Another perspective

I think we have found your problem. You do not understand the difference in fact versus opinion. That was taught in high school language arts. You must have been sick that day!

He wasn't sick that day ... He was allowed to cut class to be a guest speaker at a Quantum Physics seminar.

As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.

Are you so obtuse to not realize that a mod has been participating in this thread? My God man, you are setting a new world's record in stupid!

And? I am doing what a mod told me to do no matter if a mod is here or not.

Now maybe since you are so much more intelligent that me, the dumb person with a masters as to how its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of all crimes.

What you claim as being off-topic is just our responding to your attempts to deflect from the discussion. You are the one going off-topic! If we quote your post, how can that be off-topic?

You are deflecting from the OP when you choose to bring up anything and everything but the OP.

If we are going off topic, just don't reply with any more of your stupid comments and it will pass.
I think we have found your problem. You do not understand the difference in fact versus opinion. That was taught in high school language arts. You must have been sick that day!

He wasn't sick that day ... He was allowed to cut class to be a guest speaker at a Quantum Physics seminar.

I hope he buys a new keyboard. Notice all of the missing and incorrect spellings that Master's degree-holding Sociologist makes? It cannot be his fault.
Don't blame Hispanics for your crimes.
As reliable as the sunrise; you’ve missed the point.

Well no I haven't and I shall not allow this thread to continue being taken off the topic so you are about to be reported.

Are you so obtuse to not realize that a mod has been participating in this thread? My God man, you are setting a new world's record in stupid!

And? I am doing what a mod told me to do no matter if a mod is here or not.

Now maybe since you are so much more intelligent that me, the dumb person with a masters as to how its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of all crimes.

If they are 70% of the population, simple common sense says they should.

If 5% of the population was committing 90% of the crime, would that seem abnormal?

5 percent of the population is not committing 90 percent of the crime. The argument you make is full of holes. I will show you how perhaps tomorrow because it will take a lot of time to do all the work needed to prove your fallacy.. The reality of your logic says that since we have 300 million people we don't have a problem if we don't have 300 million crimes. Certainly you would not accept that as an excuse for crime numbers. .So maybe you examine why you think its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of the crimes
I think we have found your problem. You do not understand the difference in fact versus opinion. That was taught in high school language arts. You must have been sick that day!

He wasn't sick that day ... He was allowed to cut class to be a guest speaker at a Quantum Physics seminar.

I hope he buys a new keyboard. Notice all of the missing and incorrect spellings that Master's degree-holding Sociologist makes? It cannot be his fault.

Yawn. When they can't debate.........
You can call per capita bullshit if you want, doesn't change the reality that a mere 14% of the population are responsible for an inordinate amount of crime.
I shouldn't really respond but sometimes you just have to, not for you, but for others to see the counter points. This comes closer to my interest. As some one who has studied and investigated crime for some 10 odd years by now.

I can say this with 100% certainty : The real big crime is almost always white. Chinese triads and Japanese yakuza are the two exceptions.

We can always debate if the Latin American drug cartels and criminal organizations are white but they themselves do not identify with blacks. La Eme for example is a racist organization. Russian mafia gangs and the powerful Vory V Zakone brotherhood are white.

Italian organized crime is white : Napolitan Camorra, Sicilian cosa nostra mafia, Calbrian Ndragheta and Puglian Sacra, Corona Unita are all true blue Italian organizations all are white. Same goes with the US Cosa Nostra. In France there are strong Algerian immigrant gangs and organizations but the upper echelon of French organizations are white. European organized crime is white and forms a underworld web that beats black street gangs easily in power and money.

The only global black organized crime which has impact on greater scale is Nigerian organized crime. However, it is debatable how powerful it is. As they are black and they are dealing white racists thus are not allowed to have a piece of the pie of the real big crime scene. It has never the less its place on the global crime scene.

How do they affect you are any other white American or European and their safety ?

These real crime groups are responsible for the flow of drugs into USA and Europe. They are also players in the financial fraud scene. They smuggle weapons and supply the street criminals with weapons and drugs. They are the ones who operate together with corrupt officials and politicians. This has been documented for decades by now. Then, there are the Wall street jugglers who are also organized criminals and who are the main reason why the average white Americans and brits are in the deep shit, loose their homes, insurances.

They smuggle illegal DVDS, tobacco, clothing are involved in the sex trade, identity fraud, benefit fraud. You name they are in it.

You know nothing.
You don’t know the economics of the real big crime scene.

They affect to the security of the white middle class many many times more than any black street mugger or dope smoking gang banger.

There are no funds in the black ghetto areas which could pay up the money needed for the tons of drugs they import annually into USA and Europe. It's the huge white middle and upper classes that consume casually the majority of the narcotics. They have the capital for it. That is the economical fact. This is good to remember. The same goes for Europe too.

Not that I say that street crime is harmless or anything.

It has to be taken seriously too, but one has to remember the causes of it. Also one has to remember that black street gangs can not operate openly in the suburbia where as the white organized criminals live there in peace.

