Another perspective

Well, you don't seem to care much about the well being of Whites.

Whites are pretty much doing quite well.

Really? Ever visit the hills of Appalachia?

This has nothing to do with the thread topic.

You said whites are doing quite well. I assumed you were an expert! Apparently not!

Did any Blacks ever suffer more than Ukrainians did in the 1930's - 1940's?

About 4 million Ukrainians were killed in the 1930's in the Holodomor terror famine.
About 4 million more Ukrainians were killed in the 1940's fighting Nazi Germany
Millions more Ukrainians passed through Soviet Gulags, and Nazi slave labor camps in the 1930's - 1940's too.

Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.
Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

Your desire to tell people what the topic of this thread is ... Is not what this thread is about ... Stick to the topic, or go with the flow.

Johnnie Turner says black people have to tell their stories. People have to hear the stories or they won't know. Instead of just bonking white people over the head for being ignorant racists, why not tell the stories that would help us SEE the other side. What happens here in discussion about race never gets us anywhere because no one's perspective gets changed. We can't walk in your shoes until you tell us what it is like on a daily basis. Don't scream it at us or exaggerate it. Just tell the stories.
Just a suggestion.

While I appreciate what you have said, whites have for the better part of 2.5 centuries beat us over the head about how worthless we are. And we have asked for that to stop. It doesn't. So then when we talk to whites, once again they try establishing the rules we have to follow in order to for them to listen. And that's one of the main problems with this kind of discussion. Whites need to hear the anger and in some cases the outright hate to understand exactly what their racism has done to people. I think it's highly unfair for whites to tell us that they won't listen unless we say it to them how they want to hear it. I know you mean no harm here old lady but that is exactly what you have done. We have told you what it was like for us for at least 241 years. We have been screamed at and killed for trying to do it as well. So in my view if screaming is warranted that's what should be done. Therefore let me help you see what you have just done,.

We aren't listening at all. YOU are responsible for your life. Not me, not the President, not the UN. George Soros thinks he can use you to cause grief for the USA. We aren't listening to him either.

You have the exact rights that I have. Scream all you want. You turn towns into ghettos, you created Chicago's new norm, You don't raise your children to be productive individuals. The drummer I hired to teach my youth group kids, had 11 kids of his own. He even knew where 2 of them were. Then we all got to watch him be arraigned for selling crack. Sadly, he is NOT the exception to the rule.

Ben Carson kept his zipper zipped, said no to the pipe and went to school. Emulate him instead of the drummer, and then watch your "privileges" improve. We aren't putting you in your place. YOU are the problem with you.

I'll continue to work hard to provide for my family and you go put a black hoodie on and hang out in the street. Paychecks are what make me look privileged to you.
I'll put in a new pool. I told the business I shouldn't have to pay for it because I am white, but contrary to what you believe, I had to pay for it just like Mr. Carson had to pay for his. What you consider privilege, others understand as a reward for a job well done. A paycheck.

And tomorrow, you'll put on your black hoodie, and whine about whitey's pool. I won't hear you, because I'll be in the pool............

Here is anther example the article was talking about.

Well you see, I went to college and got a masters degree in sociology. I then spent 32 years doing work in the black community. I have never hit the pipe or fathered a child out of wedlock. Ben Carson means nothing to me. He's a punk ass sellout whites like you love to use as an example because he do the bojangles for you ,wear the black face and shuffle like the black minstrel lawn jockey he is. I have helped build one business and helped 2 others grow. But that doesn't mean racism ended. I earned my checks bitch. All of them. So I will put on my black hoodie tomorrow and watch those like you cry about how whites are losing their country. And if I am standing on the street in my black hoodie it is because I am fucking retired. You know what that is? It is the reward for years of a well done job. So don't YOU be like the drummer, ignorant and whining about what privilege is. YOU and those like you are the problem. I'm part of the solution.

So you don't have to hear anything, but when the change hits and you ask what happened, you will understand that you drowned in your pool.

Sociology is a joke of a college credit. The best thing about it is learning art and artists.

The rest of it is a farce to the point of being comical.

