Another Media Scam Literally Blows Up In Their Faces...Gaetz Was Telling The Truth

Thanks for that, BlueAnon.

Geez, we get it. You're Q-filth. No need to keep advertising that point. Your'e a Q-tard, so you're just a weepy fascist loser bitch now.

At this stage, your only purpse is to serve as a lesson to others, about how overwhelming butthurt can lead of person to cult devotion and self-lobotomizing. After all, you weren't always Q-filth. It was the butthurt that drove you to plumb such depths of depravity.

Which Republican pedos are you going to defend tomorrow? Given how many there are to choose from, it must be a difficult choice.
Thanks for that, BlueAnon.

Geez, we get it. You're Q-filth. No need to keep advertising that point. Your'e a Q-tard, so you're just a weepy fascist loser bitch now.

At this stage, your only purpse is to serve as a lesson to others, about how overwhelming butthurt can lead of person to cult devotion and self-lobotomizing. After all, you weren't always Q-filth. It was the butthurt that drove you to plumb such depths of depravity.

Which Republican pedos are you going to defend tomorrow? Given how many there are to choose from, it must be a difficult choice.
Pound sand up your ass, fuckwit.
Is the Reichstag still open for business?

After the 1/6 Reichstag Fire?

Looks like it.

It didn't burn on 1/6/2021
Nothing in history matters other than Jan 6, 2021.
Pearl Harbor on line 2.

BTW hitler burned the reichstag to solidify his Germany first policy
Well....everything...including nothing compared to Jan 6th 2021.....the most infamous event in human history.
If the charge were true the FBI would already know it does not take months to verify someones age or whether or not they traveled with someone.
Obviously, his father believed the Fbi investigation in to his son's sexual relationship with a minor was true.... otherwise he would have laughed the extortionists off....No?

The alleged extortionists are pretty scummy crooks, but it has nothing to do with Rep Gaetz alleged relationship with a minor, 20years younger than him, and possibly flying her over state lines to travel with him, and have sex with him....which is considered as a form of sex trafficking of a minor....

and which was under investigation beginning 3 to 6 months prior to the convoluted extortion attempt.

Attorney General Bill Barr would never in a million years allow this investigation to go forward, if he didn't think it was serious imo....
hey stupid,,, how long does it take to establish a known woman's age? Or whether or not she traveled with someone?
There is no known woman.
That's not what Gaetz said to Tucker. He said there was a "girlfriend" that the FBI threatened .... so she would turn on him, and he said that he had dinner with Tucker and his wife two years ago with this girl...

Tucker denied remembering anything close to what Gaetz claimed ever happened.

Ok, there is more tonight from the times..... It seems to involve prostitution and his friend Joel Greenberg, a Florida tax collector who was fired and being charged with over 20 felonies at this point that involves fraud, fake ids created for the younger girls that were stolen ids Greenberg got from people who had to turn govt ids in to the govt, to embezzlement,

And this 17 year old that was allegedly Gaetz's girlfriend, was introduced to him from his friend Joel Greenberg, and Joel slept with her too....she was basically being prostituted....She's singing like a canary, in the Greenberg case with investigators, and that's what lead them to Gaetz....

This just on the news, I have not read the new York times article on it yet, but the link is below...

I bet fucking Gaetz is a nasty dirty talker while having sex with these children.

fucking creep.
Obviously, his father believed the Fbi investigation in to his son's sexual relationship with a minor was true.... otherwise he would have laughed the extortionists off....No?

The alleged extortionists are pretty scummy crooks, but it has nothing to do with Rep Gaetz alleged relationship with a minor, 20years younger than him, and possibly flying her over state lines to travel with him, and have sex with him....which is considered as a form of sex trafficking of a minor....

and which was under investigation beginning 3 to 6 months prior to the convoluted extortion attempt.

Attorney General Bill Barr would never in a million years allow this investigation to go forward, if he didn't think it was serious imo....
hey stupid,,, how long does it take to establish a known woman's age? Or whether or not she traveled with someone?
There is no known woman.
That's not what Gaetz said to Tucker. He said there was a "girlfriend" that the FBI threatened .... so she would turn on him, and he said that he had dinner with Tucker and his wife two years ago with this girl...

