Another Night Of Embarrassing Convention For The Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
From the Democrats having to display the same faces multiple times on screens to make it look like there were more people listening to Kamala's diatribe than there actually were to the Democrats dragging Hillary Clinton back out to whine and bitch about her 2016 loss none of them have gotten over yet to Obama reminding everyone why he used to be called (among other things) the 'King of 'I'', it was another embarrassing failure for the Democrats.


Like SHE would know how to be a President - she couldn't even cut it as a Secretary of State without getting Americans needlessly killed.

No, what Hillary wishes, as she came out of her hole to remind everyone yet again, is that SHE was President.

It seems Hillary has learned to like the taste of sour grapes, as she has continued sucking on them for 4 years now. Like the rest of the Democrats and snowflakes, she can't move on.


All they have as a platform is unrealistic ideas and hate Trump.
do they really think higher taxes is going to be a big seller?
Do they really believe that the green deal is viable?
President Obama brought his A game last night

His scathing attack on the Trump Presidency will go down in history and define it for eternity
Hillary Clinton will never know how it is to be President. Sure, she takes her anger out on her old friend and donor, President Trump, but imagine how really mad she is going to be if Biden wins and Kamala Harris is a heartbeat away from being President. Hillary felt entitled to becoming President. She should have taken the VP slot under Obama after failing to beat him in the primary.
President Obama brought his A game last night

His scathing attack on the Trump Presidency will go down in history and define it for eternity
You mean his entire abandonment of principles and decorum?
Funny.... when Trump disses Obama he is being an ogre and disrespecting the office, but when Obama does the same - it is his A game.
Obama behaved as unpresidential as it gets. It has been a long-long-long standing rule that former Presidents do not attack their successor.
But I get it - once again the left will never-ever-ever criticize their own.
It's sickening to hear Obama's supporters longing for his return. I'll give him credit though, he's a very persuasive speaker. That's a talent. But then again, so was Hitler or all those snake oil salesmen over here in the late 1800s. To truly understand the evil of Obama, one has to listen to the content of his speeches, not the delivery.
President Obama brought his A game last night

His scathing attack on the Trump Presidency will go down in history and define it for eternity

Merely a "flesh wound" on Trump, if that.
When Barr and Durham nail Obama for the biggest scandal in US history, using the FBI, DOJ, and the intel agencies to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and the Trump presidency, that's what HISTORY will document.
When Barr and Durham nail Obama for the biggest scandal in US history,

Might be a concern if not for Barr and Durham having long ago lost any credibility with the American people.
of this i totally agree. it was embarrassing on about every level possible. the scripted "i used to be a republican but now i vote joe!" was horrible. so fake, scripted and void of any passion whatsoever.

warren speaking up for native americans after mocking them
clinton speaking up for the need of a moral president
obama flappin his lips about how evil trump is

did they ever at any point in time say what their platform is and what they want to do for the country if elected? well to be honest i couldn't tell you cause after 38 seconds, i had more than enough. the rest is just scattered news out today that certainly lines up with that 38 seconds of misery.

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