Oh yes, me and my black friend were in the same Sociology class. He's now a preacher, but when it got to be being bullshit, I said something, and he was about the only one that supported me.

He's a smart man. A God-fearing one, too.

There's no way you believe in God and pursued a Master's in Sociology. It's like Satan's required college credit.

I think you are a slight bit confused. There is no "art and artists" in sociology.

You're right! That was Humanities, whoops!

I suppose Sociology was a little bit better.

Last edited:
Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

Your desire to tell people what the topic of this thread is ... Is not what this thread is about ... Stick to the topic, or go with the flow.


My desire to tell people what the thread topic is about is due to the fact I am the OP and it has been said to me by moderators that I am the main one responsible or keeping my OP on topic so it does not get shut down. So my desire to tell people what the thread topic is., is within my right as the OP and you either stick to the thread topic or get reported.
My desire to tell people what the thread topic is about is due to the fact I am the OP and it has been said to me by moderators that I am the main one responsible or keeping my OP on topic so it does not get shut down. So my desire to tell people what the thread topic is., is within my right as the OP and you either stick to the thread topic or get reported.

And this ^ has what to do with premise discussed in the topic ... :dunno:

Whites are pretty much doing quite well.

Really? Ever visit the hills of Appalachia?

This has nothing to do with the thread topic.

You said whites are doing quite well. I assumed you were an expert! Apparently not!

Did any Blacks ever suffer more than Ukrainians did in the 1930's - 1940's?

About 4 million Ukrainians were killed in the 1930's in the Holodomor terror famine.
About 4 million more Ukrainians were killed in the 1940's fighting Nazi Germany
Millions more Ukrainians passed through Soviet Gulags, and Nazi slave labor camps in the 1930's - 1940's too.

Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

It's also "Another perspective" that other people have suffered more than your Blacks have.
White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement

I have discovered (as I am sure have countless people of color) that there is apparently an unspoken set of rules for how to give white people feedback on racism.

Having read through this entire treatise on "feedback" I must say I honestly have no idea what the author is talking about. So I am asking you to tell me what exactly is the "feedback on racism" this fellow believes is limited or otherwise affected by some "unspoken set of rules?" What "set of rules." Please be specific.

Because I believe the word racism is at present the most over-used and misused word in the American lexicon I frankly do not know what its individual user means by it, and whether or not it applies to me. So I am and always have been willing to listen patiently and with sincere interest to any calmly and intelligently expressed thoughts, ideas, complaints, accusations or beliefs on the topic of racism as presented by a Black person -- presuming that is what is meant herein by "feedback." But what I have no time or patience for is a histrionic diatribe issued by some hyper-emotional, bug-eyed, arm-waving, angry negro.

I read it to say that, in white people in general, there are internal obstacles to having a productive conversation about race, because any mention of it tends to be received as an attack on them.

I agree with that, and I see it all over this message board. Any mention of racism at all tends to put white posters on the defensive - both those explicit racists you mentioned before, and many of those who are not, or don't consider themselves "racist".

Take your response, for example. You and I have participated in many threads about race here. I know that you're not a racist. But you still took the OP as an attack on white people. Perhaps that's what the OP intended, but it's not what the article he's quoting intended.

I took the OP as intended based on a familiarity with the totality of his posting history here.

As for the rest, are you white? Do you take any mention of racism as an attack on whites? I sure as hell don't. The denizens of this message board are not representative of society as a whole - to say the least.

I have recently been part of a discussion in another venue online that began among a bunch of old friends from college of all 'races' frankly and openly discussing race and other issues. These are middle-aged people of all backgrounds (and skin tones for whatever the fuck that matters) with a wide diversity of views, and the discussion couldn't have been more respectful and communicative. People have shared and learned from each other and maintained long-standing friendships across ideological divides that prove to be illusory the more they are exposed to the light. This is not new or surprising in the real world where people live, work, play, and are not afraid to really respect, listen, and learn from each other.

The worst of the internet is not the mean of society in the real world.

