ANOTHER mass shooting: Savannah, GA; 5 shot, 2 dead

Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.
Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.

Second, find out who lives with those people... bats to the ankles and knees, no medical treatment, if all they can do is crawl, it will be easy to track 'em down later if we need to investigate further.

Third... college Campei! BLACK LIVES MATTER... just beat them to death, they're not worth a bullet.

Anyone who allowed them to sleep in the same building with them, but were not visibly affiliated... bats... ankles and knees.

Congressional Black Caucus... Gitmo. Put 'em in the old Dog Kennels, save the new state of the art Hi-Sec crap for white socialists... just for fun.

ACLU... Bullet/Head.

OK... the Homosexuals.


Never mind with them, at that point, there won't be anyone in the nation who will admit to ever having had an impure thought.

Wait a few days... any West-coaster found complaining is a subversive... any found holding their tongue is a well disciplined subversive.

Week... 10 days tops. Problem solved.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the next Rusty Houser.

LOL! My goodness the ladies are in a tussle this evenin'.

Likely a guilty conscience.

My guess that they're getting that "Walls Closing In", as the Muslims that they've enabled are prepping for their own little march to the sea, and even the lowly Prog is smart enough to figure out what happens to them, when that happens.

Oh well... it's not like it wasn't inevitable.
I'm not crying at all, you are...

Lets see now.
You want my guns and I still have them and I'm not giving them up.
What exactly do I have to cry about?
Seems to me you're the one not getting your wish.....tissue?
Your guns are mine, my little toasted marshmallow, one way or another.. Just a matter of time.

No its not. Guns are being bought and manufactured at record levels. You'll never get them. You'll die dreaming.
Never said it was in my lifetime, now did I?

Ah. So none of us will ever see it happen? Cool. Then go suck a Jenner and shut up about it.
None? No, some will, but they aren't my age.
Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.

Second, find out who lives with those people... bats to the ankles and knees, no medical treatment, if all they can do is crawl, it will be easy to track 'em down later if we need to investigate further.

Third... college Campei! BLACK LIVES MATTER... just beat them to death, they're not worth a bullet.

Anyone who allowed them to sleep in the same building with them, but were not visibly affiliated... bats... ankles and knees.

Congressional Black Caucus... Gitmo. Put 'em in the old Dog Kennels, save the new state of the art Hi-Sec crap for white socialists... just for fun.

ACLU... Bullet/Head.

OK... the Homosexuals.


Never mind with them, at that point, there won't be anyone in the nation who will admit to ever having had an impure thought.

Wait a few days... any West-coaster found complaining is a subversive... any found holding their tongue is a well disciplined subversive.

Week... 10 days tops. Problem solved.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the next Rusty Houser.

LOL! My goodness the ladies are in a tussle this evenin'.

Likely a guilty conscience.

My guess that they're getting that "Walls Closing In", as the Muslims that they've enabled are prepping for their own little march to the sea, and even the lowly Prog is smart enough to figure out what happens to them, when that happens.

Oh well... it's not like it wasn't inevitable.

I'm guessing that you're just giving us another one of your grotesque murder fantasies.
Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.

Dont worry about it. Nature has always cured these little problems.

The US was born through the application of that cure.

But you don't need to worry about it, given that you aren't IN the US.

Your problem is that Britain will be a function of the Muslim caliphate within the next generation. And when that happens the US will most likely nuke Britain. Because we're not going to waste one boot trying to save you idiots from yourselves, AGAIN!
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.

Dont worry about it. Nature has always cured these little problems.

The US was born through the application of that cure.

But you don't need to worry about it, given that you aren't IN the US.

Your problem is that Britain will be a function of the Muslim caliphate within the next generation. And when that happens the US will most likely nuke Britain. Because we're not going to waste one boot trying to save you idiots from yourselves, AGAIN!

You realize that you don't actually have any idea what you're talking about, right? That virtually every prediction you've ever made that we've been able to compare to results....has been laughably wrong?

And no. We're not instituting your insane murder fantasies. That's not 'nature'. That's just you and your grotesque desire to hurt people. We're not doing that.
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.

Dont worry about it. Nature has always cured these little problems.

The US was born through the application of that cure.

But you don't need to worry about it, given that you aren't IN the US.
What you believe is entirely untrue, as always.
I'm guessing that you're just giving us another one of your grotesque murder fantasies.

Murder? LOL! NOo... I'm not speaking of A woman's right to CHOOSE!

I'm speaking of the morally justified taking of human life... specifically where one individual or collective serves a threat upon the means of Americans to exercise their God-given Rights.

As the US did when the US was founded... which we did to ourselves in the mid-late 19th century... which we did twice to most of Europe in the early 20th century, and as we did throughout SE Asia, all across Northern Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and pretty much every where else in the world where we recognized it was necessary.

If you need that to be my fantasy... that's fine with me. Because I'm not the one who is forcing it.

I've spent 25 years doing everything within my means, to reason with your collective's starkly limited means, as possible, specifically to dissuade as many of you as I can to turn from their Prog notions, so as to avoid it.

So my conscience is clear.

As a result of the exercise, I know exactly who you people are, what you're about, why you do what you do... and consequently, I know...

it's inevitable.
Last edited:
What you believe is entirely untrue, as always.

Sadly for your would-be 'point' ... reason requires that IF you truly knew your stated position TO BE TRUE, you would have stated a basis, leading the reader TO your conclusion.

Yet... ya didn't.