Tucker denied remembering anything close to what Gaetz claimed ever happened.

Ok, there is more tonight from the times..... It seems to involve prostitution and his friend Joel Greenberg, a Florida tax collector who was fired and being charged with over 20 felonies at this point that involves fraud, fake ids created for the younger girls that were stolen ids Greenberg got from people who had to turn govt ids in to the govt, to embezzlement,

And this 17 year old that was allegedly Gaetz's girlfriend, was introduced to him from his friend Joel Greenberg, and Joel slept with her too....she was basically being prostituted....She's singing like a canary, in the Greenberg case with investigators, and that's what lead them to Gaetz....

This just on the news, I have not read the new York times article on it yet, but the link is below...

Ahh a hit piece with no actual names and no actual charges. No evidence and no facts. I see you accept such garbage on conservatives will defending any liberal even when names and facts are provided.
Obviously, his father believed the Fbi investigation in to his son's sexual relationship with a minor was true.... otherwise he would have laughed the extortionists off....No?

The alleged extortionists are pretty scummy crooks, but it has nothing to do with Rep Gaetz alleged relationship with a minor, 20years younger than him, and possibly flying her over state lines to travel with him, and have sex with him....which is considered as a form of sex trafficking of a minor....

and which was under investigation beginning 3 to 6 months prior to the convoluted extortion attempt.

Attorney General Bill Barr would never in a million years allow this investigation to go forward, if he didn't think it was serious imo....
hey stupid,,, how long does it take to establish a known woman's age? Or whether or not she traveled with someone?
There is no known woman.
That's not what Gaetz said to Tucker. He said there was a "girlfriend" that the FBI threatened .... so she would turn on him, and he said that he had dinner with Tucker and his wife two years ago with this girl...

Tucker denied remembering anything close to what Gaetz claimed ever happened.

Ok, there is more tonight from the times..... It seems to involve prostitution and his friend Joel Greenberg, a Florida tax collector who was fired and being charged with over 20 felonies at this point that involves fraud, fake ids created for the younger girls that were stolen ids Greenberg got from people who had to turn govt ids in to the govt, to embezzlement,

And this 17 year old that was allegedly Gaetz's girlfriend, was introduced to him from his friend Joel Greenberg, and Joel slept with her too....she was basically being prostituted....She's singing like a canary, in the Greenberg case with investigators, and that's what lead them to Gaetz....

This just on the news, I have not read the new York times article on it yet, but the link is below...

Ahh a hit piece with no actual names and no actual charges. No evidence and no facts. I see you accept such garbage on conservatives will defending any liberal even when names and facts are provided.'s how they inoculated accusing Trump of the shit Biden was doing.
So, a couple dirtags, not affiliated with law enforcement in any way, tried to scam Gaetz ... and this makes Gaetz innocent ... how?

The Trump cult just isn't very bright. They literally seem to think that if someone else is a criminal, then Gaetz can't be a criminal.

It makes him guilty how? As guilty as Cuomo? What about Biden? They are all speculation, I am waiting to see how it plays out. In America, I believe you are innocent until proven guilty. Or has that changed.
Obviously, his father believed the Fbi investigation in to his son's sexual relationship with a minor was true.... otherwise he would have laughed the extortionists off....No?

The alleged extortionists are pretty scummy crooks, but it has nothing to do with Rep Gaetz alleged relationship with a minor, 20years younger than him, and possibly flying her over state lines to travel with him, and have sex with him....which is considered as a form of sex trafficking of a minor....

and which was under investigation beginning 3 to 6 months prior to the convoluted extortion attempt.

Attorney General Bill Barr would never in a million years allow this investigation to go forward, if he didn't think it was serious imo....
hey stupid,,, how long does it take to establish a known woman's age? Or whether or not she traveled with someone?
There is no known woman.
That's not what Gaetz said to Tucker. He said there was a "girlfriend" that the FBI threatened .... so she would turn on him, and he said that he had dinner with Tucker and his wife two years ago with this girl...