You are not familiar with the totality of my posting here. You have made assumptions that are consistent with the things descried as white fragility.

I am familiar from your other postings that you are simply a fraud who doesn't understand statistics, but claims to have a Master's degree in sociology. I know you don't understand statistics, so I doubt your degree is worth the paper it is written on because that is an integral part of that discipline.
Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

Your desire to tell people what the topic of this thread is ... Is not what this thread is about ... Stick to the topic, or go with the flow.


He thinks the thread topic is barking at us how fragile us Whites are somehow not capable of understanding his Black struggle.
Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

Your desire to tell people what the topic of this thread is ... Is not what this thread is about ... Stick to the topic, or go with the flow.


He thinks the thread topic is barking at us how fragile us Whites are somehow not capable of understanding his Black struggle.

Nope. That's not it.
He thinks the thread topic is barking at us how fragile us Whites are somehow not capable of understanding his Black struggle.

His primary struggle is making a coherent point that supports the principles described in the topic ... :thup:


I have had not struggled You have and your struggle is with being able to understand how you exemplify that the professor is talking about.
It's the idiots and assholes on ALL sides that keep picking scabs. Fearful, insecure, bitter, opportunistic, manipulative assholes all around.

Sociology "experts" (aka social justice warriors) like IM2 and TheDoctor have made it practically illegal and definitely morally reprehensible to question the radical left agenda. If you don't shut up and let them do the thinking for you, then they label you a hater, a bigot, a NAZI...

I can't turn off the logical part of my brain to appease their feelings. Fact-based statistics do not support their narrative of a vast conspiracy against black people by law enforcement. We, the "nazis" aren't supposed to notice that blacks commit the majority of violent crime in this nation, that a huge majority of black kids are born into single parent households. We aren't supposed to notice anything that disproves their fantasy world delusions, and certainly aren't supposed to talk about it. No, we're supposed to shut the fuck up, vote for who they say and let them demonize and make fun of us and never under any circumstances ever complain. Complaining while white is a sin.

Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.

Once again you don't hesitate to prove your ignorance.

You just posted: "About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Congratulations dimwit! You just accounted for 125% of the population!

Master's degree my ass!

You probably don't have a high school diploma.
White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement

I have discovered (as I am sure have countless people of color) that there is apparently an unspoken set of rules for how to give white people feedback on racism.

Having read through this entire treatise on "feedback" I must say I honestly have no idea what the author is talking about. So I am asking you to tell me what exactly is the "feedback on racism" this fellow believes is limited or otherwise affected by some "unspoken set of rules?" What "set of rules." Please be specific.

Because I believe the word racism is at present the most over-used and misused word in the American lexicon I frankly do not know what its individual user means by it, and whether or not it applies to me. So I am and always have been willing to listen patiently and with sincere interest to any calmly and intelligently expressed thoughts, ideas, complaints, accusations or beliefs on the topic of racism as presented by a Black person -- presuming that is what is meant herein by "feedback." But what I have no time or patience for is a histrionic diatribe issued by some hyper-emotional, bug-eyed, arm-waving, angry negro.

I read it to say that, in white people in general, there are internal obstacles to having a productive conversation about race, because any mention of it tends to be received as an attack on them.

I agree with that, and I see it all over this message board. Any mention of racism at all tends to put white posters on the defensive - both those explicit racists you mentioned before, and many of those who are not, or don't consider themselves "racist".

Take your response, for example. You and I have participated in many threads about race here. I know that you're not a racist. But you still took the OP as an attack on white people. Perhaps that's what the OP intended, but it's not what the article he's quoting intended.

I took the OP as intended based on a familiarity with the totality of his posting history here.

As for the rest, are you white? Do you take any mention of racism as an attack on whites? I sure as hell don't. The denizens of this message board are not representative of society as a whole - to say the least.

I have recently been part of a discussion in another venue online that began among a bunch of old friends from college of all 'races' frankly and openly discussing race and other issues. These are middle-aged people of all backgrounds (and skin tones for whatever the fuck that matters) with a wide diversity of views, and the discussion couldn't have been more respectful and communicative. People have shared and learned from each other and maintained long-standing friendships across ideological divides that prove to be illusory the more they are exposed to the light. This is not new or surprising in the real world where people live, work, play, and are not afraid to really respect, listen, and learn from each other.

