Another perspective

I really don't think you want to try this with me son. Race is an artificial construct but as long as people are going to talk using race then we will use race in examples. Understand? Now I know you call yourself dong something but what you are about to do is make yourself answer a whole bunch of questions whites like you never answer,

Wow, those are some pretty intimidating letters you typed there, but I'm gonna go ahead and respond anyway. Ask whatever questions you like. I won't run and hide from them the way you do. Btw, unless you are Darth Vader, you can save that "son" talk, racist.

Well son when you can show me where I have specifically made statements that blacks are superior to whites then pethaps you can call me a racist.

That's it? That's supposed to be intimidating? Just another empty denial of what everyone already knows about you? Underwhelming.

Everybody doesn't know anything. .

Everyone who has read your posts knows you are a filthy racist.

Seems you are unable to present anything where I have specifically said that blacks are superior to whites.
I was speaking specifically to Aesclepius, who is quite openly a separatist, at least last time I talked with him. Did I make a judgment on that, or did you just worry that I was?

Neither. I am saying that the fact he is a separatist should not be conflated as the same as white separatists. Generally blacks who feel the need to separate is because we haven't been able to get along as races. They want separation because of white racism. White separatists do not hold those views. They feel they are superior and want to be separate because of that. So while I may not hold the same views, I am able to understand his reasoning for feeling as he does. Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate. Had there been no slavery, white racism or no continuing white racism, there would be no blacks wanting to separate. You cannot say that for whites who want to separate.
Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate.
"Just haul off and call him a separatist?" LOL. I doubt if A would lose any sleep over it. I could be wrong, though.
You know what, IM2? It is some fuckin tricky trying to have a conversation with you when you read stuff into my words that isn't there.
I agree with your explanation of how black and white separatists differ. Not sure how my remark is opening a can of worms, though.

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.

You have been asked to show proof of something. Your comments are not proof. There is no place where I have said whites don't want to work, whites only want to lay up and fuck, Whites cannot read, whites naturally have a lower IQ none of it. I have never even said all whites are racists, Nothing close. You're just a fool with an elementary mindset.
I was speaking specifically to Aesclepius, who is quite openly a separatist, at least last time I talked with him. Did I make a judgment on that, or did you just worry that I was?

Neither. I am saying that the fact he is a separatist should not be conflated as the same as white separatists. Generally blacks who feel the need to separate is because we haven't been able to get along as races. They want separation because of white racism. White separatists do not hold those views. They feel they are superior and want to be separate because of that. So while I may not hold the same views, I am able to understand his reasoning for feeling as he does. Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate. Had there been no slavery, white racism or no continuing white racism, there would be no blacks wanting to separate. You cannot say that for whites who want to separate.
Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate.
"Just haul off and call him a separatist?" LOL. I doubt if A would lose any sleep over it. I could be wrong, though.
You know what, IM2? It is some fuckin tricky trying to have a conversation with you when you read stuff into my words that isn't there.
I agree with your explanation of how black and white separatists differ. Not sure how my remark is opening a can of worms, though.

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?
So while you are doing your level best to obfuscate let me skip all of your silly shit.:

Charlottesville was not the result of one white, dumb ass. It was about groups of whites and hey were national. So stop whining/crying about someone blaming all whites for everything when there were whites out there fighting against the racists. But the reason I made mention of Charlottesville is because you decided to make claims of how racism is non existent now. It' snot, so then any time you feel like talking about how people are wrong for talking out on race because it is non existent you are wrong.. Each time you try conflating attempts to speak out on racism by whites as hate because you say its n the past, you are wrong. Each time you decide to talk about leaving people in the past because racism is gone, you are wrong.

Let me stop your silly shit right there nit-wit ...

For starters I didn't claim racism doesn't exist ... I simply stated you will not hold me responsible for actions I never contributed to.
I have not attempted to take a stance that involves anyone other than myself ... And I haven't suggested you or anyone else shouldn't talk about race.

I simply stated that the actions you are taking are less than productive at achieving a positive goal.
I suggested we need to move past the never ending cycle of blaming people for crap that started ages ago and has been allowed to permeate our current society through the action of ill-intended, ill informed, ill mannered and illogical idiots such as yourself.

I haven't said a damn thing about racism ... Other than the fact that my parents weren't the same racists my grandparents were.
You can keep twisting your bullshit in order to form unfounded accusation until the cows come home.

You haven't got the first thing correct about what I have posted.
It would be impossible for you to attempt to succeed at suggesting your incorrect assumptions and assertion in some way makes me wrong.