SOOoooo... (Well, you know.)
I'm guessing that you're just giving us another one of your grotesque murder fantasies.

Murder? LOL! NOo... I'm not speaking of A woman's right to CHOOSE!

Really? Because just a few posts back you were talking about executing 70,000,000 Americans. Now you're adding women to your 'Folks I Really Want To Murder' list?

Thank us, Keyes. As you're just a schmo who had a few extra drinks tonight and is letting us see a little more of your insanity than you'll probably prefer you did come tomorrow morning. But you're essentially harmless because we generally keep people like yourself from any real power.

If you had that power.....the 'camps' would never stop running with the millions you'd kill. We wouldn't have graves enough for the corpses you'd create. You'd be a monster.

You're saved from this fate by the rest of us. And relegated to a dude who just finished his 4th can of Pabst rather than a grotesque mass murdering monster.

A little gratitude is in order.

I'm speaking of the morally justified taking of human life... specifically where one individual or collective serves a threat upon the means of Americans to exercise their God-given Rights.

And which 'god given right' are you calling on with your sick 'put a bullet in the back of the head of each Obama voter' mass murder fantasy you posted earlier?
You realize that you don't actually have any idea what you're talking about, right?

I realize that you NEED that to be so... because you lack the means to know what I'm talking about.

Oh, your record of perfect failure on every prediction we can check has already demonstrated it.

You're gonna have a hard time arguing you have any real insight when your record of prediction is so spectacularly awful.
Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.

Second, find out who lives with those people... bats to the ankles and knees, no medical treatment, if all they can do is crawl, it will be easy to track 'em down later if we need to investigate further.

Third... college Campei! BLACK LIVES MATTER... just beat them to death, they're not worth a bullet.

Anyone who allowed them to sleep in the same building with them, but were not visibly affiliated... bats... ankles and knees.

Congressional Black Caucus... Gitmo. Put 'em in the old Dog Kennels, save the new state of the art Hi-Sec crap for white socialists... just for fun.

ACLU... Bullet/Head.

OK... the Homosexuals.


Never mind with them, at that point, there won't be anyone in the nation who will admit to ever having had an impure thought.

Wait a few days... any West-coaster found complaining is a subversive... any found holding their tongue is a well disciplined subversive.

Week... 10 days tops. Problem solved.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the next Rusty Houser.

LOL! My goodness the ladies are in a tussle this evenin'.

Likely a guilty conscience.

My guess that they're getting that "Walls Closing In", as the Muslims that they've enabled are prepping for their own little march to the sea, and even the lowly Prog is smart enough to figure out what happens to them, when that happens.

Oh well... it's not like it wasn't inevitable.
You need to see a mental health specialist and get your brain checked for tumors ASAP.
You're gonna have a hard time arguing you have any real insight when your record of prediction is so spectacularly awful.

Ya mean like, when I predicted that the San Bernardino mass-murderers were Muslims and that the Left would run to defend Islam?

You need to see a mental health specialist and get your brain checked for tumors ASAP.

Oh! Well, thank you Doctor.

Now, please, for the edification of the Reader... what specific symptoms have you deduced from my writing, which presents symptomatic of a tumor?

(Reader... it's not a doctor. It's a feminized Leftist male rhetorically trying to 'scratch my eyes out'.)
I'm guessing that you're just giving us another one of your grotesque murder fantasies.

Murder? LOL! NOo... I'm not speaking of A woman's right to CHOOSE!

Really? Because just a few posts back you were talking about executing 70,000,000 Americans.

LOL! False. That's a dam' lie!

Cite it or concede that you're lying through your failure to produce THE EVIDENCE!

So now you're trying to claim you didn't say this:

where_r_my_keyes said:
I said we should solve the problem by putting a bullet into the back of the heads of those who voted for obama. Murder is the morally unjustified taking of innocent human life.

They voted for obama, therefore, they're not innocent.

Post #1608
BREAKING : Shooting in San Bernardino | Page 161 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And there were about 70,000,000 Obama voters.

Your insane murder fantasies just keep getting more and more elaborate.
You need to see a mental health specialist and get your brain checked for tumors ASAP.

Oh! Well, thank you Doctor.

Now, please, for the edification of the Reader... what specific symptoms have you deduced from my writing, which presents symptomatic of a tumor?

(Reader... it's not a doctor. It's a feminized Leftist male rhetorically trying to 'scratch my eyes out'.)

And by 'reader', you mean you talking to yourself.

Keyes, there's no audience for your insanity but you. Even your fellow conservatives are backing away from your insane murder fantasies. Its just you, offering us a window into your grotesque madness.
Woman dies, 3 injured in Savannah shooting
UPDATE: Police find suspect in fatal shooting dead; Savannah High lockdown lifted | Mobile

Holy shit this is getting crazy!!! Savannah GA, 5 shot, 2 dead, including the shooter.

Oh....wait....God dammit....never mind....shooters name is "Malique"....this one doesn't matter. Disregard and carry on.
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.
and I have a need to kill things
yea killing handicapped must be one tough motherfucker.....
Yep, want the guns, all of them.

Hypocrite !!!!
Nope. When the guns go, my guns go. When humanity goes, so do I.

Yes !
You have stated over and over private citizens should not be allowed to own a gun, and now we have found out you own guns.
The height of hypocrisy !
Nope. They are still legal, for now, and I have a need to kill things but most don't. Both of those will change, soon enough but not soon enough for a mass of dead bodies.
and I have a need to kill things
yea killing handicapped must be one tough motherfucker.....
Get over it.

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