The worst of the internet is not the mean of society in the real world.

You are not familiar with the totality of my posting here. You have made assumptions that are consistent with the things descried as white fragility.

I am familiar from your other postings that you are simply a fraud who doesn't understand statistics, but claims to have a Master's degree in sociology. I know you don't understand statistics, so I doubt your degree is worth the paper it is written on because that is an integral part of that discipline.

I understand stats. But I don't use the per capita argument in order to deny that whites have the larger crime numbers.
I have had not struggled You have and your struggle is with being able to understand how you exemplify that the professor is talking about.

I mentioned "coherent point that supports the principles described in the topic".
Not incessant babbling consistent with your declaration you have accomplished something you haven't.

Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.

Nice cherry picked data. For one, you found the two years where whites (who represent the majority of the population) edged out blacks. Secondly, those are arrest statistics; not prosecutions. How many of those people actually committed the crime they were arrested for? Any idea?

Here's a set of crime statistics recording the trends between 1980 and 2008 that reflects the reality you're so keen to deny:
View attachment 154553

Do we get a link for this chart?

Well you cannot ignore the proven racism in the justice system and make claims about convictions. Second these are stats from one category of violent crime not all violent crimes. You cannot claim that backs lead in violent crime by citing homicide when whites are assaulting beating, robbing and raping more than anyone else. Your numbers in the overall population are irrelevant here. What is relevant are the numbers of crimes committed by race. You cannot say that because you have 70 percent of the population that it's fine for you to commit 70 percent of the crimes. That's stump ass stupid. Besides if we use the DOJ tables, we can go back 20 plus years and show a consecutive pattern of whites leading in overall violent crime.

Let me show you the error in this per capita bull shit whites like you use for an excuse. I lived in a city that once was considered the fourth highest murder city in the US based on a per capita measurement. The town had 157,000 people. They had 75 murders. So you multiply that by ten or more to meet the murder rate in major cities and say that if we had 1 million people we would have had 750 murders. But we did not have one million people, we had 157,000 and 75 murders while cities with several million had 2-300. 75 murders is less than 300 murders, and you cannot make it more than 300 no matter how much you multiply. So the actual number of occurrences is the most important thing here. The actual number of occurrences show us that whites commit the most crimes and the most violent crimes.

Yes, we can because it is 100% correct. Stump ass stupid is a perfect description of someone who does not know that.

I have talked to more walls that made more sense than you.

BTW, your contrived explanation is so full of falsehoods and mathematical errors, I do not have the time to show you how you are showing your ass yet again. Others already see it.

Are all sociology majors with Master's as stupid as you?
White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement

I have discovered (as I am sure have countless people of color) that there is apparently an unspoken set of rules for how to give white people feedback on racism.

Having read through this entire treatise on "feedback" I must say I honestly have no idea what the author is talking about. So I am asking you to tell me what exactly is the "feedback on racism" this fellow believes is limited or otherwise affected by some "unspoken set of rules?" What "set of rules." Please be specific.

Because I believe the word racism is at present the most over-used and misused word in the American lexicon I frankly do not know what its individual user means by it, and whether or not it applies to me. So I am and always have been willing to listen patiently and with sincere interest to any calmly and intelligently expressed thoughts, ideas, complaints, accusations or beliefs on the topic of racism as presented by a Black person -- presuming that is what is meant herein by "feedback." But what I have no time or patience for is a histrionic diatribe issued by some hyper-emotional, bug-eyed, arm-waving, angry negro.

I read it to say that, in white people in general, there are internal obstacles to having a productive conversation about race, because any mention of it tends to be received as an attack on them.

I agree with that, and I see it all over this message board. Any mention of racism at all tends to put white posters on the defensive - both those explicit racists you mentioned before, and many of those who are not, or don't consider themselves "racist".

