Another perspective

I'll point out one country in Africa to try making a point.

I will ignore the 399 years of slavery and racism to mention Indians who cone to America most of them wealthy already to ask dumb questions.

We can discuss all this if you are man enough to start thread about it instead of trolling other threads with your dumb ass stormfront nonsense.

I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.
..... Of course expect that you will now claim you aren't white after declaring months ago you were........

Why the hell would I do that? You must have a very high opinion of yourself to think you're worth lying to.

Now maybe since you are so much more intelligent that me, the dumb person with a masters as to how its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of all crimes.
You have a Master's degree? Do you mind if I inquire as to your CV? I am genuinely curious.about the source of your orientation.

Why is it that I must always answer these questions?
I will say Colonization is to blame for the Black condition, even though there's many examples which prove otherwise.
Like why is Bermuda a rich colony of Britain, while Ethiopia is a poor country which never was colonized.

The poorest place in the Western hemisphere is Haiti, the only Blacks who were enslaved for far less.

In Africa South Africa colonized longer, and stronger, is wealthy by African standards.

But, but, colonization must be the culprit.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
..... Of course expect that you will now claim you aren't white after declaring months ago you were........

Why the hell would I do that? You must have a very high opinion of yourself to think you're worth lying to.

You've been lying this entire time so nothing would change if you had actually done this.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

This is the question not one of these whites will never answer. But you will get stupid responses like t he person who quoted you and instead of recognizing the wrongs by whites that created the problems you are talking about, they post up kill the white people.
First whites created the "races". Then they created IQ tests to prove they were smarter. Sounds like a whole heap of trouble. Must be because they have never been relevant and last to civilization. :laugh:

Because no one can tell a Swede, Chinese person, or Nigerian apart, it's all made up, huh, it must have been invented by Whitey. HAHAHA.

Oh, okay the Vinca Culture of Serbia had writing before Sumeria, and the Cucenti - Trypillian Culture of Ukraine had larger but earlier settlements than Sumeria, but this all proves how uncivilized early Europe must have been, sure.
If it was just that then it wouldnt be an issue. The problem was that whites were declared the best guessed it....the white guy that made up the races.

Then golly gee whiz. Whites started using that definition to proclaim themselves superior and as a rational for genocide and slavery.

So, Western European colonists were looting resources, out of genocidal hate, or greed?
Both. Whites cant take it that they need help. They have made up so much BS it will make your head spin. I particularly like how they taught for decades mankind started in europe. They were so eager to believe it they fell for the Piltdown man hoax.
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,
If you dont know the answers to those questions youre more illiterate than I thought. Tell me why whites own 90% of the resources in those countries still? If whites control most of the wealth in those countries and/or fund parties that keep the status quo one of mayhem and infighting by backing dictators, how do those countries normalize and get on the way to becoming great again?

Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
Youre superior at mayhem, colonizing, lying, and stealing. All hallmarks of an inferior culture. If you were really superior you could advance without our resources and help.
... If I strike back using the same type of terms they used them feel like they made me feel, then in your stupid ass opinion I am the same as them. ......

That does make you just like them, genius. It's exactly what some of them want, and you seem only too happy to obey.

No it does not.

Words have meanings whether you like it or not.

Ever notice it's the guy who throws the last punch who gets thrown out of the game? He may not like it, but he's got nothing to say.
..... Of course expect that you will now claim you aren't white after declaring months ago you were........

Why the hell would I do that? You must have a very high opinion of yourself to think you're worth lying to.

You've been lying this entire time so nothing would change if you had actually done this.


What have I lied about?

Now maybe since you are so much more intelligent that me, the dumb person with a masters as to how its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of all crimes.
You have a Master's degree? Do you mind if I inquire as to your CV? I am genuinely curious.about the source of your orientation.

Why is it that I must always answer these questions?

Why is it that you are afraid to?
Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
... If I strike back using the same type of terms they used them feel like they made me feel, then in your stupid ass opinion I am the same as them. ......

That does make you just like them, genius. It's exactly what some of them want, and you seem only too happy to obey.

No it does not.

It most certainly does. I'm sorry for you that you are unsatisfied with the English language, but words do have meanings.
Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
Youre superior at mayhem, colonizing, lying, and stealing. All hallmarks of an inferior culture. If you were really superior you could advance without our resources and help.

When did my Polish people do any of that, bozo the clown?
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?

What a steaming pile of shit.
Do you think Bermuda Blacks somehow are poorer than Haitian Blacks?
What evidence?
Bermuda's wealthy, Haiti's poor.
h Bermuda is much richer, and Bermuda is still a British colony, while Haiti has gone the longest, and well poorest in the Caribbean without being a White colony.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

Have you ever been to Africa?

Now maybe since you are so much more intelligent that me, the dumb person with a masters as to how its OK for whites to commit 70 percent of all crimes.
You have a Master's degree? Do you mind if I inquire as to your CV? I am genuinely curious.about the source of your orientation.

Why is it that I must always answer these questions?
You just have answered my question.
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
Youre superior at mayhem, colonizing, lying, and stealing. All hallmarks of an inferior culture. If you were really superior you could advance without our resources and help.

When did my Polish people do any of that, bozo the clown?
Here you go dummy.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia
Why is Haiti poor? Yes you are illiterate. Have you ever took the time to find out their natural resources? Have you ever took the time to educate yourself on the history of european countries directly acting against their ability to trade? You see they are being punished because they kicked Napoleans little white ass out of the country.

So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

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