'Another Mass Murder

Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?
Western Europe is 98% white. Of course the murder rate is lower.
A look into a civilized world where law and order still exist, and people have pride in their Nation as well as in their environment. Even though their government might be different than ours, the ingredient that we should have that undoubtedly they still have is respect for the home in which they live. I challenge anyone to point out blight, litter, and any homelessness/tent cities along the route.

Enjoy the peacefulness of the ride, and do some comparison's along the way.

Funny how we see all these excuses when white on white crime is done.
Funny how we see all these excuses when white on white crime is done.

What excuses? He was a scumbag public employee, that the Feds knew about, but, as usual, did nothing.

What do you want to bet the rail yard is a gun free zone.
A look into a civilized world where law and order still exist, and people have pride in their Nation as well as in their environment. Even though their government might be different than ours, the ingredient that we should have that undoubtedly they still have is respect for the home in which they live. I challenge anyone to point out blight, litter, and any homelessness/tent cities along the route.

Enjoy the peacefulness of the ride, and do some comparison's along the way.

Whites colonized other countries and fucked them up and then they gloat about how great white countries are. Pathetic.
Funny how we see all these excuses when white on white crime is done.

What excuses? He was a scumbag public employee, that the Feds knew about, but, as usual, did nothing.

What do you want to bet the rail yard is a gun free zone.
And there is your excuse, the gun free zone.

Gun free zones allow assholes like this to murder without worry. Were you a thinking person you could understand.

And, it's not an excuse, moron. It's an explanation for the number of casualties.

Assholes are always going to kill. Only morons, like you, make it easy for them.
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Multiple fatalities in San Jose, CA. Shooter Dead too.

This shooting isn't getting the coverage other shootings do....why?

He didn't use an AR-15 rifle, the rifle the democrats want to use to ban other guns....he used 3 hand guns.

And what do we keep telling you? Mass public shooters are not looking for a fight, they are looking to murder unarmed people. As soon as you can shoot back at the killer, lives are saved because the killer runs away, surrenders or commits suicide.

This attack was over in 6 minutes....why? When the police got there the shooter stopped shooting and killed himself...

gun free zones get people killed....


Here's what we know about the San Jose rail yard shooting

At least nine people and the gunman are dead.
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.

America doesn't have a gun problem...we have a criminal problem....

More Americans die falling off of ladders than die from mass public shootings......so no, we don't have a gun problem.

We have a democrat party that keeps releasing violent gun criminals....that is our problem...stop them from doing that and we reduce our gun crime by about 95%....

6-7 dead according to RT.
At least it's not little school children this time!
Yeah, just another notch for the gun on the NRA's trophy wall.

Please...tell us where the NRA supports the illegal use of guns...vs.... the democrat party that keeps releasing violent, known, repeat gun offenders from jail and prison....

If you want to know who is driving 95% of our gun crime and gun murder in the U.S., it is the democrat party, it's judges, prosecutors and politicians.......

Your fixation with the NRA is stupid.
A workplace, so likely white
It happed earlier this morning and they killed the shooter so how could they not know his color?

He committed suicide......as soon as the police showed up..which is why gun free zones are dumb...they attract shooters.

These shootings end when someone gets there with a gun to stop the killer, they then commit suicide, surrender, or run away...
Funny how we see all these excuses when white on white crime is done.

No excuses...we explain why the different shootings are different..

Crazy white guys kill less than 50 people on average a year.....meanwhile, black males make up 7% of the U.S. population but commit over 50% of the murders...mostly the victims are other young black males involved in crime....
Funny how we see all these excuses when white on white crime is done.

What excuses? He was a scumbag public employee, that the Feds knew about, but, as usual, did nothing.

What do you want to bet the rail yard is a gun free zone.

The Feds knew about him? Figures.............but they should tell us again how background checks, conducted by the feds, are going to save us...
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.

America doesn't have a gun problem...we have a criminal problem....

More Americans die falling off of ladders than die from mass public shootings......so no, we don't have a gun problem.

We have a democrat party that keeps releasing violent gun criminals....that is our problem...stop them from doing that and we reduce our gun crime by about 95%....

An average of 300 people a year die from falling off ladder. So far this year there have been 271 people die in mass shootings.

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2021 - Wikipedia

Ladder Safety.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?
Western Europe is 98% white. Of course the murder rate is lower.
Gun ownership per capita in the US is more than three times that of Europe's highest country.

