'Another Mass Murder

Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

And you are way too dim of a light bulb to ever figure out that exact same goes for Pelosi and Schumer.
Ignorance worn proudly on your forehead.

Two words describe you succinctly......"ignorant" + "dumbfuck"
Projecting a bit, are we?
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
Your racism blinds you to the idiocy of your argument. We are told that the rise of left wing politics has caused the obscene slaughter in the US. My point is that this is nonsense. Europe is far more left wing and has a fraction of the deaths that you suffer in the US.

Therefore the point is bollox. Unless you can find some logic in that sewer you call a brain.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.

Go fuck yourself.

You've shown absolutely zero empathy or compassion for the victims here yourself you shitbird phony.

You seldom, if ever have because giving a shit for victims such as these isn't on your agenda is it? They and their loved ones are nothing more than bit players in a political battle.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
Your racism blinds you to the idiocy of your argument. We are told that the rise of left wing politics has caused the obscene slaughter in the US. My point is that this is nonsense. Europe is far more left wing and has a fraction of the deaths that you suffer in the US.

Therefore the point is bollox. Unless you can find some logic in that sewer you call a brain.
Having some fun with stirring up extremist Americans. Some are driven to pull the wings off of their collection of house flies, and some even get out their guns and go out killing songbirds.
They're pretty much fkd up their heads with their racism and hating that's made them dysfunctional.
They're damn determined to take each other down to the level of Trump lunacy.
Having some fun with stirring up extremist Americans. Some are driven to pull the wings off of their collection of house flies, and some even get out their guns and go out killing songbirds.
They're pretty much fkd up their heads with their racism and hating that's made them dysfunctional.
They're damn determined to take each other down to the level of Trump lunacy.

Sweetie ... We don't have to write a law to get what we want ... You have to write a law to take away what we already have ... You are the extremist.
Next Question ... Nutter.

Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
Your racism blinds you to the idiocy of your argument. We are told that the rise of left wing politics has caused the obscene slaughter in the US. My point is that this is nonsense. Europe is far more left wing and has a fraction of the deaths that you suffer in the US.

Therefore the point is bollox. Unless you can find some logic in that sewer you call a brain.

No, we KNOW that 8% of the criminal population commits 80% of the violent crime.

You seem to be the racist here because you think only brown and black people are violent.

I don't. I think that certain CULTURES are violent. The color of the people who live in those cultures is immaterial to me.

Their violent cultures are.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

And you are way too dim of a light bulb to ever figure out that exact same goes for Pelosi and Schumer.
Ignorance worn proudly on your forehead.

Two words describe you succinctly......"ignorant" + "dumbfuck"
Projecting a bit, are we?
Is that your new word for the month, "Projecting?"

Libturds make me projectile vomit all over the wall if you're interested in projecting.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
that California gun control really works
Having some fun with stirring up extremist Americans. Some are driven to pull the wings off of their collection of house flies, and some even get out their guns and go out killing songbirds.
They're pretty much fkd up their heads with their racism and hating that's made them dysfunctional.
They're damn determined to take each other down to the level of Trump lunacy.

At least we are able to recognize a true case of racism when we see it.

You left wing loonies have feigned outrage over a million false cries of racism for so long, you no longer have any sense about regarding the true racism we have in this country today.

No credibility either.

Lefty loons are always standing around, scratching their asses and wondering things like "Where ma check dey say I git?" instead of wondering what they could do to make anything better.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
“Loosening of gun laws” in California? Are you nuts? It’s one of the most draconian states out there. Yet still gun violence plagued them, because they have a very low white population.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?
The difference is that in other countries they haven't lost their flippin minds like American's have, because they uphold the law without left-wing politics or bullcrap getting in their way. Even if they were to allow gun's in the same numbers that American's do, it would still be the same result because they uphold the law in their countries, and they aren't as stupid as we've become in dealing with criminals like we have. We have a lawlessness problem, and not a gun problem in America. Lawlessness is bad whether guns are involved or not. I mean think about it, we are memorializing criminal's now in America, and paying their families million's of taxpayer dollars in some sort of political feel good pay off for scoring political points now. You can't make the crap up I tell ya.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

And you are way too dim of a light bulb to ever figure out that exact same goes for Pelosi and Schumer.
Ignorance worn proudly on your forehead.

Two words describe you succinctly......"ignorant" + "dumbfuck"
Projecting a bit, are we?
Is that your new word for the month, "Projecting?"

Libturds make me projectile vomit all over the wall if you're interested in projecting.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

And you are way too dim of a light bulb to ever figure out that exact same goes for Pelosi and Schumer.
Ignorance worn proudly on your forehead.

Two words describe you succinctly......"ignorant" + "dumbfuck"
Projecting a bit, are we?
Is that your new word for the month, "Projecting?"

Libturds make me projectile vomit all over the wall if you're interested in projecting.
Look it up
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
Your racism blinds you to the idiocy of your argument. We are told that the rise of left wing politics has caused the obscene slaughter in the US. My point is that this is nonsense. Europe is far more left wing and has a fraction of the deaths that you suffer in the US.

Therefore the point is bollox. Unless you can find some logic in that sewer you call a brain.
Left-wing lawlessness here isn't like left-wing culture over there, so until you come walk in an Americans shoe's, why don't you mind your own business ? Was watching a train ride with head cam on the engineer from Switzerland to ummm can't remember now (YouTube), and it's amazing how clean, managed, and neat the landscape is. You don't get that unless you have certain attributes in your citizen's. One attribute is being raised right for starters, and another attribute is being respectful enough to be a good citizen who cares about such things. The other attribute is being a law abiding citizen. We have some serious issue's in America now, and who knows where it will all continue to go.
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
I wonder why America moved so far away from God back in the 50's, 60's etc.....the murder rate was crazy back then....
View attachment 494209

And you would think with Reagan in the White House; the murder rate would had plummeted because of how Godly he was and stuff....

Come to think of it.....there were a shit ton of murders occurring since this country existed.....do we need to become a theocracy in order for this utopia to happen?
White America has a very low crime rate. It is those people YOU CALLED "DARKIES" who are responsible for far too much crime
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Sad, and true.
It really isnt. All of western Europe is left wing cmpared to America and yet the murder rates in every country are a lot lower than the uS. Not just a little bit but by a huge amount. What could explain that difference?

Indeed, there was this little thing called WORLD WAR I, and WORLD WAR II, that killed off most of your belligerent population. Now, you idiots are importing violent third world people into your country and lo and behold your violent crime rates, including gun violence, are skyrocketing. It ain't the tool, dummy, it's the person using it that is the problem.
Your racism blinds you to the idiocy of your argument. We are told that the rise of left wing politics has caused the obscene slaughter in the US. My point is that this is nonsense. Europe is far more left wing and has a fraction of the deaths that you suffer in the US.

Therefore the point is bollox. Unless you can find some logic in that sewer you call a brain.
I've got some logic for you.....you probably don't have a political party running your country into the ground on purpose.

You've been through your switch to socialism already. Our Democrats are intentionally sabotaging our economy and are intentionally causing chaos in our cities. That's the primary difference right now.

Sure you're more left.....because you've already made the big leap into socialism. Now try figuring out how you're gonna pay for your defense when socialism renders America totally unable to come to your defense much less defend ourselves. Standing armies take alot of money. Once we go down...you'll not be far behind.
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