Another Obama trip!!!!

Drama Queen much??

Hey hypocrite....It is you and those on your side who've been hurling pitchforks at China because that country has been according to you, stealing jobs from Americans.
Now that the president's wife wants to tote her little darlings and her mommy to China on a all expense taxpayer paid va ca to China, suddenly all is right with the world.
Cut the bullshit.
The Obama's behavior is inexcusable.

Didn't first lady Laura Bush join her Husband at the Olympics in China?

Lets do a quick compare.

Michelle Obama has already travelled 72 days abroad up to this point. Certainly not an insignificant total, and her first term tally of 55 days abroad is more than President Reagan spent abroad in his first term.

Yet, Michelle’s two-term travel record will almost assuredly fail to keep pace with Laura Bush’s record-setting feat.

The former First Lady racked up a two-term total of 212 days abroad. Her second term included 135 days of international travel, which is more time than her husband, George W. Bush, spent abroad during the same time period!
National Taxpayers Union - Which First Lady Flies Highest? Michelle vs. Laura
I don't care which president it is, the trip cost though history are outrageous and unwarranted.

For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive.

The Washington Post story didn’t say that Obama’s trip will cost $100 million, but that the trip could cost $60-100 million, and that the cost was based on similar African trips made in recent years, “Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey, who was not authorized to speak for attribution.”

Cost of Obama's Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush's Africa Spending Spree

So we have three presidents taking three trips and spending ( lets call it 42 million a piece since all documentation is not there)

This is 126 MILLION dollars for 3 flippin trips. Its outrageous. I can't imagine what the total cost to the taxpayer is for ALL of the presidents trips in the last 20-30 years. Camp David was set up so they can take less expensive vacations. They ALL need to use it and not spend so much of our money.
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The Moo is going to China to talk about education! The Chinese will be amused. Maybe they can teach the lummox something to help Chicago schools.

It would be an ideal time for China to make their move on Taiwan.

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