Take your response, for example. You and I have participated in many threads about race here. I know that you're not a racist. But you still took the OP as an attack on white people. Perhaps that's what the OP intended, but it's not what the article he's quoting intended.

I took the OP as intended based on a familiarity with the totality of his posting history here.

As for the rest, are you white? Do you take any mention of racism as an attack on whites? I sure as hell don't. The denizens of this message board are not representative of society as a whole - to say the least.

I have recently been part of a discussion in another venue online that began among a bunch of old friends from college of all 'races' frankly and openly discussing race and other issues. These are middle-aged people of all backgrounds (and skin tones for whatever the fuck that matters) with a wide diversity of views, and the discussion couldn't have been more respectful and communicative. People have shared and learned from each other and maintained long-standing friendships across ideological divides that prove to be illusory the more they are exposed to the light. This is not new or surprising in the real world where people live, work, play, and are not afraid to really respect, listen, and learn from each other.

The worst of the internet is not the mean of society in the real world.

You are not familiar with the totality of my posting here. You have made assumptions that are consistent with the things descried as white fragility.

I am familiar from your other postings that you are simply a fraud who doesn't understand statistics, but claims to have a Master's degree in sociology. I know you don't understand statistics, so I doubt your degree is worth the paper it is written on because that is an integral part of that discipline.

I understand stats. But I don't use the per capita argument in order to deny that whites have the larger crime numbers.

That makes you stupid. That is the only way to compare crime rates. I am truly sorry if you wasted that education you claim to have, but you are sorely lacking in any intellectual ability on this topic,
It's the idiots and assholes on ALL sides that keep picking scabs. Fearful, insecure, bitter, opportunistic, manipulative assholes all around.

Sociology "experts" (aka social justice warriors) like IM2 and TheDoctor have made it practically illegal and definitely morally reprehensible to question the radical left agenda. If you don't shut up and let them do the thinking for you, then they label you a hater, a bigot, a NAZI...

I can't turn off the logical part of my brain to appease their feelings. Fact-based statistics do not support their narrative of a vast conspiracy against black people by law enforcement. We, the "nazis" aren't supposed to notice that blacks commit the majority of violent crime in this nation, that a huge majority of black kids are born into single parent households. We aren't supposed to notice anything that disproves their fantasy world delusions, and certainly aren't supposed to talk about it. No, we're supposed to shut the fuck up, vote for who they say and let them demonize and make fun of us and never under any circumstances ever complain. Complaining while white is a sin.

Blacks don't commit the majority of violent crime in this nation. And being born in a single parent household doesn't mean anything.That's the problem with how you dimwits think. The only ones living in a delusion is those like yourself.

"Around 49% of single mothers have never married, 51% are either divorced, separated or widowed. Half have one child, 30% have two. About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Two thirds of all single mothers are white . Get it?

Whites were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crime in this nation in 2015, 59 percent in 2014

Table 43

Table 43

Complaining while white is not a sin but lying while any color is.

Once again you don't hesitate to prove your ignorance.

You just posted: "About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."

Congratulations dimwit! You just accounted for 125% of the population!

Master's degree my ass!

You probably don't have a high school diploma.
I have what I say I have.

This is he link were the information was cited. .You got a problem then you go to them.

Because they say what they do based on:.

