Another Mex Tries a get Rich off the Taxpayer Scam.

So, you're saying that being dragged out of school in handcuffs is an appropriate response to a 12 year old drawing on her desk with an erasable marker?

Great how you turned it into a race thing too.
WOW, I DID read that right

"Another MEX" (Mexican), well for one thing the 'Mex' part has nothing to do with this. Don't think anyone is trying to scam the city. I think excessive force was used, for some insane reason. Think of what this does to some young people, being hauled off in cuffs for something this damn ridiculous. I can't get over these stupid decisions made by officials and law enforcement sometimes. Why do freedom loving people keep doing this kind of nonsense? Wasn't there someone in the PD that would say, "Hey this isn't right" or is this really a law, if it IS a law, then this country has more problems than I first thought.

I am with her mother, I WOULD sue them for excessive force also if it was my kid. 'Scamming the system', would be the last thing on my mind.

Anyone see, since this seems to be happening all over, excessive force being used as kind of a 'testing the waters', to see how the American people react to hints of a 'police state' mentality?

Final comment: It's not about race, it's about, in my opinion, abuse of power.
Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.
Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.

You don't throw a 12 year old kid in jail for doodling on her desk with a pencil, you jackbooted dipshit. They should sue and I hope they win millions for violating her civil rights.
She got arrested for it? Seriously, are these schools just lazy? Punish the dang kids yourself. Make her scrub it off. You can still require they do manual labor.
YOu sure have a problem with Mexicans, Froggy. Let's hope this girl doesn't grow up to be a lesbian, because then you REALLY won't like her.

And if we did that crap in school, we were made to clean it up or get detention.
It seems to me that this is probably another case of "zero-tolerance" policies causing more harm than good.

The school probably had a "zero-tolerance" policy against vandalism in place (and, in the school's probably was put there after some major problems, as is usually the case) and when the girl colored on her desk it fit into the category of vandalism - defacing school property...and the school was forced to follow its stated policy on the issue.

Please understand, I'm not saying I agree with arresting a 12-year old girl...although maybe because I'm a teacher I'm not quite as blase as some of you about her writing several sentences and pictures all over her desk in marker - thats a pretty big no-no in every school I've ever worked in.

What people who don't work in the public school system need to understand about these policies is that they are often in place because school-districts spent so much time fighting with parents over whether or not they had the right to give one student a punishment and another student a different punishment based on the school's opinion of the severity of the offense.

After being threatened with lawsuit...after a thousand meetings with screaming parents wanting to know why their special, unique "angel" was being persecuted while all the other children weren't...most schools simply gave up and put in a "one-size-fits all" rule system.

We can change it...but its going to take parents trusting schools to dole out discipline...and parents seem pretty unwilling to let the public school system do that these days.
Oh what a world we live in. I wish we still had parents who would gladly have their child punished if they did something wrong instead of threatening to sue if they are punished.
Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.

You're an asshole.

And a racist.
Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.

You don't throw a 12 year old kid in jail for doodling on her desk with a pencil, you jackbooted dipshit. They should sue and I hope they win millions for violating her civil rights.

Lets just do away with rules in school, let the kids carry guns knives, let them rape rob and kill each other and their teachers. show them their parents want them above being disciplined. It worked so well 20 years ago when the law stopped you from disciplining them so just give them free run.
Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.

You don't throw a 12 year old kid in jail for doodling on her desk with a pencil, you jackbooted dipshit. They should sue and I hope they win millions for violating her civil rights.

Lets just do away with rules in school, let the kids carry guns knives, let them rape rob and kill each other and their teachers. show them their parents want them above being disciplined. It worked so well 20 years ago when the law stopped you from disciplining them so just give them free run.

You're joking, right? There's a big fat fucking red line between disciplining a kid for writing on a desk, and hauling their asses out in handcuffs for writing on a desk.

Unless that kid *attacked* the cops, or anyone else, handcuffs are off the charts over-reacting.
Girl Arrested For Doodling on School Desk Sues New York City - AOL News

on the video mom admits daughter broke the law (graffiti against the law).

1. How do you know she's a "Mex?"

2. If her account was true she has every right to sue them.

So in your way of thinking all the prisoner have a legitimate lawsuit, they were arrested for committing a crime and the law violated their civil rights. Someone needs to let them know.
Do I need to repeat myself? You're an asshole. And a racist.
1. How do you know she's a "Mex?"

2. If her account was true she has every right to sue them.

So in your way of thinking all the prisoner have a legitimate lawsuit, they were arrested for committing a crime and the law violated their civil rights. Someone needs to let them know.
Do I need to repeat myself? You're an asshole. And a racist.

You'll have to repeat yourself forever. Froggy doesnt bother responding to anything actually said in posts. It's like talking to a wall.

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