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Wow, those are some pretty intimidating letters you typed there, but I'm gonna go ahead and respond anyway. Ask whatever questions you like. I won't run and hide from them the way you do. Btw, unless you are Darth Vader, you can save that "son" talk, racist.

Well son when you can show me where I have specifically made statements that blacks are superior to whites then pethaps you can call me a racist.

That's it? That's supposed to be intimidating? Just another empty denial of what everyone already knows about you? Underwhelming.

Everybody doesn't know anything. .

Everyone who has read your posts knows you are a filthy racist.

Seems you are unable to present anything where I have specifically said that blacks are superior to whites.

Do you really imagine that your persistent attempts at prescribing definitions is going unnoticed or will be effective? You're not smart enough to try and play semantics.
You have been asked to show proof of something. Your comments are not proof. There is no place where I have said whites don't want to work, whites only want to lay up and fuck, Whites cannot read, whites naturally have a lower IQ none of it. I have never even said all whites are racists, Nothing close. You're just a fool with an elementary mindset.

Here, let's use your convoluted thought process to dissect your comments above.
You just called him a fool with an elementary mindset ...That means you think he is a lazy, illiterate and stupid sub-species.

White Fragility ... Blah-Blah-Blah ... It is fact because I said so.

Neither. I am saying that the fact he is a separatist should not be conflated as the same as white separatists. Generally blacks who feel the need to separate is because we haven't been able to get along as races. They want separation because of white racism. White separatists do not hold those views. They feel they are superior and want to be separate because of that. So while I may not hold the same views, I am able to understand his reasoning for feeling as he does. Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate. Had there been no slavery, white racism or no continuing white racism, there would be no blacks wanting to separate. You cannot say that for whites who want to separate.
Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate.
"Just haul off and call him a separatist?" LOL. I doubt if A would lose any sleep over it. I could be wrong, though.
You know what, IM2? It is some fuckin tricky trying to have a conversation with you when you read stuff into my words that isn't there.
I agree with your explanation of how black and white separatists differ. Not sure how my remark is opening a can of worms, though.

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Same bullshit excuses and insistence on double standards. Read more and you'll see the pattern.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Nope ... No split personality.
He is as consistent Asclepias ... Just not as entertaining nor intelligent.

I mean damn ... Asclepias may get carried away sometimes ... But he rarely goes full retard.

So while you are doing your level best to obfuscate let me skip all of your silly shit.:

Charlottesville was not the result of one white, dumb ass. It was about groups of whites and hey were national. So stop whining/crying about someone blaming all whites for everything when there were whites out there fighting against the racists. But the reason I made mention of Charlottesville is because you decided to make claims of how racism is non existent now. It' snot, so then any time you feel like talking about how people are wrong for talking out on race because it is non existent you are wrong.. Each time you try conflating attempts to speak out on racism by whites as hate because you say its n the past, you are wrong. Each time you decide to talk about leaving people in the past because racism is gone, you are wrong.

Let me stop your silly shit right there nit-wit ...

For starters I didn't claim racism doesn't exist ... I simply stated you will not hold me responsible for actions I never contributed to.
I have not attempted to take a stance that involves anyone other than myself ... And I haven't suggested you or anyone else shouldn't talk about race.

I simply stated that the actions you are taking are less than productive at achieving a positive goal.
I suggested we need to move past the never ending cycle of blaming people for crap that started ages ago and has been allowed to permeate our current society through the action of ill-intended, ill informed, ill mannered and illogical idiots such as yourself.

I haven't said a damn thing about racism ... Other than the fact that my parents weren't the same racists my grandparents were.
You can keep twisting your bullshit in order to form unfounded accusation until the cows come home.

You haven't got the first thing correct about what I have posted.
It would be impossible for you to attempt to succeed at suggesting your incorrect assumptions and assertion in some way makes me wrong.


Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.
Therefore to just haul off and call him a separatist is to deny him the experience he has had which made him feel that separation is the only solution. and it allows others to lump him in with white separatists like they all have the same reason for wanting to separate.
"Just haul off and call him a separatist?" LOL. I doubt if A would lose any sleep over it. I could be wrong, though.
You know what, IM2? It is some fuckin tricky trying to have a conversation with you when you read stuff into my words that isn't there.
I agree with your explanation of how black and white separatists differ. Not sure how my remark is opening a can of worms, though.

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Same bullshit excuses and insistence on double standards. Read more and you'll see the pattern.

Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.

Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.

Reality left your station a long time ago ... :thup:

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Same bullshit excuses and insistence on double standards. Read more and you'll see the pattern.

Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.