  1. Child Trends, Births to Unmarried Women
  2. CDC, Births: Preliminary Data for 2015, Table 4
  3. U.S. Census Bureau – Table C2.
    Household Relationship and Living Arrangements of Children Under 18 Years, by Age and Sex: 2016
  4. U.S. Census Bureau – Table FG10. Family Groups: 2016
  5. Households led by a female householder with no spouse present with own children under 18 years living in the household.
  6. U.S. Census Bureau – Table FG6. One-parent Unmarried Family Groups With Own Children Under 18
  7. NWLC, Snapshot of Working Mothers
  8. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mothers Participation in the Labor Force
  9. U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Characteristics of Families (2016)
  10. U.S. Census Bureau – Table 6.
    Households by Labor Force Status of Members, Program Participation, and Mean Cash Income: Monthly Averages
  11. National Women’s Law Center, The Wage Gap Over Time
  12. National Women’s Law Center, National Snapshot: Poverty Among Women & Families, 2016
  13. The Working Poor Families Project, State Policy and Low-Income Working Mothers
  14. National KIDS COUNT, Female-headed families receiving child support
  15. Child Support: An Overview of Census Bureau Data on Recipients
  16. National Women’s Law Center, National Snapshot: Poverty Among Women & Families, 2016
  17. U.S. Census Bureau – Table C8.
    Poverty Status, Food Stamp Receipt, and Public Assistance for Children Under 18 Years by Selected Characteristics: 2016.
  18. USDA, Household Food Security in the United States in 2016
  19. USDA, Household Food Security in the United States in 2016: Statistical Supplement. Table S13
  20. Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, The State Of The Nation’s Housing 2011
  21. HUD, The 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress
  22. USDA, Characteristics of SNAP Households: Fiscal Year 2015
  23. Calculated using the U.S. Census Bureau CPS Table Creator.
  24. Population Reference Bureau, Single Working Mothers in U.S. Worse Off Since the Recession
    • SMG, [URL='']Top 10 Least-Affordable States for Center-Based Infant Care in 2015
    • Spotlight on Poverty: To Prevent Poverty, Reduce the Penalty for Single-Motherhood
    • Business Insider, 10 countries with the best parental leave policies in the world
And when looking at the per capita statistics the fun really starts when one realizes that the FBI and DOJ have for years lumped the Hispanic crime statistics in with "white". Lol!

Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.

Are you so obtuse to not realize that a mod has been participating in this thread? My God man, you are setting a new world's record in stupid!
I have what I say I have.

This is he link were the information was cited. .You got a problem then you go to them.

Because they say what they do based on:.

  1. Child Trends, Births to Unmarried Women
  2. CDC, Births: Preliminary Data for 2015, Table 4
  3. U.S. Census Bureau – Table C2.
    Household Relationship and Living Arrangements of Children Under 18 Years, by Age and Sex: 2016
  4. U.S. Census Bureau – Table FG10. Family Groups: 2016
  5. Households led by a female householder with no spouse present with own children under 18 years living in the household.
  6. U.S. Census Bureau – Table FG6. One-parent Unmarried Family Groups With Own Children Under 18
  7. NWLC, Snapshot of Working Mothers
  8. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mothers Participation in the Labor Force
  9. U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Characteristics of Families (2016)
  10. U.S. Census Bureau – Table 6.
    Households by Labor Force Status of Members, Program Participation, and Mean Cash Income: Monthly Averages
  11. National Women’s Law Center, The Wage Gap Over Time
  12. National Women’s Law Center, National Snapshot: Poverty Among Women & Families, 2016
  13. The Working Poor Families Project, State Policy and Low-Income Working Mothers
  14. National KIDS COUNT, Female-headed families receiving child support
  15. Child Support: An Overview of Census Bureau Data on Recipients
  16. National Women’s Law Center, National Snapshot: Poverty Among Women & Families, 2016
  17. U.S. Census Bureau – Table C8.
    Poverty Status, Food Stamp Receipt, and Public Assistance for Children Under 18 Years by Selected Characteristics: 2016.
  18. USDA, Household Food Security in the United States in 2016
  19. USDA, Household Food Security in the United States in 2016: Statistical Supplement. Table S13
  20. Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, The State Of The Nation’s Housing 2011
  21. HUD, The 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress
  22. USDA, Characteristics of SNAP Households: Fiscal Year 2015
  23. Calculated using the U.S. Census Bureau CPS Table Creator.
  24. Population Reference Bureau, Single Working Mothers in U.S. Worse Off Since the Recession

    • [URL='']
    • USDA, [URL='']Expenditures on Children by Families
    • , 2015
    • Spotlight on Poverty: To Prevent Poverty, Reduce the Penalty for Single-Motherhood
    • Business Insider, 10 countries with the best parental leave policies in the world

Here's a link to the Flat Earth Society ... You can file it with your other links ... :thup:



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