Another Out of Control LEO Stomps Womans Phone

Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
There's a simple explanation for it. First, members of law enforcement are total jerks, low-life POS, animalistic, barbaric, and macho egotists. Secondly, 99% of the time they get a free pass in the legal system. It's very rare for a member of law enforcement to stand trial for the things that you and I would have to stand trial for. They can destroy property, brutalize, steal, rape, lie in court ( perjury ), beat their wives, molest children, and other offenses, and 99% of the time, walk free.
Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
There's a simple explanation for it. First, members of law enforcement are total jerks, low-life POS, animalistic, barbaric, and macho egotists. Secondly, 99% of the time they get a free pass in the legal system. It's very rare for a member of law enforcement to stand trial for the things that you and I would have to stand trial for. They can destroy property, brutalize, steal, rape, lie in court ( perjury ), beat their wives, molest children, and other offenses, and 99% of the time, walk free.
Well actually the latest report shows that 32 percent of cops charged with illegal activity are prosecuted. And 68 percent of others charged with illegal activity are prosecuted.
Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
There's a simple explanation for it. First, members of law enforcement are total jerks, low-life POS, animalistic, barbaric, and macho egotists. Secondly, 99% of the time they get a free pass in the legal system. It's very rare for a member of law enforcement to stand trial for the things that you and I would have to stand trial for. They can destroy property, brutalize, steal, rape, lie in court ( perjury ), beat their wives, molest children, and other offenses, and 99% of the time, walk free.
Well actually the latest report shows that 32 percent of cops charged with illegal activity are prosecuted. And 68 percent of others charged with illegal activity are prosecuted.
and let go....your point.
fairly obvious that the prosecution is ineffective and needs improving
Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
There's a simple explanation for it. First, members of law enforcement are total jerks, low-life POS, animalistic, barbaric, and macho egotists. Secondly, 99% of the time they get a free pass in the legal system. It's very rare for a member of law enforcement to stand trial for the things that you and I would have to stand trial for. They can destroy property, brutalize, steal, rape, lie in court ( perjury ), beat their wives, molest children, and other offenses, and 99% of the time, walk free.
Well actually the latest report shows that 32 percent of cops charged with illegal activity are prosecuted. And 68 percent of others charged with illegal activity are prosecuted.
Is that nationwide? Do you have the link to that data? If so, please post it so we can see exactly what you're talking about. Thanks. Also, do have any data on citizens' complaints that that are thrown out of court? And, what about cops temporarily assigned to desk jobs due to internal investigations of wrong-doing?
don't bet on it PJ , just an internal investigation and a paid vacation I'd guess . I can understand police disliking being filmed and spied on but he11 they are public servants . And not many of them have a problem spying on the general public .
Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
There's a simple explanation for it. First, members of law enforcement are total jerks, low-life POS, animalistic, barbaric, and macho egotists. Secondly, 99% of the time they get a free pass in the legal system. It's very rare for a member of law enforcement to stand trial for the things that you and I would have to stand trial for. They can destroy property, brutalize, steal, rape, lie in court ( perjury ), beat their wives, molest children, and other offenses, and 99% of the time, walk free.
Well actually the latest report shows that 32 percent of cops charged with illegal activity are prosecuted. And 68 percent of others charged with illegal activity are prosecuted.
Is that nationwide? Do you have the link to that data? If so, please post it so we can see exactly what you're talking about. Thanks. Also, do have any data on citizens' complaints that that are thrown out of court? And, what about cops temporarily assigned to desk jobs due to internal investigations of wrong-doing?
It is from another thread I read this morning I am sure if you searched you could find it. I am not that interested as I do not buy into the claim that all cops are bad like you do.
There are several accounts of this on Face Book, and I read it on CNN. The guy is a US Marshal. What I haven't read is why did she take pictures of him? And there are more posts saying she is going to sue him. Looking at the video, he was going down the street minding his own business and saw her taking pictures of him. She is lucky he didn't snap her neck. Maybe someone will find out what her part in this story is, besides being victimized.
public street , I guess that its legal to record public employees for whatever reason a person likes Linda !!
Wow. Whats the total of these out of control cops 10, 000!!!?!?

We see like 200 videos PER WEEK like these....right? So 10, 000 per year.


Thats like.....1% of the total 1, 000, 000 cops in America.

If they keep it up....then up to 2% of cops will be bad.
Cops have long been out of control. Now that they are being caught more and more on video they are retaliating. Why would this cop destroy this womans phone if all cops are such nice guys?

Video U.S. deputy marshal smashes woman s cell phone - CNN Video
I think we'll see that cop punished for scaring hell out of that woman and destroying her phone.
I find it ironic that someone across the street caught that on film. I'm sure if they hadn't, it would have been a "he said, she said" issue and guess who would have been believed.
There are several accounts of this on Face Book, and I read it on CNN. The guy is a US Marshal. What I haven't read is why did she take pictures of him? And there are more posts saying she is going to sue him. Looking at the video, he was going down the street minding his own business and saw her taking pictures of him. She is lucky he didn't snap her neck. Maybe someone will find out what her part in this story is, besides being victimized.

Are we still in America? Are you?
My official opinion: This federal officer committed a crime. He should pay the penalty. US citizens have a right to film in public places. They can NOT interfere with the operation...and from the looks of it she wasnt.

**My unofficial opinion? Im disgusted by how so .any Americans have become these whiny little punks who seem to LIVE for nothing but their stupid cell phones. An army of whiny spoiled brats shoving cameras in everyones face...not just cops. So...a little part of me likes seeing a cell phone camera get smashed. Its wrong. Its illegal. But soon our fightd will be just hipsters squaring off in filming duels...."im filming you!!" "Oh yeah filming you!!"

Everyone wants to be a YouTube hero with their stupid cell phone. Its like the paparazzi. ...and everyone is a celebrity.

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