ANOTHER mass shooting: Savannah, GA; 5 shot, 2 dead

Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Come get em faggot. Mine will be your last stop.

What are you waiting for? You said you want the guns....all of em. Come take em faggot.

There's a reason the Japanese emperor in WW2 knew to never invade Main Street USA.
if you are talking about the gun quote Gen.Yamamoto supposedly made about a gun behind every blade of grass....he never said that Buc.....

jesus..did all of you go to public school?..yamamoto wasn't the emperor and he wasn't a general...wrong branch of the service....and he didn't exactly say those words about a rifle behind every blade of grass.... he did say some interesting things, though...go look.
so you googled the guy and then try and act like you are let me give you one of these....


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