'Another Mass Murder

If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
You are truly stupid believing that the elimination of guns will solve the underlying problem of social disorder.
What’s particularly stupid on the part of conservatives are the ridiculous lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘confiscated,’ or ‘outlawed,’ or ‘doing away’ with the Second Amendment.

The right’s fearmongering is baseless and unwarranted – there will be no ‘new’ AWB, no new firearm regulatory measures will be enacted, nothing will be done as usual.

Better not try, either!
Why, are you going to join the insurrectionists? Or were you one already last January?
Have you burned a building to the ground yet?
Idiot-gram^^^; variety, posted by a fool.
It's quite obvious that you never comment on violence committed by those you perceive to be Liberals.

Duh, I never comment on any color, race or the politics of any mass shooter. I comment on the Callous Conservatives who lack empathy for the victims of mass shooters. Oh, and dumb people.
You comment on Rs...often.
Perhaps you're psychotic.
He was probably an angry, bitter, atheist with nothing left to live for and so he decided to take it out on his former coworkers before ending his existence.

Motive is the last thing to be considered. Means and Opportunity*** come before mens rea [the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused].

***The ability to own or possess guns, and the opportunity to use them.

Postscript: It appears K9Buck was quick to make fun of the law. Ignorance is what motivated his comment, as well as the opportunity. mens rea may or may not be relevant here, just his ignorance.

Just another public employee hurting people he doesn't like.
America's gun problem
America doesn't have a gun problem.

America has an aggravated murder problem, in the first degree.

If murderers don't have "access" to firearms, they avail themselves of other ways and means to consummate the premeditated act of murder.
Just tonight, on the news, someone walked up to a ten year old girl, stabbed her half a dozen times and walked off. Maybe she was white. They didn't say.
America's gun problem
America doesn't have a gun problem.

America has an aggravated murder problem, in the first degree.

If murderers don't have "access" to firearms, they avail themselves of other ways and means to consummate the premeditated act of murder.
Yep, like grabbing a truck, club, knife, homemade device, poison, booby trap, you name it, but because the gun just happens to be available also, then they just use that if it's also in their arsenal of killing choices. The only deterrent to any of these things is having good people with guns, and having the late getting there cop's with their guns or having body gaurds with their guns, and if the perp escapes after the fact, then that's what "Dexter's" (a vigilante tv series mimicking life, otherwise hollyweirds handbook for taking out the trash), is for.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
It's what happens when the party now in power, gets in power. No one respects them or themselves when the Democrat's get power, and we might just see inside these audit's exactly how they got power this time. It's hard to believe that they don't see the patterns that unfold everytime they get into power.
Here's a concept......

Maybe this guy was just evil.........


Maybe it didn't matter who was the chief of police in San Jose, or the governor or if Biden or Trump was president......maybe he was just simply evil...

Or if makes you feel better to believe that he was motivated by Biden's hateful rhetoric about vaccines and child tax credits -- that it made the guy go murder 8 people..so be it....we definitely know it wasn't his culture at least....so that's comforting....
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
Shooter's name is Samuel Cassidy. 57 yearr old train mechanic. Divorced 10 years but his ex wife still resided at their residence, and has had limited contact with him since the divorce.

Samuel Cassidy San Jose shooting suspect VTA rail yard employee kills 8

Whoa! Thank you very much: just what I suspected when the news said there were all sorts of explosives rigged here and there. A skilled white man ----- yeah, cracked.

COVID craziness to blame, I bet ----- all this terrible business of interfering with everybody, fascists and mask-nazis, just drove a lot of people crazy.
Wow, what a desperate attempt to shift blame!
Deny all you want but two things are self evident and undeniable.........

1). As America has moved away from God, it gets more violent and worse.
2). As America moves further Left, it gets more violent and worse.

So it is apparent those defending either are just plain sick, evil or both.

And at some point good men will either fight it......or accept and live (and die) by it. So far the latter has been the order of the day.
I wonder why America moved so far away from God back in the 50's, 60's etc.....the murder rate was crazy back then....

And you would think with Reagan in the White House; the murder rate would had plummeted because of how Godly he was and stuff....

Come to think of it.....there were a shit ton of murders occurring since this country existed.....do we need to become a theocracy in order for this utopia to happen?
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.

Typical lack of empathy. Those with a background in psychology understands what this character flaw suggests.
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt

There is no evidence that Antifa firebombed or vandalized the buildings. None whatsoever. This is a BIG LIE, something you use quite often. Those who vandalized could have easily been agent provocateurs, i. .e agents supporting Trump (such as the former AG Barr). As for BLM, they were marching peacefully all across the nations.

You watch too much Fox News, read trumps tweets and take Barr's bullshit as the truth.
is this this the shit you put in your head? that explains why you are a delusional, scum demonRAT
and your deflection is noted, shit stain...

Off topic post, sadly reporting this seems to be a worthless effort.