Tucker denied remembering anything close to what Gaetz claimed ever happened.

Ok, there is more tonight from the times..... It seems to involve prostitution and his friend Joel Greenberg, a Florida tax collector who was fired and being charged with over 20 felonies at this point that involves fraud, fake ids created for the younger girls that were stolen ids Greenberg got from people who had to turn govt ids in to the govt, to embezzlement,

And this 17 year old that was allegedly Gaetz's girlfriend, was introduced to him from his friend Joel Greenberg, and Joel slept with her too....she was basically being prostituted....She's singing like a canary, in the Greenberg case with investigators, and that's what lead them to Gaetz....

This just on the news, I have not read the new York times article on it yet, but the link is below...

The girlfriend isn't 17. There is no 17 year old. That's why Gaetz' father wore a wire.
If the charge were true the FBI would already know it does not take months to verify someones age or whether or not they traveled with someone.
That's because nobody is told what the FBI is investigating, because it ruins the narrative used to get him kicked off his judicial committee.
Media sources like MSNBC conveniently leave out the FBI investigation when discussing the DOJ one. the FBI is separately examining whether the request to his father about Levinson might constitute extortion, with Gaetz and his family as possible victims. There's a former Federal Prosecuter involved which is interesting since Gaetz is in the Committee that investigates them.
A Former post of mine discussed following his committee cases to find out who or what is responsible for this hit piece.
Dumb timing though, april fools is a tough sell on outrageous claimed stories that go to far in word play and spin.
So, a couple dirtags, not affiliated with law enforcement in any way, tried to scam Gaetz ... and this makes Gaetz innocent ... how?

The Trump cult just isn't very bright. They literally seem to think that if someone else is a criminal, then Gaetz can't be a criminal.
I will try to explain it using little words. The accusations being untruthful is what makes it a scam. If the accusation is a lie Gaetz cannot be a criminal.

IF a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps.
Why would you create a topic to defend a ****ing child sex trafficker? How absolutely vile of you.
You shouldn't be token and typing again or police are gonna come up with breathalyzer computer access as an invention to keep people like you from typing missinformation while high.
The sex trafficking charge was on the county tax collector not the congressman.
The Congressman was being extorted over a phoney underage story not trafficking, it's online stories passed down the line that accidentally confused the story of the tax collector with the Congressman and that is why media does stuff like that to knowingly confuse half listening viewers into merging stories and associating one with the other, otherwise why mention the tax collector at all if not to try and confuse drug induced viewers like yourself.
*note I bring up your drug use, because you yourself admited it and it's relevant, because it does affect how you view reality and get duped easy.

The investigation of Greenberg has implicated Gaetz. Greenberg and some women are now talking about Gaetz use of ectasy during sex. So what we have here is republicans turning on republicans. Can't blame the left on this one.
Are there any Trump associates who _aren't_ pedos?

It's the usual thing. Republicans project their crimes on to Democrats, to deflect attention away from their own crimes.

So, if you see a Repulbican accuse a Democrat of something, you can be certain that's what the Republican is doing themselves.

So, if you see a Republican call Democrats Nazis, you can be certain that Republican is a hardcore Nazi.
One of these 3 is not like the other in regards to Israel
So, a couple dirtags, not affiliated with law enforcement in any way, tried to scam Gaetz ... and this makes Gaetz innocent ... how?

The Trump cult just isn't very bright. They literally seem to think that if someone else is a criminal, then Gaetz can't be a criminal.
Are you really this dumb, or just willing to be stupid to make a weak point?
The media, and people on this forum, laughed and ridiculed his "bizarre" claims.
And they turned out to be true.
No it doesn't mean he is innocent. But it shows, like the OP is stating, how the media immediately started lamb basting this guy literally before anyone knew anything.
The SAME media that only tokenly covers Gov. Cuomo's many-many accusations against him.

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