In other words, a double standard.
Well son when you can show me where I have specifically made statements that blacks are superior to whites then pethaps you can call me a racist.

That's it? That's supposed to be intimidating? Just another empty denial of what everyone already knows about you? Underwhelming.

Everybody doesn't know anything. .

Everyone who has read your posts knows you are a filthy racist.

Seems you are unable to present anything where I have specifically said that blacks are superior to whites.

Do you really imagine that your persistent attempts at prescribing definitions is going unnoticed or will be effective? You're not smart enough to try and play semantics.

I'm smarter than you. For example you are stupid enough to think that if I call whites out on their racism it means I think backs are morally superior. No, that's not the case. I am pointing out racism by whites based on things that have actually happened not assumptions based upon a desire to try equating some black with a white racist. You are stupid enough to think that because I can explain why blacks might not like whites that I am somehow in support of some kind of back racism. Not the case. This is another attempt to try explaining the reality of what happens when you mistreat a group of people because of heir skin lor got now 399 years. You seem to think that we are just to take what keeps happening to us and smile or dance. Not one time have I declared blacks as being perfect. The simple fact that on many occasions I have stated that not all whites are responsible for racism or all whites are not racists s something you choose to ignore. But I should not have to post a disclaimer every time I post just to satisfy a low life liar like you or the other racists here. You lack the ability to think in complex ways about how things have gone pertaining to race. Because the mere fact that most everything I have cited comes from whites should prove to a sane person with an understanding that racism has nothing to do with me. But you have a simpletons view. You expect that should read every message that calls blacks chimps, apes, monkeys. coons, failures, stupid illiterate, immoral and the like and never strike back. If I strike back using the same type of terms they used them feel like they made me feel, then in your stupid ass opinion I am the same as them. That unkotare is racist. It's called the expectation of the docile black.

It's easy to sit in the white chair of racial judgement when you've never spent your entire fucking life being called these things. Or ever experiencing the racism non whites face. Of course expect that you will now claim you aren't white after declaring months ago you were.

So like I said, take your punk ass, go find specific examples of where I have declared blacks superior to whites or shut the hell up..
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Same bullshit excuses and insistence on double standards. Read more and you'll see the pattern.

Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.

In other words, a double standard.

No that's not a double standard. It is a fact of life or what most sane people call reality.
Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.

Reality left your station a long time ago ... :thup:


I doubt that.
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Yep. Because no one black has created a law or policy that purposefully denies whites of opportunity, Calling you a white boy doesn't deny you a job.
Specifically what existing law or policy presently denies Blacks of opportunity?

Did you ever hear of Affirmative Action? My son-in-law did. It's the reason he was passed over for promotion on his NYC civil service job.

It is increasingly clear that you are typical of those Blacks who go through life imagining all sorts of injustice.
I doubt that.

If you had no grasp of reality ... It wouldn't matter if you doubted it ... :thup:

But ... It is obvious that you are completely unreachable using my current methods.
In light of this ... I am going to take concept described in the OP (with a minor adjustment) and use it to explain some things to you.
I will share some of my feelings about racism and the effects it has had on my life experiences.
I can do this because I am not fragile and can talk about race and racism with you.

None of this is meant to compare your experiences with racism to mine ... I am just sharing with you.

I have mentioned it before ... My grandparents were racists ... No doubt about it.
My parents weren't ... So I was somewhat sheltered from it ... Outside of when visiting my grandparents.

Late in her life ... My grandmother was finally put in a nursing home ... Constant care and supervision were necessary.
I live in the Deep South ... And It is not uncommon for the majority of the nursing staff and some of the doctors to be black.

As my parents and sibling struggled with their lives ... I was comfortable enough to often have spare time.
On frequent occasions I chose to use my free time to visit my ailing grandmother.
I can honestly say I witnessed the most disgusting and vile, constant onslaught of outright racism on a weekly, if not daily basis (I am positive it happened every day).

That racism came from my grandmother and was directed at the nursing staff and her black doctor.
Rudeness, cruelty, and a generally vile disposition ... Don't even come close to describing the way she acted or the things she expressed.

What impressed me the most was the way the nursing staff handled these encounters ... And the way they treated me in light of my relations to my grandmother.
They were always professional ... They paid particular attention to ensuring she always got the intensive care she needed.

For a long time I wondered if even I would have been able to handle that situation with the same grace and professionalism.
There was no way I could apologize for her actions ... To me, they were unforgivable.

I would have never made it through the years I went there ... If it hadn't been for the respect and decency the staff showed me.
If you have any misconception as to what I think about racism ... You can keep it yourself.


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