Thus I risk my thread being moved to the Rubber Room, exactly where this kook deserves to be placed. He is not only stupid, he's a coward likely hiding in the basement of his parents home. A high school dropout who must report to a juvenile probation agent, and soon to be detained for not following the order of probation.
yo, shit stain....
try responding to the part you deflected, like a scum demonRAT:
did you show empathy when antifa and black flies matter were ransacking and burning and looting all those cities last year? of course not...you support the scum demonRATS
did you have empathy when ashli b was murdered by the capitol cop? ....no you didnt
can't wait for more denial, and deflection from you....TYPICAL
Governor Newsom offers more than thoughts and prayers .. refreshing!

I don't watch MSNBC, so I'll take your word that Newsome did what ?

Idiot ^ I saw it on PBS and dug up the best Tuber I could find of same thing.
Video doesn’t lie - Watch it and comment with as much intellect as you can muster
Either that, or STFU :)

Newsome ? He isn't worth my time, much less America's time, but you keep on worshiping him and the cratz. Makes you look real smart doesn't it ?? Rotflmbo.

If you can’t spend four minutes watching a video, then why comment? Just STFU

take your own advice...are you a comic?....thanx 4 the laughs
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
It's what happens when the party now in power, gets in power. No one respects them or themselves when the Democrat's get power, and we might just see inside these audit's exactly how they got power this time. It's hard to believe that they don't see the patterns that unfold everytime they get into power.
Wow, talk about projecting!
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
Weird.....Chicago is the murder capital of America.....but their gun laws are the most strict.

Personally I don't think Democrat politicians care if people get shot.....they want the right people to get shot.....or the right people to do the shooting so they can take our rights away.
Yesterday somebody started busting caps at the memorial site for George Floyd and all the media did was duck and cover. As if this is the new normal.
I saw a video yesterday of an insane black guy who knifed a Jew....and he was screaming to the cops that he had the right to knife the guy because he was a racist.
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If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
You Left winged dolts probably should have gotten rid of the guns before getting rid of the police

Now everyone realizes, with the police retiring or quitting in record numbers and the rest being defunded and labeled racists, each of us are now the police and will either have to defend ourselves or die.

Now go get bent!

You are one very sick puppy. A lack of empathy is a sign of mental illness. Of course it needs to be ruled out.
So let me get this straight.....we all have the common-sense to see what is going on. The left is creating this toxic environment in their cities and we're supposed to blame it all on one thing? Guns??? And because we grow tired of seeing you mental midgets repeat this predictable mess at every opportunity.....we're showing a lack of empathy?
FYI, the predictable result when you get thousands/millions of people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then piss them off 24/7 with your violent rhetoric is all Hell breaks loose, but you in all of your wisdom somehow think that the gun is the inherent evil here!
Is that what you're really trying to say????
And you really expect us to take you seriously?
It's another shooting and 6 or 7 Americans have been killed. How callous of you to not care anymore! America's gun problem will never be solved if ya'all stop caring. You might just as well elect the NRA's corrupt boss for president.
we dont have a "gun problem"
Tell that to the police who haveto deal with it.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
So Texas will have a new law...anyone, of age, can carry a gun - no permit, no background check, no training. No weeding out the felons, stalkers and nutterz. This crap is you because you want no gun regulation at all.
felons and crazies can legally own guns in texas? Link?
Didnt say that I?
Its a culture problem. Not a gun problem.
We cant fix issues when you cultists dont even know what the problem is.
Yes, that is exactly what you said. You do have major problems understanding basic English, so i will let it slide ;)
No. I didn't. You missed the point. Think about it.
I missed nothing. Maybe you should edit that post to say what you mean
It doesnt need to be. Here is a hint: if you do no background checks how will prevent a felon or spmeone with a restraining order from purchasing a gun? And dont give me the crappola about they will find a way anyway, at least some get weeded out.
That argument is a fallacy. Anyone who has purchased a gun in the last 5 years knows that background checks have become more strict and laws have changed to make straw purchases illegal.....so they've already got it covered when it comes to legal gun ownership.
The wildcard seems to be illegal gun sales and mental patients still walking the streets. Seems Democrats are sabotaging this too by making sure that offenders become repeat-offenders...and the insane aren't put away for the their own safety or the good of society. They flooded our streets during COVID with hardened criminals and just crossed their fingers hoping some ex-con would get arrested, or resist arrest. This is absolute lunacy.....and what happens to people under stress when they are surrounded with chaos. Some of them snap. This is highly predictable.
If it was not racially motivated towards dark skinned people from whitey and if no police killed black folk, who cares?

Oh yea, I forgot, we need to take everyone's guns away. Down with the 2nd Amendment!

My bad.
No need to worry. This is just another 2nd Amendment killer, expect to see more with loosening of gun laws. It's on you lot now.
No, it's on the shooter. Someday hopefully you idiots will learn what SELF RESPONSIBILITY means.

Or are you going to admit when that Bernie nut shot up congress it was "on you all" now?

Dumb ass statement
We already know, it's almost invariably some RWNJ that does the mass shootings and you kids never take responsibility.

That's incorrect.
Yeah? He's yours, take responsibility.

Samuel Cassidy.

View attachment 494040
I thought all this was supposed to really tame down when Biden came in.

But it seems to be getting really really bad now. Why is that?

What should we do about it....You are the party in power
Find a way to put McConnell out to pasture, he is the problem and he puts himself, then his party before the American People. Power tends to corrupt, and no other phrase can define McConnell so clearly.

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