There were 39.1 firearms per 100 people in Montenegro, compared with 120 in the US, according to the Small Arms Survey (SAS)


The European Union's 513 million inhabitants owned a collective 79.8 million firearms in 2017. That figure grows to 93.2 million when including countries outside the EU, like Russia and Iceland.

The most guns were concentrated in Russia (17.6m), Germany (15.8m) and France (12.7m), while the rate of firearms owned per 100 people was highest in Montenegro (39.1), Serbia (39.1) and Cyprus (34). In comparison, there were around 120 firearms for every 100 US residents.
less guns might have something to do with it.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?

You're incoherent and your biases are not based in reality. The Right is all about the elite, it puts the middle class, the working poor and the very poor as their enemy. Trickle down economics has failed all three times; it has been incorporated in a variety of ways. The evidence is clear given the wide divide of the very wealthy and the vast majority of citizens.

President Biden is hated by you and other kooks who attack him for one reason, he puts the majority of We the People first, for they have been - at best - ignored by the Axis of Ryan, McConnell and Trump.

If the Right continues to take the gold and leave the majority of citizens to eat "cake", history tells us that peaceful protests will be insufficient to make necessary changes, as long a McConnell has the ability to steal the power of the intent of the Separation of Powers which is the genius of our Constitution.
Why do you think we supported Trump ? It's because he was allied with none of these corrupted rhino's and demigods. But you and other's were to stupid to realize a good thing when you had it, and so you were joined in with the get Trump corruption without using your own minds to deduce the situation properly. Now you have an incompetent cognitive declining bumbling stumbling sick elderly man as your president taking orders from who knows who, now own it.
Then how come so many people he was "allied" with were later called RINOS, traitors, Deep-State plants, etc, etc, etc??

I was told he only hires the best people....
Anybody can pull the Triger and multiply times. People go nuts, but all our gun owners can suddenly get a wild hair and commit a shooting spree, it doesn't matter.

Its a common occurrence in the USA. Even the people who talks about having guns ad nauseum can go crazy.
A look into a civilized world where law and order still exist, and people have pride in their Nation as well as in their environment. Even though their government might be different than ours, the ingredient that we should have that undoubtedly they still have is respect for the home in which they live. I challenge anyone to point out blight, litter, and any homelessness/tent cities along the route.

Enjoy the peacefulness of the ride, and do some comparison's along the way.

Whites colonized other countries and fucked them up and then they gloat about how great white countries are. Pathetic.

A look into a civilized world where law and order still exist, and people have pride in their Nation as well as in their environment. Even though their government might be different than ours, the ingredient that we should have that undoubtedly they still have is respect for the home in which they live. I challenge anyone to point out blight, litter, and any homelessness/tent cities along the route.

Enjoy the peacefulness of the ride, and do some comparison's along the way.

Whites colonized other countries and fucked them up and then they gloat about how great white countries are. Pathetic.

Oh is that what you saw on your train ride ?? Funny how Detroit, Mogadishu or Samolia etc, otherwise looks very strange in comparison wouldn't you say ?? Is that the white man's fault in your tormented mind ??

Now it appears that maybe you want America to go those ways also ? I mean look at the inner cities, the hood's, and in many areas across America and Africa where a certain black culture lives. Yeah poverty and famon can be blamed for a small part or even a large part in some areas of the world, and to some degree, but most of it is due to a cultural lifestyle lived.
Anybody can pull the Triger and multiply times. People go nuts, but all our gun owners can suddenly get a wild hair and commit a shooting spree, it doesn't matter.

Its a common occurrence in the USA. Even the people who talks about having guns ad nauseum can go crazy.
It's all about the numbers, and we don't have the numbers to justify gun grabs from any good citizen that owns guns responsibly. Now what needs to be explained is how guns ended up in the hands of these gang's who could care less about anything, and then why aren't these gang Banger's in jail along with their guns seized ?? Can't explain that one away can you ? No you can't because the government has fostered it all, and it has attempted to social experiment us all in the process, while allowing us to be murdered in the process. We have to protect ourselves, because the government has failed us endlessly in doing so.
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99.999% of all gun violence resides in your deep Blue areas. Now, why is that?
Wherever there is a shooting, it's most likely you will find Democrats totally in control.
And that's exactly why shootings have taken a sharp upturn since they installed Biden. Proof.

Bottom Line indisputable: Get rid of insane Democrat policies, get rid of the gun violence issue.
The problem is not one of "guns"....it is one of insane Leftist policies,

Own it. Fix yourselves, then worry about others.

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