If you step away from only looking at the “classical” crimes that are abundant in impoverished portions of a society and look at any crime whatsoever (maybe excluding minor offenses like speeding and such), then you will see that blacks commit way less crimes that white people.
A while guy buying alcohol when he's underage doesn't put me in a wheelchair or a coffin. A bullet from a negro does. Nobody said whites don't do crime, but it's the negroes that stupidly do the crimes that don't benefit anyone and cause bodily harm. It's called violent crime. Are you seriously comparing illegal DVDs and tobacco to violent crime? Even speeding is more dangerous.

Well that same white guy drunk behind the wheel of a car can put you in a wheel chair or a coffin. Whiles lead in violent crime also.

Still propagating that lie?

I assume you meant "Whites".

That's not a lie.
Yawn. When they can't debate.........

Debate what ... You haven't debated anything as of yet ... You just stated your opinion (which for the most part is unfounded or incorrect).

If you want to debate ... Then explain what the principles in the OP mean to you.
Here's a hint ... Quoting the OP won't accomplish that ... And you are actually going to have to think (for yourself).

Whites are pretty much doing quite well.

Really? Ever visit the hills of Appalachia?

This has nothing to do with the thread topic.

You said whites are doing quite well. I assumed you were an expert! Apparently not!

Did any Blacks ever suffer more than Ukrainians did in the 1930's - 1940's?

About 4 million Ukrainians were killed in the 1930's in the Holodomor terror famine.
About 4 million more Ukrainians were killed in the 1940's fighting Nazi Germany
Millions more Ukrainians passed through Soviet Gulags, and Nazi slave labor camps in the 1930's - 1940's too.

Perhaps you start a thread about this and then we can join you to make you understand how much you don't know. Because this thread s not about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

I did start such a thread.

Who suffered the most?
Regardless, Asians on average have higher incomes than Whites in the U.S.A.
Therefor they are an example of success.

There is no regardless to it, it's a lie.

"Asian" encompasses a lot of countries.. For example India or Pakistan. Now maybe Japanese earn more on average than whites, but what about a Vietnamese, or Cambodian? A Pakistani? Filipino? Hmong? Mongolian?

Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.
There is no regardless to it, it's a lie.

"Asian" encompasses a lot of countries.. For example India or Pakistan. Now maybe Japanese earn more on average than whites, but what about a Vietnamese, or Cambodian? A Pakistani? Filipino? Hmong? Mongolian?

Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.

I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.
Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.

I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?
Yawn. When they can't debate.........

Debate what ... You haven't debated anything as of yet ... You just stated your opinion (which for the most part is unfounded or incorrect).

If you want to debate ... Then explain what the principles in the OP mean to you.
Here's a hint ... Quoting the OP won't accomplish that ... And you are actually going to have to think (for yourself).


No I posted an OP and today I gave you three articles to read along with one yesterday none of which you have read while summarily dismisding eerythng because you don't understand what being talked about and assume then you post your opinions.

You need o explain wathe prncipes in the aOP mean perioof beause write t he OP and as part ofthst explained
Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.

I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.

You really lack knowledge of history as it pertains to blacks or anyone else not white.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Kill the white people ... :dunno:

Why would you expect a reasonable discussion with an unrepentant racist like that?
I don't think he's a racist and we have had a fairly reasonable discussion, as far it goes.
What makes you think he's a racist? Where has he indicated he considers blacks to be superior?

Read the rest of his posts.
? You mean in other threads?
Does he have a split personality?

Same bullshit excuses and insistence on double standards. Read more and you'll see the pattern.
Nope there are no double standards here. There is a reality you cannot face. That is blacks and whites have not had the exact same experience so the reaction to the same things are going to be caused because of different reasons.

It is the exact definition of a double standard to act the same and insist on different responses. Come on now, try to be a little honest
..... person with a masters ......

You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

Well you sure are proud of your masters, but the main reason I talk about it here is that the white racists you ignore want to always tell me how we blacks need to get educated.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Kill the white people ... :dunno:

That wont help unless you get all of them. The us and europeans maintain their strangle hold on the resources in Africa. Yall full of shit if you expect me or any other Black person to actually believe something is wrong in Africa without whites being at the bottom of it.
And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.

I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

This is the question not one of these whites will never answer. But you will get stupid responses like t he person who quoted you and instead of recognizing the wrongs by whites that created the problems you are talking about, they post up kill the white people.
That's it? That's supposed to be intimidating? Just another empty denial of what everyone already knows about you? Underwhelming.

Everybody doesn't know anything. .

Everyone who has read your posts knows you are a filthy racist.

Seems you are unable to present anything where I have specifically said that blacks are superior to whites.

Do you really imagine that your persistent attempts at prescribing definitions is going unnoticed or will be effective? You're not smart enough to try and play semantics.

I'm smarter than you. .....

:lol: Maybe, but you're really lowering the bar.

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