAs that will not prosecute the trash that spent last summer burning and looting and even MURDERING.
IIRC, there were no instances of mass shootings there... YET... but any city government that aids thugs should be responsible for the mayhem those thugs engage in.
The evidence is clearly established that these blue cesspools, ESPECIALLY on the west coast, have DAs that will not prosecute the trash that spent last summer burning and looting and even MURDERING.
What MURDERING are you referring to that has not been prosecuted?

Edit: I FUCKING hate this editor. This seriously has to be the worst update ever.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
He ain't mine. I don't know the motherfucker.

You think he's a Right winger just because he's white?...lol. Careful: your racism is shining through.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt

There is no evidence that Antifa firebombed or vandalized the buildings. None whatsoever. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting Trump (such as the former AG Barr). As for BLM, they were marching peacefully all across the nations.

You watch too much Fox News, read trumps tweets and take Barr's bullshit as the truth.

You're lying your ass off and you know it.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?
Looks like it didn't help stop mass shootings
See, that's just stupid right there. Nobody has ever claimed it would stop all mass shootings, nor do you know how many it may have prevented or lessened the death toll for.

Why are ALL right wing talking points dependent on being a complete retard?
Then why are they pushed after every mass shooting...when we can see that they aren't a pancea?

If these policies actually would work in the real world, people would support them.

If you don't want to be mocked when your rhetoric fails...don't try to force it as a remedy after every mass shooting...
At least conservatives are consistent at being stupid.
actually, its the scum demonRAT supporters that are constantly being led around and LIED to, like the little sheep you are. that makes you very stupid
These kind of gun incidences are becoming the normal in America now, due to the vicious hating and racism. This one will be found to be politically motivated too.

If we could only keep those fools away from guns, hating and racism, using Government controls, that will in your opinion reduce politically motivated violence.
Next Question ... Nutter.


Dumb Donald has no problem with political violence. Like fascists everywhere he enjoys raping and murdering the defenseless.

He lauds the Chinese persecution of the Uigars as an example.

He's a troll. Nothing more.
PIG-lousi and company have no problem with political violence. Like nazis everywhere they enjoy paying antifa and black flies matter criminals to pose as actors, and murdering the defenseless.(ashli b).
and telling AMERICANS to get the death jab for chinese flu
and allow illegals, being positive for the chinese flu, to roam around AMERICA...coming to your neighborhood soon
and putting AMERICANS out of good paying jobs
and LYING constantly
and spewing anti-AMERICA propaganda daily

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